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Colchicine Overdose: Challenges With Venoarterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation and Microaxial Flow Pump Support

Golob, Stephanie; Zhang, Robert S.; Medamana, John L.; Pires, Kyle D.; Cruz, Jennifer; Grossman, Jeremy; Biary, Rana; DiVita, Michael; Yuriditsky, Eugene
Colchicine has an expanding role in cardiovascular disease treatment. Colchicine overdose is a toxicologic emergency. Direct cellular toxicity interferes with myocardial contractility, leading to cardiovascular collapse. We present a case of a patient with a colchicine overdose supported with venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, highlighting the challenges and limitations.
ISSN: 2666-0849
CID: 5714582

Mitigating health disparities by improving access to catheter-based therapies for vulnerable patients with acute pulmonary embolism

Zhang, Robert S; Keller, Norma; Yuriditsky, Eugene; Bailey, Eric; Elbaum, Lindsay; Leiva, Orly; Greco, Allison A; Postelnicu, Radu; Li, Vincent; Hena, Kerry M; Mukherjee, Vikramjit; Hall, Sylvie F; Alviar, Carlos L; Bangalore, Sripal
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:This study explores the implementation and outcomes of catheter-based thrombectomy (CBT) for acute pulmonary embolism (PE) within a safety-net hospital (SNH), addressing a critical gap in the literature concerning CBT in underserved and vulnerable populations. METHODS:This is a retrospective study of patients undergoing CBT between October 2020 and January 2024 at a SNH. The primary outcome was 30-day all-cause mortality. RESULTS:A total of 107 patients (47.6 % female, mean age 58.4 years) underwent CBT for acute PE, with 23 (21.5 %) high-risk and 84 (78.5 %) intermediate-risk PE. Demographically, 64 % identified as Black, 10 % White, 19 % Hispanic or Latino, and 5 % Asian. In terms of insurance coverage, 50 % had private insurance or Medicare, 36 % had Medicaid, and 14 % were uninsured. Notably, 67 % of the patients resided in high poverty rate zip codes and 11 % were non-citizen non-residents. Over a median follow up period of 30 days, 6 (5.6 %) patients expired (all high-risk PE), 3 of whom presented with cardiac arrest. No patients who presented with intermediate-risk PE died at 30 days. There was no difference in 30-day mortality based on race, insurance type, poverty level or citizenship status. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Our study findings reveal no disparities in access or outcomes to CBT at our SNH, emphasizing the feasibility and success of implementing PERT and CBT at a SNH, offering a potential model to address healthcare disparities in acute PE on a broader scale.
PMID: 39353759
ISSN: 1878-0938
CID: 5743172

Comparing upfront catheter-based thrombectomy with alternative treatment strategies for clot-in-transit

Zhang, Robert S; Maqsood, Muhammad; Yuriditsky, Eugene; Zhang, Peter; Elbaum, Lindsay; Greco, Allison A; Mukherjee, Vikramjit; Postelnicu, Radu; Alviar, Carlos L; Bangalore, Sripal
PMID: 39172883
ISSN: 1557-2501
CID: 5680962

What every intensivist should know about…Systolic arterial pressure targets in shock

Yuriditsky, Eugene; Bakker, Jan
PMID: 38816174
ISSN: 1557-8615
CID: 5663882

Composite Pulmonary Embolism Shock Score and Risk of Adverse Outcomes in Patients With Pulmonary Embolism

Zhang, Robert S; Yuriditsky, Eugene; Zhang, Peter; Maqsood, Muhammad H; Amoroso, Nancy E; Maldonado, Thomas S; Xia, Yuhe; Horowitz, James M; Bangalore, Sripal
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:In hemodynamically stable patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE), the Composite Pulmonary Embolism Shock (CPES) score predicts normotensive shock. However, it is unknown if CPES predicts adverse clinical outcomes. The objective of this study was to determine whether the CPES score predicts in-hospital mortality, resuscitated cardiac arrest, or hemodynamic deterioration. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:Patients with acute intermediate-risk PE admitted from October 2016 to July 2019 were included. CPES was calculated for each patient. The primary outcome was a composite of in-hospital mortality, resuscitated cardiac arrest, or hemodynamic decompensation. Secondary outcomes included individual components of the primary outcome. The association of CPES with primary and secondary outcomes was evaluated. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:=0.005). CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:In patients with acute intermediate-risk PE, the CPES score effectively risk stratifies and prognosticates patients for the prediction of clinical events and provides incremental value over baseline demographics and European Society of Cardiology intermediate-risk subcategories.
PMID: 38994599
ISSN: 1941-7632
CID: 5680182

Relationship between the mixed venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide gradient and the cardiac index in acute pulmonary embolism

