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Pediatrie Echocardiography: Applications and Limitations

Phoon, CKL; Divekar, A; Rutkowski, M
Echocardiography is an extraordinarily useful imaging technique in fetuses, infants, children, and adolescents. Recent technologic innovations have expanded its versatility in the pediatrie population. However, limited societal resources, limitations inherent to ultrasound imaging, and numerous imaging options even within the field of pediatrie echocardiography necessitate the discriminate and thoughtful use of echocardiography in children. The clinical assessment remains a critical prelude to echocardiographic examination of the pediatrie cardiovascular system
ISSN: 0045-9380
CID: 637632

Mathematic validation of a shorthand rule for calculating QTc

Phoon CK
The shorthand rule that the QTc will be normal if the QT interval is <1/2 the RR interval was mathematically validated. The rule was found to be applicable and useful, provided the heart rate is more than approximately 70 beats/min
PMID: 9708679
ISSN: 0002-9149
CID: 12083

Geometric mismatch of pulmonary and aortic anuli in children undergoing the Ross procedure: implications for surgical management and autograft valve function

Reddy VM; McElhinney DB; Phoon CK; Brook MM; Hanley FL
BACKGROUND: There is often substantial mismatch between the diameters of the pulmonary and aortic anuli in young patients with systemic outflow tract disease. To implant the autologous pulmonary valve in the aortic position under such circumstances, it is necessary to adapt the geometry of the systemic outflow tract. The effects of such adaptations on autograft function in children are not well known. METHODS: To determine factors predictive of autograft regurgitation, we analyzed 41 cases of children who have undergone the Ross procedure. The diameter of the pulmonary valve was greater (by at least 3 mm) than that of the aortic valve in 20 cases, equal (within 2 mm) in 12 cases, and less (by at least 3 mm) in nine cases, with differences ranging from +10 to -12 mm. In 12 patients with a larger pulmonary anulus, aortoventriculoplasty was used to correct the mismatch. In patients with a larger aortic anulus, the mismatch was corrected by gradual adjustment along the circumference of the autograft, rather than by tailoring of the native aortic anulus. RESULTS: At follow-up (median 31 months), two patients had undergone reoperation on the neoaortic valve for moderate regurgitation. In the remaining 38 cases, autograft regurgitation was as follows: none or trivial in 30, mild in seven, and moderate in one. There was no correlation between regurgitation and age, geometric mismatch, or previous or concurrent procedures. CONCLUSIONS: Subtle technical factors that may result in distortion of the valve complex are probably more important determinants of autograft regurgitation than are indication for repair, geometric mismatch, or previous or concomitant outflow tract procedures. Significant mismatch of the semilunar anuli is not a contraindication to the Ross procedure in children
PMID: 9628666
ISSN: 0022-5223
CID: 17990

The Olmec heart effigy revisited: a highly accurate, ancient depiction of the human heart [Comment]

Phoon CK
PMID: 9729889
ISSN: 0031-5982
CID: 7743

A guide to pediatric cardiovascular physical examination: or, how to survive an outreach clinic

Phoon, Colin K.L.
Philadelphia : Lippincott-Raven, 1998
Extent: x, 142 p.; 19cm.
ISBN: 0781710421
CID: 629

Conditions with right ventricular pressure and volume overload, and a small left ventricle: "hypoplastic" left ventricle or simply a squashed ventricle?

Phoon CK; Silverman NH
OBJECTIVES: We modeled the utility of preoperative potential left ventricular (LV) volume in predicting postoperative volume in conditions causing LV compression. BACKGROUND: With right ventricular (RV) overload lesions, LV 'hypoplasia' may be primarily due to compression by reverse septal bowing. If so, preoperative potential LV volume should correspond 1:1 with postoperative volume. The potential volume for a given endocardial circumference can be calculated from the maximal potential cross-sectional area (where A = circumference(2)/4pi) and LV length. METHODS: We studied echocardiographic variables from 22 patients with RV overload lesions perioperatively. RESULTS: Preoperative LV volume was 15.0 +/- 7.1 ml/m2 (59% of patients had a volume <15 ml/m2); potential volume was 20.0 +/- 9.8 ml/m2. Postoperative volume increased to 28.2 +/- 8.6 ml/m2 (100% of patients had a volume >15 ml/m2). Preoperative potential volume correlated well with, but generally underestimated, postoperative volume (r = 0.75, p < 0.0001). Postoperative increases in both LV circumference and length contributed to this discrepancy. CONCLUSIONS: In RV overload lesions, LV 'hypoplasia' is primarily due not to compression; rather it is due to underfilling. Even 'hypoplastic' ventricles can achieve an adequate cavity after operation normalizes loading conditions. Both true and potential preoperative volume can predict postoperative volume well. However, potential volume, which is less prone to underestimating ventricular adequacy, may better help to determine suitability for biventricular repair in lesions of RV overload associated with a 'hypoplastic' LV
PMID: 9362415
ISSN: 0735-1097
CID: 12229

Aberrant left coronary artery arising from the right sinus of Valsalva with a right coronary arteriovenous malformation [Case Report]

Phoon CK; Van Son J; Moore PA; Brook MM; Haas GS; Higgins CB
An 11-year-old boy presented with myocardial ischemia and was found to have an aberrant left main coronary artery from the right sinus of Valsalva coursing between the aorta and pulmonary artery, as well as a small arteriovenous malformation from a right atrial branch of the right coronary artery to the right atrium. Distinctive echocardiographic findings were supported by angiographic and magnetic resonance imaging studies. Treadmill and scintigraphic stress testing were normal. Corrective surgery was accomplished by a modified technique to unroof the intramural proximal course of the left coronary artery, without postoperative complications. The anatomy and pathophysiology of this rare coronary lesion are reviewed
PMID: 9270113
ISSN: 0172-0643
CID: 17991

