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Screw fixation compared to H-locking plate fixation for first metatarsocuneiform arthrodesis: a biomechanical study

Cohen, David A; Parks, Brent G; Schon, Lew C
BACKGROUND:Several different techniques have been used for fixation of first metatarsocuneiform (MTC) joint arthrodesis, a standard treatment for arthritis, instability, and deformity of the MTC joint. Improved plating systems using locking designs are now available, but no studies have yet compared this construct with other methods. We compared load to failure with a locking plate design versus standard crossed-screw fixation. METHODS:Ten matched pairs of fresh frozen cadaver feet were used. The bone density of each pair was measured with DEXA scanning. One foot of each pair was randomly assigned to have a dorsomedial Normed H titanium locking plate (Normed Medizin-Technik Vertriebs-GmbH, D-78501 Tuttlingen, Germany) applied to the first MTC joint. On the other foot of the pair, fixation of the first MTC joint was done with crossed ACE DePuy 4.0 (DePuy/Ace, Warsaw, IN) titanium cannulated screws. The first metatarsal and first cuneiform were then isolated and planted in an epoxy resin. The specimens were loaded to failure in a four-point bending configuration using a MTS Mini Bionix test frame (MTS Systems Corp., Eden Prairie, MN). Failure was defined as displacement of more than 3 mm at the arthrodesis site. The Student t-test was used to determine any observed differences, with significance set at p <or= 0.05. RESULTS:The mean maximal load to failure was 140.08 N (SD +/- 77.1) for screw fixation alone and 58.09 N (SD +/- 11.86) for the H-locking plate. This difference was statistically significant (p = 0.008). The mean stiffness of the construct for screw fixation alone was 83.10 N/mm (SD +/- 49.8) and 19.96 N/mm for the H-locking plate. This difference also was statistically significant (p = 0.004). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Screw fixation for first MTC arthrodesis created a stronger and stiffer construct than did the H-locking plate. This was likely due to the mechanical design of the implants. Compression across the MTC joint could be applied with the screws, but the plate relied on a fixed angle design with no compression.
PMID: 16309614
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3802212

Plantar-to-dorsal compared to dorsal-to-plantar screw fixation for proximal chevron osteotomy: a biomechanical analysis

Sharma, Krishn M; Parks, Brent G; Nguyen, Augustine; Schon, Lew C
BACKGROUND:A change in screw orientation in fixing the chevron proximal first metatarsal osteotomy was noted anecdotally to improve fixation strength. The authors hypothesized that plantar-to-dorsal screw orientation would be more stable than the conventional dorsal-to-plantar screw orientation for fixation of the chevron osteotomy. The purpose of this study was to determine if the load-to-failure and stiffness of the chevron type proximal first metatarsal osteotomy stabilized using plantar-to-dorsal screw fixation were greater than with the more conventional dorsal-to-plantar screw fixation method. METHODS:One foot from each of eight matched cadaver pairs was randomly assigned to one of two groups: 1) fixation with a dorsal-to-plantar lag screw or 2) fixation with a plantar-to-dorsal lag screw. A proximal chevron osteotomy was then created using standard technique and the metatarsal was fixed according to previously established method. The bone was potted in polyester resin, and the construct was fitted into a materials testing system machine in which load was applied to the plantar aspect of the metatarsal until failure. The two groups were compared using a two-tailed Student t test. RESULTS:The average load-to-failure and stiffness of the chevron osteotomy fixed with the plantar-to-dorsal lag screw were significantly greater (p < 0.05) than the group fixed with more conventional dorsal-to-plantar lag screws. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Plantar-to-dorsal screw orientation was more stable than the conventional dorsal-to-plantar screw orientation for fixation of the proximal chevron osteotomy. Plantar-to-dorsal screw orientation should be considered when using the chevron proximal first metatarsal osteotomy.
PMID: 16221459
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3802192

Effect of first metatarsal shortening and dorsiflexion osteotomies on forefoot plantar pressure in a cadaver model

