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Sliding wedge local bone graft for midfoot arthrodesis
Schon, L C; Acevedo, J I; Mann, M R
PMID: 10353776
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3801842
Biomechanical evaluation of two different screw positions for fusion of the calcaneocuboid joint
Kann, J N; Parks, B G; Schon, L C
In triple arthrodesis performed for severe deformity and neuroarthropathy in poorly compliant patients with osteoporotic bone, fixation of the arthrodesis is critical. We biomechanically tested an alternative means of stabilization for calcaneocuboid fusions. In seven matched pairs of fresh-frozen cadaver feet, we removed the soft tissue from around the calcaneocuboid joint, except for the capsule, and we did not resect the articular cartilage. One joint of each pair was fixed with an oblique standard screw, and the contralateral joint was stabilized with an axial screw placed perpendicularly to the joint surface. Testing on an MTS Mini Bionix Test Frame (MTS Systems Corp., Eden Prairie, MN) demonstrated that the axial screw provided significantly higher initial stiffness and maximum load to failure. We concluded that an axial screw provided better fixation of the calcaneocuboid joint.
PMID: 9921770
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3803342
Schon, Lew C
Philadelphia : Saunders, 1999
Extent: VIII, 207 p. ; 24cm
ISBN: n/a
CID: 3803452
Histopathologic findings in autogenous saphenous vein graft wrapping for recurrent tarsal tunnel syndrome: a case report [Case Report]
Campbell, J T; Schon, L C; Burkhardt, L D
Autogenous saphenous vein graft wrapping of the tibial nerve has been described as an effective treatment option for failed tarsal tunnel decompression. Various theories have been proposed to explain how this method works, with little histologic evidence to date. A pathologic investigation of a sectioned nerve that had been previously wrapped provides some insight into these proposals.
PMID: 9840207
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3803332
Midfoot fusion technique for neuroarthropathic feet: biomechanical analysis and rationale
Marks, R M; Parks, B G; Schon, L C
To test the hypothesis that a plate applied to the plantar (tension) side of the medial midfoot provides stronger fixation than midfoot fusion with screw fixation, we biomechanically compared the two constructs for midfoot fusion. We created a model of midfoot instability in eight matched pairs of cadaver legs by section of joint capsule, ligaments, and tendons about Lisfranc's joints, and then performed a load-to-failure study to compare the fixation provided by a plantarly applied third tubular plate with that by cortical screws. After an initial load deformation curve to 1000 N was obtained, specimens were cyclically loaded at 200 to 750 N for 3000 cycles and then loaded to failure (screw pullout, fracture, or deformation >3 mm). Comparing the plantar plate and midfoot fusion with screw fixation constructs, a plate applied to the plantar (tension) aspect of the medial midfoot provides a stronger, sturdier construct than does midfoot fusion with screw fixation.
PMID: 9728696
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3803322
Radiographic and clinical classification of acquired midtarsus deformities
Schon, L C; Weinfeld, S B; Horton, G A; Resch, S
To develop a classification of midtarsus deformities, clinical examination and weightbearing radiographs were used to evaluate 131 feet in 109 patients (average age, 59+/-11 years) with those deformities. Patients were classified into four types based on anatomic location of the maximum deformity. Type I (N=43) showed deformity at the metatarsocuneiform joints medially and the fourth and fifth metatarsocuboid joints laterally, with plantarmedial and/or medial prominence. Type II (N= 60) had deformity at the naviculocuneiform joint medially and the fourth and fifth metatarsocuboid joints laterally; plantarlateral prominence was characteristic, although one-third had isolated or additional medial prominences. Type III (N=17) had major deformity in the perinavicular region, with a prominence plantarcentrally or plantarlaterally. Type IV (N=11) had deformity at the transverse tarsal joints with variable prominences. Each type was further subdivided into stages A, B, and C based on the severity of the deformity. In stage B, the midtarsus was coplanar with the metatarsocalcaneal plane. In stage A, the midtarsus was above this plane. In stage C, the midtarsus was below this plane. We concluded that midtarsus deformities can be classified as one of four types and one of three stages. Additional study is warranted to correlate this system with prognosis and treatment for this pathologic process.
PMID: 9677084
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3803302
A comparative mechanical analysis of the pointe shoe toe box. An in vitro study
Cunningham, B W; DiStefano, A F; Kirjanov, N A; Levine, S E; Schon, L C
Dancing en pointe requires the ballerina to stand on her toes, which are protected only by the pointe shoe toe box. This protection diminishes when the toe box loses its structural integrity. The objectives of this study were 1) to quantify the comparative structural static and fatigue properties of the pointe shoe toe box, and 2) to evaluate the preferred shoe characteristics as determined by a survey of local dancers. Five different pointe shoes (Capezio, Freed, Gaynor Minden, Leo's, and Grishko) were evaluated to quantify the static stiffness, static strength, and fatigue properties (cycles to failure) of the shoes. Under axial loading conditions, the Leo's shoe demonstrated the highest stiffness level, and the Freed shoe exhibited the least strength. Under vertical loading conditions, the Leo's and Freed shoes demonstrated the highest stiffness levels, and the Gaynor Minden and Freed shoes exhibited the highest strength. Fatigue testing highlighted the greatest differences among the five shoes, with the Gaynor Minden demonstrating the highest fatigue life. Dancers rated the top five shoe characteristics, in order of importance, as fit, comfort, box/platform shape, vamp shape, and durability and indicated that the "best" shoe is one that "feels right" and permits artistic maneuvers, not necessarily the strongest or most durable shoe.
