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Changing medicine to the bone [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
[...] my office mate, pulmonary expert Frank Adams, uses a subscription-based program with great success -- and a steep price tag. [...] the discussion of President Obama's plan to modernize this country's medical records -- a piece of his $787 billion stimulus plan -- has focused too much on the labor pangs and not enough on the baby
ISSN: 0734-7456
CID: 100541

THE UNREAL WORLD; Multiple issues with character's identity struggles [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
United States of Tara [Television Program] -- Is her description of different rooms in her head and 'something clicking' when she goes from one personality to the next believable? -- The reality Dissociative identity disorder (formerly known as multiple personality disorder) can result when a child with an unstable identity is subject to severe emotional trauma over an extended period of time, says Dr. Richard P. Kluft, a clinical professor of psychiatry at Temple University and a psychiatric consultant to 'The United States of Tara.'
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 100542

THE UNREAL WORLD; 'Private Practice' on shaky ground in tumor case [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Private Practice [Television Program] -- A CT scan of the brain shows that the mass has doubled in size in just a few weeks and that there are two additional lesions in the upper center of the brain (cortex). Because of the rapid growth and spread, the doctors suspect an infection rather than a tumor, and Archer recalls that he was in Zihuatanejo, Mexico, six months earlier and could have picked up a parasite
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 100543

Stars, lies and your health; When celebrities distort the truth about their illness, millions can suffer [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
The tragic death of teen Jett Travolta was a prime example. Media reports that he might have been neglected were unsubstantiated -- as well as cruel. At the same time, the family's statements linking the child's untimely death with the rare inflammatory condition of the arteries known as Kawasaki's disease were also misleading. That didn't entirely jive with the medical facts. Pancreatic cancer is the fourth-deadliest form of cancer, with only a five-per-cent, five-year survival rate. It's almost never curable without an extensive operation (known as a Wipple) that [Patrick Swayze] reportedly never had. Apple's Steve Jobs just took a leave of absence from his company. But he reassured his investors by proclaiming publicly that his progressive weight loss wasn't due to his pancreatic tumour recurring but was instead 'a hormone imbalance that has been 'robbing' me of the proteins my body needs to be healthy.'
ISSN: 0839-3222
CID: 100544

THE UNREAL WORLD; Breast cancer in men: Yes, it happens [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Nip/Tuck [Television Program] -- The disease is 100 times less common in men than in women, but as with women, mammography is a useful tool 'to distinguish benign from malignant tumors in men,' says Dr. Daniel Roses, director of surgical oncology at the NYU Langone Medical Center. Needle biopsy is usually the most reliable way of making the diagnosis of breast cancer, or distinguishing it from a benign swelling (gynecomastia) or lymph node
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 100545

Peanut butter problem isn't isolated We need to take a long hard look at how we raise, grow, handle and process our food [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
The source of the salmonella has been traced to industrial peanut butter and peanut butter paste made by Peanut Corporation of America, which was sold to other manufacturers and added to cookies and crackers, ice cream and dog treats.
ISSN: 0278-5587
CID: 100546

THE UNREAL WORLD; Facts don't add up in 'Seven'; Actually, Will Smith's character would run up against organ donor rules. [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Seven Pounds [Motion Picture] -- 'A lobe of the liver is about 2 pounds, but the kidney and a lobe of the lung are only a quarter-pound each, and the heart is only a pound,' says Dr. Lloyd Ratner, director of renal and pancreatic transplantation at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. In the real world, potential bone marrow donors are HLA (human leukocyte antigen) typed by DNA analysis before being entered into a national registry
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 100547

THE UNREAL WORLD; 'Mentalist' plays mind games [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Mentalist [Television Program] -- Joshua Greene, assistant professor of psychology at Harvard University, has used functional MRI scans of the brain to assess which areas are involved when moral and ethical dilemmas are considered
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 100548

THE UNREAL WORLD; Lawyer makes his case for treatment; An attorney with Alzheimer's fights all the way to the Supreme Court for an experimental drug. [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Boston Legal [Television Program] -- Can a patient live for years like this? -- The reality 'Alzheimer's disease causes characteristic metabolic patterns of deficits which can be detected by PET scans,' says Dr. P. Murali Doraiswamy, chief of biological psychiatry at Duke University
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 100549

THE UNREAL WORLD; Pot offers comfort but no cure for multiple sclerosis [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Eli Stone [Television Program] -- Cooper wants to begin a clinical trial using medical marijuana as a cure for his son, and he is petitioning the Drug Enforcement Administration to allow him to grow his own marijuana for medical purposes (this is legal in California but not under federal law)
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 100550