Predicting feasibility of biventricular repair of right-dominant unbalanced atrioventricular canal

van Son JA; Phoon CK; Silverman NH; Haas GS
BACKGROUND: In right-dominant unbalanced atrioventricular (AV) canal, there are no criteria to judge adequacy of the left ventricle for biventricular repair. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that right ventricular volume overload in this condition results in right-to-left septal bowing and contributes to the appearance of a small left ventricle. METHODS: Five consecutive neonates and young infants (age range, 23 days to 5 months; median age, 3 months) with right-dominant unbalanced complete AV canal underwent biventricular repair. Preoperative and postoperative echocardiographic measurements of left (LV) and right ventricular size and AV valve component size were made. Potential LV volume was assessed preoperatively using a theoretic model that assumed a normalization of septal bowing. RESULTS: There was no perioperative mortality; 1 patient died 71 days postoperatively of problems related to the left AV valve. Preoperatively, all patients had severe LV hypoplasia, with a mean end-diastolic indexed true LV volume of 14.8 +/- 9.1 mL/m2, indexed potential LV volume of 32.0 +/- 18.8 mL/m2, left AV valve to total AV valve ratio of 0.30 +/- 0.06, and LV to right ventricular long-dimension ratio of 0.65 +/- 0.1. Postoperatively, all patients had indexed true LV volumes greater than 30 mL/m2 (mean volume, 35.6 +/- 3.9 mL/m2), and the left AV valve to total AV valve ratio and the LV to right ventricular long-dimension ratio increased to 0.42 +/- 0.03 and 0.88 +/- 0.11, respectively. Both preoperative potential and true LV volumes correlated well with postoperative true LV volumes: r = 0.90 (p = 0.040) and r = 0.93 (p = 0.023), respectively. Increases in LV length and left AV annulus size indicated contributions of volume loading and surgical patching to the right of the ventricular crest to the increase in LV size. CONCLUSIONS: In our small series, preoperative indexed potential LV volume of 15 mL/m2 or greater (present in all patients) allowed biventricular repair of right-dominant unbalanced AV canal. Any previous criteria for LV hypoplasia in this condition need to be reconsidered. This study also has implications for other right-sided volume-loaded lesions in which the left ventricle initially is judged to be hypoplastic but in which biventricular repair may be feasible
PMID: 9205164
ISSN: 0003-4975
CID: 17992

Digoxin's Minimal Inotropic Effect Is Not Limited by Sodium-Calcium Exchange in the Intact Immature Rabbit Heart

Phoon CK; Wu ST; Parmley WW
BACKGROUND: In the intact immature heart, how much digoxin can drive sodium-calcium exchange has not been studied in the context of sodium-calcium exchanger abundance. METHODS AND RESULTS: The effects of digoxin and low potassium on contractility in the intact, paced and isovolumically contracting immature rabbit heart were studied in both the absence and presence of L-type calcium channel blockade. Without calcium channel blockade, digoxin increased contractility minimally and only at 10(_6) M/L. In contrast, low potassium (2.2 mM/L) substantially increased contractility in all experiments, a result indicating abundant sodium-calcium exchanger activity. During nifedipine-induced calcium channel blockade, digoxin (10(_6) M/L) allowed modest recovery of contractility, whereas digoxin and low potassium together allowed complete recovery as assessed by dP/dt(max); however, all hearts so perfused subsequently developed ventricular fibrillation, presumably because of calcium overload. CONCLUSIONS: In intact immature rabbit heart, digoxin can drive sodium-calcium exchange and thus increase contractility to only a minimal extent. This effect does not appear to be limited by intrinsic exchanger activity, which appears abundant in this preparation. Rather, digoxin's inability to drive the sodium-calcium exchanger may be due to developmental differences in binding to the sodium pump. The sodium-calcium exchanger itself seems capable not only of providing enough intracellular calcium for normal contraction, but also of overloading the myocardium with calcium, despite L-type calcium channel blockade
PMID: 10684447
ISSN: 1074-2484
CID: 17986

Electrophysiologic study and radiofrequency ablation in patients with intracardiac tumors and accessory pathways: is the tumor the pathway? [Case Report]

Van Hare GF; Phoon CK; Munkenbeck F; Patel CR; Fink DL; Silverman NH
INTRODUCTION: There is a strong association of cardiac rhabdomyomas with the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome. This report describes the results of investigations in two patients with accessory pathway-mediated AV reciprocating tachycardia coexisting with intracardiac tumors. METHODS AND RESULTS: Two patients with intracardiac tumors had mapping of the accessory pathway. Echocardiograms obtained in the electrophysiology laboratory while the ablation catheter was at the site of successful radiofrequency ablation demonstrated a close correspondence between the site of intracardiac tumor and the location of the accessory pathway. CONCLUSIONS: These results lend support to the hypothesis that accessory pathways in patients with intracardiac tumors, such as rhabdomyomas, are not typical Kent bundles, but instead are either part of the intracardiac tumor or are closely related to the tumor. Ablation is possible in at least some patients with accessory pathways associated with intracardiac tumors
PMID: 8985809
ISSN: 1045-3873
CID: 17993