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Minor Suture Fusion in Syndromic Craniosynostosis

Runyan, Christopher M; Xu, Wen; Alperovich, Michael; Massie, Jonathan P; Paek, Gina; Cohen, Benjamin A; Staffenberg, David A; Flores, Roberto L; Taylor, Jesse A
BACKGROUND: Infants with craniofacial dysostosis syndromes may present with midface abnormalities but without major (calvarial) suture synostosis and head shape anomalies. Delayed presentation of their calvarial phenotype is known as progressive postnatal craniosynostosis. Minor sutures/synchondroses are continuations of major sutures toward and within the skull base. The authors hypothesized that minor suture synostosis is present in infants with syndromic, progressive postnatal craniosynostosis, and is associated with major suture synostosis. METHODS: The authors performed a two-institution review of infants (<1 year) with syndromic craniosynostosis and available computed tomographic scans. Major (i.e., metopic, sagittal, coronal, and lambdoid) and minor suture/synchondrosis fusion was determined by two craniofacial surgeons and one radiologist using Mimics or Radiant software. RESULTS: Seventy-three patients with 84 scans were included. Those with FGFR2 mutations were more likely to lack any major suture fusion (OR, 19.0; p = 0.044). Minor suture fusion occurred more often in the posterior branch of the coronal arch (OR, 3.33; p < 0.001), squamosal arch (OR, 7.32; p < 0.001), and posterior intraoccipital synchondroses (OR, 15.84; p < 0.001), among FGFR2 versus other patients. Patients (n = 9) with multiple scans showed a pattern of minor suture fusion followed by increased minor and major suture synostosis. Over 84 percent of FGFR2 patients had minor suture fusion; however, six (13 percent) were identified with isolated major suture synostosis. CONCLUSIONS: Minor suture fusion occurs in most patients with FGFR2-related craniofacial dysostosis. Syndromic patients with patent calvarial sutures should be investigated for minor suture involvement. These data have important implications for the pathophysiology of skull growth and development in this select group of patients. CLINICAL QUESTION/LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: Risk, III.
PMID: 28574949
ISSN: 1529-4242
CID: 2702532

Distraction of the mandible

Chapter by: McCarthy, Joseph G.; Flores, Roberto L.
in: Craniofacial Distraction by
[S.l.] : Springer International Publishing, 2017
pp. 45-88
ISBN: 9783319525624
CID: 2796072

Distraction osteogenesis: Biologic and biomechanical principles

Chapter by: Runyan, Christopher M.; Flores, Roberto L.; McCarthy, Joseph G.
in: Craniofacial Distraction by
[S.l.] : Springer International Publishing, 2017
pp. 11-43
ISBN: 9783319525624
CID: 2796112

Distraction of the midface: Le fort III and monobloc

Chapter by: McCarthy, Joseph G.; Flores, Roberto L.
in: Craniofacial Distraction by
[S.l.] : Springer International Publishing, 2017
pp. 135-175
ISBN: 9783319525624
CID: 2796122

Variations in Databases Used to Assess Academic Output and Citation Impact [Letter]

Plana, Natalie M; Massie, Jonathan P; Bekisz, Jonathan M; Spore, Stuart; Diaz-Siso, J Rodrigo; Flores, Roberto L
PMID: 28636847
ISSN: 1533-4406
CID: 2603952

The technique for 3D printing patient-specific models for auricular reconstruction

