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Letters to the Editor [Letter]

Albom, MJ
ISSN: 0097-9716
CID: 2293582

Dr. Albom's reply

Albom, MJ
ISSN: 0097-9716
CID: 2293622

Closure of excisional wounds with "H" flaps

Albom MJ
PMID: 770535
ISSN: 0097-9716
CID: 16092

Surgery of sebaceous cysts

Albom MJ
PMID: 1223167
ISSN: 0097-9716
CID: 16093

Mohs' surgery--fresh tissue technique

Robins P; Albom MJ
PMID: 1223151
ISSN: 0097-9716
CID: 16095

Facial surgery and local anesthesia

Albom MJ
PMID: 1223159
ISSN: 0097-9716
CID: 16094

Surgery of the ear and lip

Albom MJ
PMID: 770530
ISSN: 0097-9716
CID: 16097

Recurrent basal cell carcinomas in young women [Case Report]

Robins P; Albom MJ
PMID: 1223147
ISSN: 0097-9716
CID: 16096