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A case of hypereosinophilic syndrome with eosinophilic myocarditis secondary to nabumetone

Vissing, Andrew; Jain, Shivi; Bai, Charlotte; Ward, Nicholas
ISSN: 0976-3198
CID: 5431092

Bcl-2 maturation pattern in T-cells distinguishes thymic neoplasm/hyperplasia, T-lymphoblastic lymphoma, and reactive lymph nodes

Ward, Nicholas; Baqai, Junaid; Zehnpfennig, Alexandra; Fine, Nancy; Huang, James; Smith, Marc D
Anterior mediastinal biopsies consisting predominantly of small lymphocytes can be a diagnostic challenge, especially in small core biopsies. In these cases, immunophenotyping is often employed using flow cytometry, and/or immunohistochemistry. However, due the overlap in T-cell phenotype between thymic neoplasm/hyperplasia (THY), T-lymphoblastic lymphoma (T-LBL), and reactive lymph nodes (RLN), biopsies consisting predominantly of T-cells may still be difficult to differentiate. Previous studies have shown a specific CD3/bcl-2 staining pattern in thymic T cells of humans and mice using flow cytometry. However, the utility of this finding in distinguishing T-cells of THY, T-LBL, and RLN has not been carefully evaluated. Our findings show that the pattern of CD3/bcl-2 expression in thymic T-cells can be used to help diagnose anterior mediastinal biopsies, even when limited specimen is provided. © 2017 International Clinical Cytometry Society.
PMID: 28718205
ISSN: 1552-4957
CID: 5431052

Kikuchi Disease: The Great Masquerador - A Case Report and Review of the Literature

Humphreys, Sarah; Oikonomou, Katerina G; Ward, Nicholas; Aye, Myint
ISSN: 2471-8041
CID: 5431102