Flores, Roberto L; Liss, Hannah; Raffaelli, Samuel; Humayun, Aiza; Khouri, Kimberly S; Coelho, Paulo G; Witek, Lukasz
PURPOSE: Currently, surgeons approach autogenous microtia repair by creating a two-dimensional (2D) tracing of the unaffected ear to approximate a three-dimensional (3D) construct, a difficult process. To address these shortcomings, this study introduces the fabrication of patient-specific, sterilizable 3D printed auricular model for autogenous auricular reconstruction. METHODS: A high-resolution 3D digital photograph was captured of the patient's unaffected ear and surrounding anatomic structures. The photographs were exported and uploaded into Amira, for transformation into a digital (.stl) model, which was imported into Blender, an open source software platform for digital modification of data. The unaffected auricle as digitally isolated and inverted to render a model for the contralateral side. The depths of the scapha, triangular fossa, and cymba were deepened to accentuate their contours. Extra relief was added to the helical root to further distinguish this structure. The ear was then digitally deconstructed and separated into its individual auricular components for reconstruction. The completed ear and its individual components were 3D printed using polylactic acid filament and sterilized following manufacturer specifications. RESULTS: The sterilized models were brought to the operating room to be utilized by the surgeon. The models allowed for more accurate anatomic measurements compared to 2D tracings, which reduced the degree of estimation required by surgeons. Approximately 20 g of the PLA filament were utilized for the construction of these models, yielding a total material cost of approximately $1. CONCLUSION: Using the methodology detailed in this report, as well as departmentally available resources (3D digital photography and 3D printing), a sterilizable, patient-specific, and inexpensive 3D auricular model was fabricated to be used intraoperatively. This technique of printing customized-to-patient models for surgeons to use as 'guides' shows great promise.
PMID: 28465028
ISSN: 1878-4119
CID: 2546542

Mandibular and maxillary cephalometric analysis of treacher collins syndrome (TCS) [Meeting Abstract]

Esenlik, E; Plana, N; Flores, R; Staffenberg, D; Shetye, P; McCarthy, J; Grayson, B
Background/Purpose: The aim of this study is to perform a cephalometric evaluation of the craniofacial skeleton of patients with TCS. Methods/Description: Retrospective single institution review of all patients (N= 104) with TCS and a preoperative cephalogram was conducted (30 patients). Patients were divided into three groups based on their ages: infancy (mean 0.62 yr; range:0.01-2.2 yrs) adolescence (mean 7.91 yr, range:5.18-11.26 yrs) and post adolescent-young adulthood (mean 17.04 yr; range:15.49-21.36 yrs). Right and left sides were evaluated separately if asymmetry was noted to be present (44 sides). The cephalometric variables were compared to Bolton and Moyers norms and also to each other using ANOVA and student's t-test. Results: All maxillary and mandibular measurements were significantly different from normative values with the exception of SNA and upper gonial angle (Na-Go-Me). SNB, SNPg angles were severely decreased and Pg (Pg-NB) was significantly retruded (p<0.001). Gonial angle (Ar-Go-Me) was significantly wider than normal as lower gonial angle (Ar-Go-Na) and antegonial angles were significantly increased (p<0.001) in all three age groups. There was no difference among the groups in terms of increased antegonial angles. All vertical plane angles (SN-MP, SN-GoGN, FH-MP, SN-PP, PP-MP) were increased significantly as well (p<0.001). Correspondingly, the ratio between lower anterior face height and total face height was significantly higher, while posterior face height to anterior face height was significantly decreased (p<0.001). More than half of the patients (N= 17/30) possessed a parasagittal symphyseal notch at the anterior surface of the chin. The depth and width of this notch were increased from infancy to adolescence (p<0.01). Accordingly, symphysis inclination (SN-Symp.) increased significantly over time (p<0.01). The maxillary posterior region showed decreased height (p<0.01). Our findings suggest that the maxillo-mandibular deformity demonstrates what we have termed a 'parasagittal orbito-maxillo-zygomatic cleft' which is aligned along the path of maximum mandibular atresia (diminished or missing coronoid, condylar processes and rami. Conclusions: When comparing cephalometric values in patients with TCS to Bolton and Moyers, all structures showed varying degrees of deformation or dislocation with the exception of maxillary sagittal position. These changes were most prevalent in the posterior maxillae, mandible, symphysis and antegonial area of the mandible. Certain skeletal changes did not show variance from infancy to adulthood, such as maxilla-mandibular angle and Wits value, however changes of the symphysis region became more severe over time. Further, soft tissue facial convexity increased severely in all growth periods
ISSN: 1545-1569
CID: 2682212