Jung, Hung-Geun; Zaret, David I; Parks, Brent G; Schon, Lew C
BACKGROUND:Metatarsalgia of the second ray is a common problem associated with disorders of the first metatarsal. It also occurs after the operative treatment of those disorders. Plantar pressure changes from alteration of the static and dynamic structure of the forefoot may be associated with this condition. This study evaluated changes in plantar forefoot pressure especially under the second metatarsal head after three operative procedures on the first ray. METHODS:Each of 12 cadaver foot specimens was cyclically loaded on the servohydraulic MTS Mini Bionix test frame (MTS Systems Corp., Eden Prairie, MN) with traction on the Achilles tendon. Plantar forefoot pressure was measured by the F-scan system (Tekscan, Inc., S. Boston, MA) with the foot intact, after a first metatarsal base dorsal closing-wedge osteotomy with 5-mm base length to simulate dorsal malunion, and after 5-mm and 10-mm metatarsal shortening procedures. Paired Student t-test analysis was used to compare data for the intact foot with data after each intervention. One form of Bonferroni's correction was done to establish a new alpha level to tighten the analysis and to compensate for multiple paired Student t-tests. The significance level was calculated to be 0.016 based on an original alpha level of 0.05. RESULTS:As compared with the intact foot, all three procedures on the first metatarsal resulted in significant decreases in plantar pressure under the first metatarsal head (p < 0.016). Plantar pressure under the second metatarsal head increased significantly as compared with the intact foot (p < 0.016) after all three procedures. Pressures under the third-fourth metatarsal heads increased significantly compared with the intact foot after the 5-mm and 10-mm shortenings (p < 0.016). Plantar pressure under the fifth metatarsal did not change significantly after any of the three procedures. CONCLUSIONS:Dorsiflexion osteotomy and shortening of the first metatarsal are associated with significant forefoot plantar pressure changes in a cadaver model.
PMID: 16174506
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3802182

Biomechanical investigation of optimal fixation of isolated talonavicular joint fusion

Rosenfeld, Jonathan F; Parks, Brent G; Schon, Lew C
Despite reports of high nonunion rates for isolated talonavicular fusion, this procedure may be indicated for some patients, including those for whom increased stability of the talonavicular joint in triple arthrodesis is needed. In the biomechanical cadaveric study reported here, we evaluated fixation methods used to provide optimal stability of talonavicular arthrodesis. A physiologic 3-point loading model was used to measure dorsal displacement of the navicular on the talus with 1 or 2 cannulated 4.5-mm screws across the talonavicular joint both with and without one 7.3-mm cannulated screw across the subtalar joint. Statistically significant differences in displacement under cyclic loading to one-half body weight were found. Use of 2 talonavicular screws and no subtalar screw or 1 talonavicular screw plus 1 subtalar screw decreased the motion, as compared with use of 1 talonavicular screw and no subtalar screw.
PMID: 16250486
ISSN: 1078-4519
CID: 3802202

Supplementary axial Kirschner wire fixation for crescentic and Ludloff proximal metatarsal osteotomies: a biomechanical study

Jung, Hung-Geun; Guyton, Gregory P; Parks, Brent G; Title, Craig I; Dom, Karl J; Nguyen, Augustine; Schon, Lew C
BACKGROUND:Loss of reduction of proximal metatarsal osteotomies may result from poor bone quality, suboptimal fixation, and limitations inherent in the bony geometry of the osteotomy. This study evaluated the mechanical benefit of adding two supplementary Kirschner wires to the crescentic and Ludloff osteotomies. METHODS:Eleven and 10 matched pairs of cadaver foot specimens were used for the Ludloff and the proximal crescentic metatarsal osteotomies, respectively. Each metatarsal head specimen was then loaded to failure using a servohydraulic MTS Mini Bionix test frame (MTS Systems Corp, Eden Prairie, MN), and the failure gap was measured with an extensometer. To account for variable bone quality in the study specimens, the failure loads were normalized with the measured bone mineral density (BMD) values of the metatarsal specimens. A paired Student's t-test analysis was used to compare the failure loads between the specimens with the conventional osteotomies and the osteotomies supplemented with two axial Kirschner wires. RESULTS:The load-to-failure of the Ludloff osteotomy with two screws and with one proximal screw and two Kirschner wires was 858.5 N cm(2)/gm and 692.3 N cm(2)/gm, respectively (p > 0.05). The average load-to-failure of crescentic osteotomy with one screw and two axial Kirschner wires (458.8 N cm(2)/gm) was significantly higher than the strength of crescentic osteotomy fixed with one screw only (367.5 N cm(2)/gm) (p = 0.05). For the Ludloff osteotomy, 16 specimens (72.7%) failed by more than 2 mm of gapping. The crescentic osteotomy failures included 16 2-mm gap failures (80%). The Ludloff osteotomy showed a trend toward increased fixation stability as compared with both crescentic osteotomy constructs. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The use of two supplemental axial Kirschner wires offers a simple and effective means to improve the initial mechanical stability of the proximal crescentic osteotomy and can be used in the standard Ludloff osteotomy to replace the second screw when screw purchase is poor without significant loss of fixation strength. The possible advantage of Kirschner wire flexibility in restoring position after gapping of the osteotomy site should be investigated.
PMID: 16115419
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3802172

Clinical tip: stabilization of the proximal Ludloff osteotomy

Schon, Lew C; Dom, Karl J; Jung, Hung-Geun
PMID: 16045853
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3802162

The peroneal groove deepening procedure: a biomechanical study of pressure reduction

