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Mammary lesions diagnosed as "papillary" by aspiration biopsy: 70 cases with follow-up

Simsir, Aylin; Waisman, Jerry; Thorner, Kim; Cangiarella, Joan
BACKGROUND: The authors reviewed smears from fine-needle aspiration biopsies (FNAB) diagnosed as 'papillary lesions' and correlated the cytologic findings with the final diagnoses at excision. The objective of the current study was to determine the accuracy of FNAB diagnosis of a papillary lesion in distinguishing true papillary from nonpapillary proliferations and to evaluate cytologic criteria for the distinction of papillomas from true papillary malignancies and their cytologic look-alikes. METHODS: The cytopathology database at the New York University Medical Center was searched for women who underwent surgical excision after a breast FNAB diagnosis of a papillary lesion. The FNAB smears and corresponding slides from excisional biopsies were reviewed. The smears were evaluated and graded for the following features: cellularity, architecture, presence of fibrovascular cores, single cells, columnar cells, cellular atypia, myoepithelial cells, foamy histiocytes, and apocrine cells. The F test was used to determine the statistical significance of differences between true benign papillary lesions (papilloma) and adenocarcinomas (in situ and invasive). RESULTS: At the time of excision, 46 (66 %) cases were benign (23 solitary intraductal papillomas, 6 intraductal papillomatosis, 11 examples of fibrocystic change, and 6 fibroadenomas) and 24 (34 %) were malignant (1 low-grade phyllodes tumor [PT], 23 ductal in situ and invasive carcinomas). Of the 23 carcinomas, 3 (13 %) were classified as benign papillary lesions on FNAB and 19 (86 %) were classified as either atypical or suspicious. One case of low- grade PT originally was classified as benign on FNAB. There were four false-negative diagnoses; two were due to sampling and two to interpretative errors. A portion of the lesions classified as papillary were fibroadenomas and examples of fibrocystic change on excision and all of these were correctly classified as benign on FNAB. Of the histologically proven papillomas, 62% were correctly classified as benign on FNAB and none were designated as being positive for malignancy. Statistically significant features of distinction between papillomas and carcinomas included cellularity (P = 0.016), cellular atypia (P = 0.0053), and the presence of cytologically bland columnar cells (P = 0.04). Low-grade ductal carcinoma in situ (cribriform and micropapillary types) and tubular carcinoma represented the most difficult differential diagnostic problems. CONCLUSIONS: A significant portion of lesions displaying a papillary pattern on FNAB are nonpapillary on follow-up. Among benign processes, fibrocystic change and fibroadenoma may closely simulate papilloma on cytology. However, in spite of the overlapping features of true papillary lesions and their cytologic look-alikes, the majority can be classified accurately into benign or atypical (and above) categories by FNAB. Lesions that fall short of a definitive benign diagnosis should be placed into an indeterminate category. This approach will guide the surgeon to provide better patient management
PMID: 12811856
ISSN: 0008-543x
CID: 44723

The use of cytochemical and immunocytochemical stains in distinguishing cirrhotic nodules from hepatocellular carcinoma on fine needle aspiration biopsy [Meeting Abstract]

Cangiarella, J; Tong, G; Theise, N; Yee, H; Chiriboga, L; Simsir, A
ISSN: 0023-6837
CID: 37142

Comparison of CD10 and renal cell carcinoma marker in diagnosing primary and metastatic renal cell carcinoma on fine needle aspiration biopsy [Meeting Abstract]

Cangiarella, J; Wei, XJ; Simsir, A; Yee, H; Chhieng, D
ISSN: 0023-6837
CID: 37143

ASCUS pap smear downgraded by a cytopathologist: Is there an increased risk for missing clinically significant lesions? [Meeting Abstract]

Simsir, A; Elgert, P; Cangiarella, J
ISSN: 0023-6837
CID: 37149

The use of cytochemical and immunocytochemical stains in distinguishing cirrhotic nodules from hepatocellular carcinoma on fine needle aspiration biopsy [Meeting Abstract]

Cangiarella, J; Tong, G; Theise, N; Yee, H; Chiriboga, L; Simsir, A
ISSN: 0893-3952
CID: 38512

Comparison of CD10 and renal cell carcinoma marker in diagnosing primary and metastatic renal cell carcinoma on fine needle aspiration biopsy [Meeting Abstract]

Cangiarella, J; Wei, XJ; Simsir, A; Yee, H; Chhieng, D
ISSN: 0893-3952
CID: 38513

ASCUS pap smear downgraded by a cytopathologist: Is there an increased risk for missing clinically significant lesions? [Meeting Abstract]

Simsir, A; Elgert, P; Cangiarella, J
ISSN: 0893-3952
CID: 38519

Multinodular thyroid gland: Is there a role for aspirating more than one nodule? [Meeting Abstract]

Oweity, T; Waisman, J; Moreira, A; Yee, J; Cangiarella, J
ISSN: 0893-3952
CID: 38522

Assessment of hormone receptor status and HER2 expression by fine needle aspiration biopsy in breast cancer [Meeting Abstract]

Hussain, M; Cangiarella, J; Volm, M; Harris, MN; Roses, DF; Berman, RS
ISSN: 1068-9265
CID: 38553

Metastatic "borderline" papillary ovarian tumor in an intramammary lymph node [Case Report]

Moreira, Andre L; Yao, Jorge; Waisman, Jerry; Cangiarella, Joan F
PMID: 12199761
ISSN: 1075-122x
CID: 34588