Digital-facial autotransplantation in amniotic band sequence: Evidence of the intrinsic theory [Meeting Abstract]

Runyan, C; Weinstein, B; Flores, R; Staffenberg, D; Gordon, C
Background/Purpose: Amniotic band sequence (ABS) is a complex congenital anomaly in which infants with no known genetic mutation have bands of maternal amniotic tissue wrapped around body parts, most commonly the limbs and digits. Two disparate theories attempt to explain the etiology of ABS. The extrinsic theory posits that disruption of the amnion is the primary event. The intrinsic theory suggests that the bands are the result of a fetal anomaly during development. Neither theory is widely accepted with proponents of both citing evidence to support their arguments. ABS is frequently associated with complex craniofacial clefting. We report a novel variation on this presentation, which strongly supports the intrinsic theory. Methods/Description: Three patients from two centers with complex craniofacial clefting and ABS were identified. The nature of the overlap of craniofacial clefting with banding phenotypes was characterized for each patient, with photographs, comprehensive physical exams, and Genetics evaluations. Results: The three patients presented with hypertelorism, plagioceph-aly, and different forms of complex craniofacial clefting: Patient 1-bilateral Tessier 2 with left Tessier 12 clefts, a left extrophic lacrimal duct and bilateral blindness, Patient 2-left Tessier 2 and right Tessier 3 clefts, Patient 3-right Tessier 12 cleft. Patient 1 had amniotic bands connecting the left extrophic lacrimal duct, left brow and left hand, with resultant complex acrosyndactyly. Patient 2 had partial amputations of the left 3rd-5th digits, and autotransplantation of 2 digits, with one along the ipsilateral Tessier 3 cleft and one on the parietal scalp, 2 cm above the left ear. Patient 3 had amputations of the 1st-4th digits of the right hand, and autotransplantation of a portion of an unspecified finger remnant onto the right brow. Conclusions: All three patients presented with amniotic bands connecting complex craniofacial clefts with ipsilateral digits, or amputated finger remnants reimplanted within ipsilateral clefts. This finding supports a model in which complex craniofacial clefts result in areas of exposed mesenchyme within the embryo. These exposed sticky areas are susceptible to adherence of ipsilateral fetal hands. In support of this possibility, facial and early digital development are temporally coincident, and these structures are anatomically adjacent early during embryogenesis. Exposed craniofacial mesenchyme also provides a surface for amniotic attachment, resulting in bands that lead to ABS, digital amputation and autotransplantation. An alternative extrinsic interpretation of this finding in which the amnion primarily ruptures is not supported, as this would have to occur around 8 weeks of embryonic development to cause the observed phenotypes. This is well before the amnion is likely to rupture from extrinsic forces. Therefore, these findings strongly suggest that development of amniotic bands occurs secondary to intrinsic fetal anomalies
ISSN: 1545-1569
CID: 2682142

Tenzel/schrudde deep plane cervicofacial flap reconstruction of the tessier #4 facial cleft [Meeting Abstract]