Title, Craig I; Jung, Hung-Geun; Parks, Brent G; Schon, Lew C
BACKGROUND:The goal of this study was to identify pressure changes throughout the peroneal groove after a groove deepening procedure. We hypothesized that pressures would decrease. METHODS:Twelve fresh-frozen foot and ankle specimens were used. A thin pressure strip containing four sensor pads was secured within the peroneal groove with pads 1 through 4 positioned at the calcaneofibular ligament (CFL) and at the distal, middle, and proximal groove, respectively. The midstance phase of gait was simulated with loads applied to the plantar foot and posterior tibial tendon and to the peroneus longus and brevis tendons. Pressures were recorded with the ankle in neutral, plantarflexion, dorsiflexion, inversion, and eversion. Groove deepening was done by osteotomizing the posterior fibular wall. Pressure readings were then recorded. Average pressures for each of the four sensor pads after the procedure were compared to those obtained before the procedure. RESULTS:The mean pressure overlying the CFL increased at all five ankle positions; however, these changes were not significant. Significant decreases in pressure were noted within the distal and middle groove at all ankle positions after the peroneal groove deepening procedure. Pressure within the proximal groove increased at all but one position, with a significant difference noted in neutral and plantarflexion. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Pressures within the middle and distal peroneal groove significantly decreased after a groove deepening procedure. Combining this technique with peroneal tendon debridement may be advantageous for treatment of partial peroneal tendon tears or recalcitrant peroneal tendinitis.
PMID: 15960909
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3802132

Results of an Internet survey determining the most frequently used ankle scores by AOFAS members

Lau, Johnny T C; Mahomed, Nizar M; Schon, Lew C
BACKGROUND:With technological advances in ankle arthroplasty, there has been parallel development in the outcome instruments used to assess the results of surgery. The literature recommends the use of valid, reliable, and responsive ankle scores, but the ankle scores commonly used in clinical practice remain undefined. METHODS:An internet survey of members of the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) was conducted to determine which three ankle scores they perceived as most commonly used in the literature, which ones they believe are validated, which ones they prefer, and which they use in practice. RESULTS:According to respondents, the three most commonly used scores were the AOFAS Ankle score, the Foot Function Index (FFI), and the Musculoskeletal Outcomes Data Evaluation and Management System (MODEMS). The respondents believed that the AOFAS Ankle score, FFI, and MODEMS were validated. The FFI and MODEMS are validated, but the AOFAS ankle score is not validated. CONCLUSIONS:Most respondents preferred using the AOFAS Ankle score. The use of the empirical AOFAS Ankle score continues among AOFAS members.
PMID: 15960915
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3802142

Three-dimensional reconstruction of magnetic resonance images of a displaced flexor hallucis longus tendon in hallux valgus

Sanders, Antal P; Weijers, René E; Snijders, Christiaan J; Schon, Lew C
By using three-dimensional magnetic resonance image reconstruction, lateral displacement of the flexor hallucis longus tendon and sesamoid bones was made clearly visible in a living patient. This finding supports a biomechanical model related to disturbed muscle balance at the first metatarsophalangeal joint, which could play an important role in the pathogenesis of hallux valgus and metatarsus primus varus.
PMID: 16037559
ISSN: 8750-7315
CID: 3802152

Clinical results with the Ludloff osteotomy for correction of adult hallux valgus

Chiodo, Christopher P; Schon, Lew C; Myerson, Mark S
BACKGROUND:Biomechanically, the Ludloff osteotomy fixed with lag screw compression has been shown to be more rigid than proximal crescentic and other proximal first metatarsal osteotomies for correction of symptomatic hallux valgus with a moderate to severe increase in the first intermetatarsal angle. The Ludloff osteotomy may, therefore, have a lower incidence of dorsal malunion and transfer metatarsalgia than other proximal first metatarsal osteotomies, such as the crescentic or chevron. METHODS:We reviewed the results of 82 consecutive cases of moderate to severe hallux valgus deformities corrected with the Ludloff oblique metaphyseal-diaphyseal osteotomy of the first metatarsal combined with a distal soft-tissue procedure and medial eminence resection. RESULTS:Follow-up was possible in 70 cases (85%) at an average of 30 months (range, 18 to 42 months). Preoperatively, the mean hallux valgus and first intermetatarsal angles were 31 degrees and 16 degrees, respectively. Postoperatively, these values improved to an average of 11 degrees and 7 degrees. In the sagittal plane, the first metatarsal was plantarflexed by an average of 1 mm, and there were no symptomatic transfer lesions of the second metatarsal. The mean AOFAS hindfoot score improved from 54 to 91 points. Complications included prominent hardware requiring removal (5), hallux varus (4), delayed union (3), superficial infection (3), and neuralgia (3). CONCLUSIONS:The use of the Ludloff oblique first metatarsal osteotomy resulted in excellent correction of the first intermetatarsal angle in patients with moderate to severe hallux valgus. With the plane of the osteotomy and rigidity of fixation, immediate ambulation was possible with minimal risk of dorsiflexion malunion of the first metatarsal.
PMID: 15363373
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3802122