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Ambulatory Anesthesia

Chapter by: Karlis, V; Bourell, L; Glickman, R
in: Management of Complications in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery by
pp. 2-24
CID: 840822

Principles of fixation with maxillofacial trauma

Chapter by: Karlis, Vasiliki; Patel, A; Glickman, Robert
in: Oral and maxillofacial trauma by Fonseca, Raymond J; Fonseca, Raymond J (Eds)
St. Louis, Mo. : Elsevier Saunders, 2012
pp. ?-?
ISBN: 1455705543
CID: 3830682

Diagnosis and management of pediatric salivary gland infections

Patel, Ashish; Karlis, Vasiliki
The incidence of salivary gland infections in the pediatric population is low but not infrequently seen in pediatric oral and maxillofacial surgery practices and hospital environs. With an ever increasing armamentarium of diagnostic tools and medical and surgical therapies, these patients can be managed successfully with minimum morbidity and decreased incidence of recurrences.
PMID: 19608051
ISSN: 1042-3699
CID: 156083

Eating disorders in the female patient: pathophysiology and treatment strategies

Miranda, Gayle Tutone; Karlis, Vasiliki
Eating disorders are common in girls and women. Two common eating disorders--anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa--have significant medical complications. Oral and maxillofacial surgeons must be cognizant of the signs, symptoms, and medical consequences of these disorders. The increased incidence of these diseases has implications in the surgical management the oral and maxillofacial surgery patient. A review of the literature and guidelines in the perioperative management of these surgical patients are presented in this article.
PMID: 18088876
ISSN: 1042-3699
CID: 156667

The recognition, physiology, and treatment of medication-induced methemoglobinemia: a case report [Case Report]

Turner, Michael D; Karlis, Vasiliki; Glickman, Robert S
Dapsone is a leprostatic agent commonly prescribed for the management of leprosy, malaria, and the immunosuppression-induced infections of Pneumocystis carinii and Toxoplasma gondii. In susceptible patients, methemoglobinemia, a potentially life-threatening event, can occur. We report a case of dapsone-induced methemoglobinemia which was observed during general anesthesia for the management of a fractured mandible. The pathophysiology, diagnosis, and management of dapsone-induced methemoglobinemia will be discussed.
PMID: 17900210
ISSN: 0003-3006
CID: 156646

Recognition and management of shock

Chapter by: Glickman, Robert S; Karlis, Vasiliki; Turner, Michael D
in: Oral and maxillofacial trauma by Fonseca, Raymond J (Ed)
St. Louis, Mo. : Elsevier Saunders, 2005
pp. 199-208
ISBN: 9780721601830
CID: 3830672

Temporomandibular joint disease : nonsurgical management of temporomandibular disorders

Chapter by: Karlis, Vasiliki; Glickman, Robert
in: Peterson's principles of oral and maxillofacial surgery by Miloro, Michael; Ghali, G. E; Larsen, Peter E; Waite, Peter [Eds]
Hamilton, Ont. ; London : B C Decker, 2004
pp. 949-961
ISBN: 9781550092349
CID: 276322

Management of the aging forehead: a review

Connor, M Scott; Karlis, Vasiliki; Ghali, G E
Aging in the upper third of the face manifests as rhytids and ptosis of the frontal, glabellar, and brow regions. Frown lines may occur even in younger individuals as a result of habitual or dynamic forehead muscular hyperactivity. Multiple treatment options have been advocated to address forehead rhytids and brow ptosis. This article reviews 3 of the more commonly used treatment options: collagen, botulinum toxin, and surgical forehead lifting. Additionally, an algorithm is proposed as a guideline for selecting the most appropriate option for a given condition.
PMID: 12789141
ISSN: 1079-2104
CID: 156561

Mandibular fracture as a complication of inferior alveolar nerve transposition and placement of endosseous implants: a case report [Case Report]

Karlis, Vasiliki; Bae, Richard D; Glickman, Robert S
Placement of endosseous implants and inferior alveolar nerve transposition is a treatment option for patients with an edentulous posterior mandible with inadequate bone height superior to the inferior alveolar canal. Complications associated with these procedures include infection, prolonged neurosensory disturbances, and/or pathologic fracture. This report presents the surgical management of a patient with a mandible fracture after inferior alveolar nerve transposition with concurrent placement of two endosseous implants.
PMID: 14560480
ISSN: 1056-6163
CID: 156562

A model to evaluate bone substitutes for immediate implant placement

Glickman, R S; Bae, R; Karlis, V
A calcified alloplast was evaluated as a gap-filling material around implants placed immediately into fresh extraction sockets. Periodontal measurements and computed tomography scans were obtained to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of the alloplast when compared with demineralized freeze-dried bone. To determine whether this alloplast would be a suitable grafting material, 14 patients were selected to evaluate the extraction socket as a model for routine histologic confirmation of the efficacy and biocompatibility of bone substitutes. The results of this study showed the following: (1) human extraction sockets can be models for the study of bone/implant interaction; (2) the alloplast was well tolerated and demonstrated no inflammation through histologic evaluation of core biopsies; (3) the alloplast was a suitable material when used as a gap-filling graft in sockets around immediately placed implants; and (4) dental computed tomography scans and periodontal measurements around grafted implants 6 months after the procedure provide valuable clinical information about graft healing and osteointegration.
PMID: 11665370
ISSN: 1056-6163
CID: 156560