Yuriditsky, Eugene; Zhang, Robert S; Bakker, Jan; Horowitz, James M; Zhang, Peter; Bernard, Samuel; Greco, Allison A; Postelnicu, Radu; Mukherjee, Vikramjit; Hena, Kerry; Elbaum, Lindsay; Alviar, Carlos L; Keller, Norma M; Bangalore, Sripal
AIMS/OBJECTIVE:Among patients with acute pulmonary embolism (PE) undergoing mechanical thrombectomy, the cardiac index (CI) is frequently reduced even among those without a clinically apparent shock. The purpose of this study is to describe the mixed venous-to-arterial carbon dioxide gradient (CO2 gap), a surrogate of perfusion adequacy, among patients with acute PE undergoing mechanical thrombectomy. METHODS AND RESULTS/RESULTS:This was a single-centre retrospective study of consecutive patients with PE undergoing mechanical thrombectomy and simultaneous pulmonary artery catheterization over a 3-year period. Of 107 patients, 97 had simultaneous mixed venous and arterial blood gas measurements available. The CO2 gap was elevated (>6 mmHg) in 51% of the cohort and in 49% of patients with intermediate-risk PE. A reduced CI (≤2.2 L/min/m2) was associated with an increased odds [odds ratio = 7.9; 95% confidence interval (CI) 3.49-18.1, P < 0.001] for an elevated CO2 gap. There was an inverse relationship between the CI and the CO2 gap. For every 1 L/min/m2 decrease in the CI, the CO2 gap increased by 1.3 mmHg (P = 0.001). Among patients with an elevated baseline CO2 gap >6 mmHg, thrombectomy improved the CO2 gap, CI, and mixed venous oxygen saturation. When the CO2 gap was dichotomized above and below 6, there was no difference in the in-hospital mortality rate (9 vs. 0%; P = 0.10; hazard ratio: 1.24; 95% CI 0.97-1.60; P = 0.085). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Among patients with acute PE undergoing mechanical thrombectomy, the CO2 gap is abnormal in nearly 50% of patients and inversely related to the CI. Further studies should examine the relationship between markers of perfusion and outcomes in this population to refine risk stratification.
PMID: 38454794
ISSN: 2048-8734
CID: 5723232

Pericardiocentesis in Severe Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Guided by a Pulmonary Artery Catheter [Case Report]

Singh, Arushi; Mosarla, Ramya; Carroll, Kristen; Sulica, Roxana; Pashun, Raymond; Bangalore, Sripal; Yuriditsky, Eugene
Patients, often with underlying rheumatologic disease, may present with pericardial effusions in the setting of pulmonary hypertension (PHTN). Pericardial drainage in PHTN is associated with significant morbidity and mortality. We describe a patient with PHTN who developed cardiac tamponade that was managed safely and effectively with pulmonary artery catheter-guided pericardiocentesis.
PMID: 38984206
ISSN: 2666-0849
CID: 5732342

Physiology-Guided Resuscitation: Monitoring and Augmenting Perfusion during Cardiopulmonary Arrest

Bernard, Samuel; Pashun, Raymond A; Varma, Bhavya; Yuriditsky, Eugene
Given the high morbidity and mortality associated with cardiopulmonary arrest, there have been multiple trials aimed at better monitoring and augmenting coronary, cerebral, and systemic perfusion. This article aims to elucidate these interventions, first by detailing the physiology of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and the available tools for managing cardiopulmonary arrest, followed by an in-depth examination of the newest advances in the monitoring and delivery of advanced cardiac life support.
PMID: 38930056
ISSN: 2077-0383
CID: 5733252

Comparing Management Strategies in Patients With Clot-in-Transit

Zhang, Robert S; Yuriditsky, Eugene; Zhang, Peter; Elbaum, Lindsay; Bailey, Eric; Maqsood, Muhammad H; Postelnicu, Radu; Amoroso, Nancy E; Maldonado, Thomas S; Saric, Muhamed; Alviar, Carlos L; Horowitz, James M; Bangalore, Sripal
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:Clot-in-transit is associated with high mortality, but optimal management strategies remain uncertain. The aim of this study was to compare the outcomes of different treatment strategies in patients with clot-in-transit. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:This is a retrospective study of patients with documented clot-in-transit in the right heart on echocardiography across 2 institutions between January 2020 and October 2023. The primary outcome was a composite of in-hospital mortality, resuscitated cardiac arrest, or hemodynamic decompensation. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:=0.067). CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:In this study of CBT in patients with clot-in-transit, CBT or systemic thrombolysis was associated with a significantly lower rate of adverse clinical outcomes, including a lower rate of death compared with anticoagulation alone driven by the CBT group. CBT has the potential to improve outcomes. Further large-scale studies are needed to test these associations.
PMID: 38841833
ISSN: 1941-7632
CID: 5665552

Low left ventricular outflow tract velocity time integral predicts normotensive shock in patients with acute pulmonary embolism [Letter]

Zhang, Robert S; Yuriditsky, Eugene; Nayar, Ambika C; Elbaum, Lindsay; Greco, Allison A; Rhee, Aaron J; Mukherjee, Vikramjit; Keller, Norma; Alviar, Carlos L; Horowitz, James M; Bangalore, Sripal
In this study, we found that a low LVOT VTI (<15 cm), a simple bedside point-of-care measurement, predicts normotensive shock in patients with acute intermediate-risk PE.
PMID: 38670834
ISSN: 1097-6744
CID: 5657872