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Fully automatic extraction of the colon centerline and its impact on a virtual colonoscopy system [Meeting Abstract]
Bitter, I; Kaufman, A; Wax, M
ISSN: 0531-5131
CID: 2029982
Extracting colon lumen from CT images for virtual colonoscopy : method and validation
Chen, D; Liang, Z; Wax, Mark; Li, L; Kreeger, K; Li, Bin; Kaufman, A
ISSN: 1078-3849
CID: 2030132
Endoscopic view in virtual colonoscopy: Achieving complete surface visualization [Meeting Abstract]
Wax, MR; Kreeger, KA; Anderson, J
ISSN: 0033-8419
CID: 2030122
Do we see virtually all of the colon? [Meeting Abstract]
Wax, MR; Anderson, JC; Kreeger, KA; Dachille, F; Sato, M; Srikant, G; Pollack, BJ
ISSN: 0016-5085
CID: 2030112
A novel approach to extract colon lumen from CT images for virtual colonoscopy
Chen, D; Liang, Z; Wax, M R; Li, L; Li, B; Kaufman, A E
An automatic method has been developed for segmentation of abdominal computed tomography (CT) images for virtual colonoscopy obtained after a bowel preparation of a low-residue diet with ingested contrast solutions to enhance the image intensities of residual colonic materials. Removal of the enhanced materials was performed electronically by a computer algorithm. The method is a multistage approach that employs a modified self-adaptive on-line vector quantization technique for a low-level image classification and utilizes a region-growing strategy for a high-level feature extraction. The low-level classification labels each voxel based on statistical analysis of its three-dimensional intensity vectors consisting of nearby voxels. The high-level processing extracts the labeled stool, fluid and air voxels within the colon, and eliminates bone and lung voxels which have similar image intensities as the enhanced materials and air, but are physically separated from the colon. This method was evaluated by volunteer studies based on both objective and subjective criteria. The validation demonstrated that the method has a high reproducibility and repeatability and a small error due to partial volume effect. As a result of this electronic colon cleansing, routine physical bowel cleansing prior to virtual colonoscopy may not be necessary.
PMID: 11212370
ISSN: 0278-0062
CID: 2029872
3D virtual colonoscopy with real-time volume rendering [Meeting Abstract]
Wan, M; Li, W; Kreeger, K; Bitter, I; Kaufman, A; Liang, ZR; Chen, DQ; Wax, M
In our previous work, we developed a virtual colonoscopy system on a high-end 16-processor SGI Challenge with an expensive hardware graphics accelerator. The goal of this work is to port the system to a low cost PC in order to increase its availability for mass screening. Recently, Mitsubishi Electric has developed a volume-rendering PC board, called VolumePro, which includes 128 MB of RAM and vg500 rendering chip. The vg500 chip, based on Cube-4 technology, can render a 256(3) volume at 30 frames per second. High image quality of volume rendering inside the colon is guaranteed by the full lighting model and 3D interpolation supported by the vg500 chip. However, the VolunePro board is lacking some features required by our interactive colon navigation. First, VolumePro currently does not support perspective projection which is paramount for interior colon navigation. Second, the patient colon data is usually much larger than 2563 and cannot be rendered in real-time. In this paper, we present our solutions to these problems, including simulated perspective projection and axis aligned boxing techniques, and demonstrate the high performance of our virtual colonoscopy system on low cost PCs.
ISSN: 0277-786x
CID: 2029922
A tree-branch searching, multiresolution approach to skeletonization for virtual endoscopy [Meeting Abstract]
Chen, DQ; Li, B; Liang, ZR; Wan, M; Kaufman, A; Wax, M
One of the most important tasks for virtual endoscopy is path planning for viewing the lumen of hollow organs. For geometry complex objects, for example the lungs, it remains an unsolved problem. While alternative visualization modes have been proposed, for example, cutting and flattening the hollow wall, a skeleton of the lumen is still necessary as a reference for the cutting. A general-purpose skeletonization algorithm often generates redundant skeletons because of the local shape variation. In this study, a multistage skeletonization method for tree-like volumes, such as airway system, blood vessels, and colon, was presented. By appropriately defining the distance between voxels, the distance to the root from each voxel in the volume can be effectively determined with means of region growing techniques. The end points of all branches and the shortest path from each end point to the root can be extracted based on this distance map. A post-processing algorithm is applied to the shortest paths to remove redundant ones and to centralize the remained ones. The skeleton generated is one-voxel wide, along which every branch of the "tree" can be viewed. For effectively processing volume of large size, a modified multiresolution analysis was also developed to scale down the binary segmented volume. Tests on airway, vessel, and colon dataset were promising.
ISSN: 0277-786x
CID: 2029932
Automatic, accurate and robust colon centerline algorithm [Meeting Abstract]
Bitter, I; Sato, M; Bender, MA; Kaufman, A; Wan, M; Wax, MR
ISSN: 0033-8419
CID: 2029942
On segmentation of colon lumen for virtual colonoscopy [Meeting Abstract]
Liang, Z; Chen, D; Chiou, R; Li, B; Kaufman, A; Wax, M
Residual stool and fluid and wall collapses are problematic for virtual colonoscopy. Electronic colon cleansing techniques combining both bowel preparation and image processing were developed to segment the colon lumen from the abdominal computed tomographic (CT) images. This paper describes our bowel preparation and image segmentation techniques and presents some preliminary results. A feasibility study using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is also reported.
ISSN: 0277-786x
CID: 2029912
Volume rendering based interactive navigation within the human colon
Chapter by: Wan, M; Tang, Q; Kaufman, A; Liang, Z; Wax, Mark
in: Visualization '99 : proceedings : October 24-29, 1999, San Francisco, California by Ebert, David S; Gross, Markus; Hamann, Bernd [Eds]
New York, N.Y. : ACM Press ; Piscataway, N.J. : IEEE, 1999
pp. 397-400
ISBN: 9780780358997
CID: 2030102