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Medicine - The Unreal World: Weak tonic on 'House' [Newspaper Article]
Siegel, Marc
House [Television Program] -- Dr. Bernard Feigenbaum, assistant professor of allergy and immunology at New York University School of Medicine, says that a person can become allergic to any drug at any time even without a typical rash, but he adds that, anaphylactic shock almost always occurs within the first few hours after an exposure
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 80645
In Practice: Troubled messenger: When a patient tests HIV-positive, a doctor has to navigate state law and medical ethics. It can be a rocky path [Newspaper Article]
Siegel, Marc
[...] according to the American Medical Assn.'s code of ethics, 'If a physician knows that a seropositive individual is endangering a third party, the physician should, within the constraints of the law (1) attempt to persuade the infected patient to cease endangering the third party; (2) if persuasion fails, notify authorities; and (3) if the authorities take no action, notify the endangered third party.'
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 80771
Medicine - The Unreal World: 'Samantha' forgets to check the facts [Newspaper Article]
Siegel, Marc
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 80646
Medicine - The Unreal World: Down syndrome in a true light; 'The Memory Keeper's Daughter' contains mostly accurate details about a mild form of the condition. [Newspaper Article]
Siegel, Marc
Memory Keeper's Daughter [Television Program] -- The syndrome has characteristic physical features including epicanthic folds (extra skin on the inner side of the eyelid), a flat nose, up-slanted palpebral fissures (the eyes slant up), a low hairline in the back, small ears, a protruding tongue, brachycephaly (extra wide head), nuchal folds (skin folds at the back of the neck), a crease across the palm of the hand, and a curve of the fifth finger toward the fourth
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 80647
Medicine - The Unreal World: Fuzzy facts on kidney disease; 'Men in Trees' misses the mark with its short-term dialysis, a transplant procedure in Alaska and lax donor screening. [Newspaper Article]
Siegel, Marc
Men in Trees [Television Program] -- [...] though a patient with end-stage renal disease could lose consciousness due to uremia (a buildup of the nitrogen end-products from protein metabolism), 'this is a pretty unlikely scenario,' says Dr. Susan Lerner, assistant professor of surgery and a kidney transplant surgeon at Mount Sinai School of Medicine
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 80648
Siegel, Marc
The anti-viral flu drug, Tamiflu, was wrongly touted as a potential cure-all for the bird flu craze just two years ago, and its manufacturer, Roche, was ramping up to increase its supply at a time when H5N1 bird flu was responsible for the deaths of millions of birds in Asia but only a rare human being, and hadn't come to the US at all. None of the four anti-flu drugs currently on the market are cures. But these drugs when used judiciously can save lives
ISSN: 0025-7354
CID: 86167
Medicine - The Unreal World: Pill-abuse depiction is legit; 'Charlie Bartlett' prescribes the right pharmaceuticals for the right symptoms, but some drug reactions are off. [Newspaper Article]
Siegel, Marc
Charlie Bartlett [Motion Picture] -- Charlie obtains these medicines (which include the antidepressant Zoloft, the antianxiety pill Xanax and the stimulant Ritalin) by first reading up on psychiatric diagnoses and then feigning the classic symptoms on visits to a psychiatrist, who prescribes them. [...] the number of teens going into treatment for prescription drug abuse of pain medication has increased by more than 300% during the last 10 years, says the federal Drug and Alcohol Services Information System
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 80649
Medicine - The Unreal World: Good call on heart; If you're a woman at risk of heart disease, check into 'General Hospital' happily. The show gets it right. [Newspaper Article]
Siegel, Marc
ST segment elevations (an EKG change consistent with ongoing injury to the heart muscle) are classic signs of heart attacks, and the physician is right to call for acute coronary intervention (in which a catheter is threaded from an artery in the groin up to the tiny arteries that feed the heart), with a likely placement of a tiny stent. [...] Dr. Frederick Feit, director of the Cardiac Catheterization Lab at New York University Medical Center, says that the use of drug-coated stents during treatment for a heart attack is still controversial
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 80650
Siegel, Marc
Researchers at the National Institutes of Health released findings of the ACCORD study which appeared to show that driving blood sugar to low levels in diabetics leads to an increased rate of dying. Over 10,000 patients were studied, with 257 deaths in the intensive therapy group and 203 in the standard group. This study was quickly misinterpreted by many in the media as somehow signifying that diabetes drugs with the goal of lowering blood sugar are somehow unsafe
ISSN: 0025-7354
CID: 86168
Medicine - The Unreal World: Seeing isn't always believable in 'The Eye' [Newspaper Article]
Siegel, Marc
Eye [Motion Picture] -- Repopulating these conjunctiva cells with adult stem cells could make the ultimate corneal transplant successful where it failed before, since the cornea now has more viable tissue to attach to, says Dr. John Hofbauer, a clinical professor of ophthalmology at UCLA's Jules Stein Eye Institute
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 80651