PMID: 9689378
ISSN: 0363-5465
CID: 3803312
Tibiotalocalcaneal arthrodesis: anatomic and technical considerations
McGarvey, W C; Trevino, S G; Baxter, D E; Noble, P C; Schon, L C
In the first of this two-part cadaver investigation, we inserted a specially designed, pointed device (simulating a 12-mm nail) in an antegrade fashion in each of eight fresh-frozen cadaver tibial specimens; the tibial isthmus was used as a centralizing guide. The exit point was noted, and the specimen was dissected to identify the structures at risk. In all specimens, we found that the device placed the lateral plantar artery and nerve at risk (average minimal distance from device to structure, 0 mm) and that damage to the flexor hallucis brevis and plantar fascia occurred. In addition, in six of the eight specimens, the device skewered or skived the flexor hallucis longus tendon. We also noted that in each specimen the exit point was the sustentaculum tali, not the body of the calcaneus as expected. Thus, there was less calcaneal bone-to-rod interface for stability, and distal locking would be less effective in the lateral-to-medial direction because of the lack of medial bone stock. On the basis of the results of the first portion of the study, we investigated an alternative approach to retrograde tibial nailing to reduce the risk of injury to the plantar and medial structures of the foot. We performed a medial malleolar resection, medially displaced the talus, inserted the device in an antegrade fashion, and dissected the specimens to analyze the structures at risk. We found that malleolar resection and medial translation of the distal extremity an average of 9.3 mm (range, 7-11 mm) increased the average minimal distance from the tip of the device to the neurovascular bundle to 18.4 mm (range, 14-32 mm). We also found that there was no damage to the flexor hallucis longus and that all eight specimens demonstrated bony contact completely surrounding the nail device within the tuberosity portion of the calcaneus (assessed by postoperative radiographs). The results of this study suggest that malleolar resection and medial translation of the distal extremity before retrograde nailing of the tibia may reduce the risk of vital structure injury and enhance the rigidity of the fixation.
PMID: 9677078
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3803292
A new modified technique for harvest of calcaneal bone grafts in surgery on the foot and ankle
Biddinger, K R; Komenda, G A; Schon, L C; Myerson, M S
Reported sites for retrieval of cancellous bone for grafts include the iliac crest, greater trochanter, proximal tibia, and distal tibia. A new lateral technique for retrieval of cancellous bone from the calcaneus is evaluated through anatomic review, quantitative analysis, and retrospective clinical assessment. Of 22 patients managed with this technique over a 2-year period, 17 returned for an evaluation by questionnaire, physical examination, and radiographic follow-up at an average of 7 months after surgery (range, 4-16 months). Complaints/complications were minor: three had minor incisional symptoms, five had medial heel pain (3 caused by plantar fasciitis), and one had unchanged preoperative heel pain secondary to clubfoot deformity. Compared with more extensive bone-grafting procedures, this procedure offers the advantages of bone harvested under local anesthesia using a readily accessible ipsilateral extremity and producing minor complications.
PMID: 9622424
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3803282
Mechanical comparison of biplanar proximal closing wedge osteotomy with plantar plate fixation versus crescentic osteotomy with screw fixation for the correction of metatarsus primus varus
Campbell, J T; Schon, L C; Parks, B G; Wang, Y; Berger, B I
Proximal crescentic metatarsal osteotomy is a clinically successful technique for correcting metatarsus primus varus in hallux valgus surgery. However, there have been instances of dorsal elevation of the metatarsal head with this technique. Mechanical testing on 10 matched pairs of cadaver feet was performed to evaluate a new technique combining a biplanar closing wedge osteotomy and plantar plate fixation versus crescentic metatarsal osteotomy. The specimens were tested in cantilever-bending mode on an MTS Mini Bionix test frame. The mean load-to-failure values were 127.2 +/- 81.9 N (SD) for biplanar osteotomy with plate fixation and 44.9 +/- 43.3 N for crescentic osteotomy (P = 0.019); the mean stiffness values at the initial portion of the load-deflection curve were 83.11 +/- 73.76 N/mm and 31.95 +/- 43.00 N/mm, respectively (P = 0.012). The biplanar wedge osteotomy with plantar plate fixation demonstrated significantly stronger fixation than the crescentic osteotomy, with higher mean load-to-failure and stiffness values. This newly described technique may provide an acceptable alternative for patients at risk for dorsal elevation of the metatarsal, particularly those who are noncompliant or have osteopenia. Clinical study will determine whether this new technique offers satisfactory long-term results.
PMID: 9622419
ISSN: 1071-1007
CID: 3803272