Flores, R; Runyan, C; Alperovich, M; Shetye, P; Lisman, R; Esenlik, E; Brecht, L; Zide, B
Background/Purpose: The reconstruction of the wide Tessier #4 cleft is classically limited by persistent lower lid ectropion/medical canthal disruption or the incorporation of unaesthetically located scars which violate the subunit border principle of facial reconstruction. We present a novel repair technique which: can be applied at infancy; does not require tissue expansion; restores stable lower eyelid and medial canthal position; and respects the subunit border principle of facial repair. Methods/Description: A neonate with a complete, wide, Tessier #4 facial cleft presents with an over 2/3rd lower eyelid loss. Presurgical tape therapy was applied to lengthen the lateral tissues transversely and vertically. A Tenzel flap extended to a Schrudde cervicofacial flap was planned to radically mobilize the lower eyelid to the medial canthus in a tension-free manner. A robust vascular supply was maintained to this large flap using a deep plane dissection. Results: Surgical repair was performed at 3 months of age. No tissue expansion was used. A Tenzel pattern flap was mobilized in the subcutaneous plane. This flap was raised in continuity with a Schrudde cervicofacial flap raised in the deep plane. Facial nerves were directly visualized and preserved during the operation. A conjunctival flap was raised from the floor of the orbit was used to reconstruct the posterior lamella of the lower eyelid. The Tenzel/Schrudde flap was rotated, without tension over the defect and to the nose/cheek junction. At the time of inset, there was redundant flap skin superiorly at the level of the lower eyelid and medially at the area of the medial canthus. This redundancy was incorporated into the reconstruction to prevent ectropion and medial canthus disruption. Suspensory sutures were applied to the infraorbital rim and pyriform aperture to prevent sagging of the flap. A Millard repair was used to reconstruct the lip at the level of the philtrum. The flap demonstrated 100% take despite radical mobilization. The final scar followed the philtral line, the nasal/cheek junction, the subcilliary line and the anterior auricular/retro auricular border. Lower eyelid and medial canthal position was stable after 6 months. Facial nerve function was preserved with this approach. Conclusions: A Tenzel/Schrudde deep-plane cervicofacial flap can be safely applied to infants with a wide Tessier #4 facial cleft. No tissue expansion is needed. This is the first repair technique which places final scars perfectly along the subunit borders of the face while preserving lower eyelid and medial canthal position, even in the patient with significant lower eyelid loss
ISSN: 1545-1569
CID: 2682152

Patient-specific 3D models for autogenous ear reconstruction [Meeting Abstract]

Witek, L; Khouri, K; Coelho, P; Flores, R
Background/Purpose: Autogenous ear reconstruction remains one of the most technically challenging procedures in plastic surgery. Current methods to autogenous ear construct design entail tracing the contralateral (unaffected) ear, if available, and using this 2 dimensional outline as a surgical model. This study explores the feasibility of creating in-house patient specific intraoperative 3D models of autogenous ear reconstruction. Methods/Description: A 3 dimensional photograph of the unaffected ear (3DMD, Atlanta, GA) of a patient with unilateral microtia was uploaded into Amira (FEI Company, Hillsboro, Oregon, USA) and transformed to a (.stl) digital model. After rendering the (.stl) model of the ear, it was imported into Blendere (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) where it was inverted along the vertical axis to create a working template of the contralateral ear. The depths of the scapha, triangular fossa and cymba were all deepened to accentuate these contours. Additional relief was added to the helical root to further define this structure. The final template was digitally separated to create the requisite auricular components for the Nagata technique reconstruction: helix; antihelical fold with the superior and inferior crus; base frame. The patient had an intact tragus. The helix was digitally straightened to optimize its use as a model. The complete auricular model and the separated auricular components were all individually 3D printed (Builder Premium 3D Printer, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands) using a polylactic acid filament and sterilized following the manufacturer's specifications (1218C for 1 hour and 30 minute dry cycle). Results: The total time of digital preparation was 5 hours. Total time of 3D printing was 5.5 hours. Total cost of manufacturing was $0.78. On the day of surgery these sterilized, patient-specific 3 dimensional models were brought to the operating room and placed on the back table with the ear sculpting tools and carving block. The sterilized models were placed on the cartilage grafts and the forms and relief of the cartilage construct was easily appreciated and incorporated into the cartilage shape. Compared to the classic auricular tracings also present during this surgery these 3D printed models contained more detailed anatomic information which eliminated much of the guesswork from auricular reconstruction and resulted in a more efficient and precise operation. Conclusions: Leveraging hardware, expertise and software platforms already existing within an academic medical center, affordable, sterilizable, patient-specific 3D auricular models can be manufactured and used during autogenous ear construction
ISSN: 1545-1569
CID: 2682172