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Blacksburg, Seth; Sheu, Ren-Dih; Demircioglu, Gizem; Mirza, Awais; Carpenter, Todd; Morgenstern, Jason; Witten, Matthew; Mendez, Christopher; Katz, Aaron; Endres, Paul; Oshinsky, Gary; Lumerman, Jeffrey; Shepard, Barry; D\Esposito, Robert; Edelman, Robert; Gershbaum, Meyer David; Nejat, Robert; Haas, Jonathan
ISSN: 0022-5347
CID: 4610332

Positive Family History Does Not Affect Disease Free Survival for Men Treated with SBRT for Localized Prostate Cancer [Meeting Abstract]

Blacksburg, S. R.; Peters, C. A.; Carpenter, T. J.; Demircioglu, G.; Mirza, A.; Witten, M. R.; Mendez, C.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4111962

An Eighteen-Year Longitudinal Analysis of Accepted Prostate Cancer Presentations at the Annual ASTRO Meeting (2000-2017): Historical Trends In SBRT Technique Composition [Meeting Abstract]

Blacksburg, S. R.; Powers, A. R.; Carpenter, T. J.; Demircioglu, G.; Mirza, A.; Witten, M. R.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4111322

Predictors of Rectal Toxicity in Patients Receiving Prostate SBRT: The Effect of Intrafraction Rotation [Meeting Abstract]

Blacksburg, S. R.; Sheu, R.; Carpenter, T. J.; Demircioglu, G.; Mirza, A.; Coakley, M.; Mieles, M.; Murray, A. O.; Mendez, C.; Witten, M. R.; Garbus, J.; Pappas, D.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4111342

Prior Transurethral Resection Of The Prostate Does Not Predict For Grade 2+Urinary Toxicity in Men Receiving Modest Dosing SBRT for Prostate Cancer [Meeting Abstract]

Blacksburg, S. R.; Sheu, R.; Carpenter, T. J.; Demircioglu, G.; Mirza, A.; Mendez, C.; Witten, M. R.; Katz, A. E.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4111352

Assessing the Impact of Increased Dose Rate Output on Bladder and Rectal Quality of Life in Men Treated with Definitive SBRT for Localized Prostate Cancer [Meeting Abstract]

Demircioglu, G.; Haas, J. A.; Mirza, A.; Witten, M. R.; Carpenter, T. J.; Mendez, C.; Coakley, M.; Mieles, M.; Murray, A. O.; Blacksburg, S. R.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4112012

Evidence of Stage Migration to Higher Risk Prostate Cancer and its Financial Implications in a Single Institution [Meeting Abstract]

Haas, J. A.; Mendez, C.; Sanchez, A.; Mirza, A.; Carpenter, T. J.; Witten, M. R.; Demircioglu, G.; Katz, A. E.; Repka, M. C.; Blacksburg, S. R.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4111992

Demographic and Pharmaceutical Predictors of Unfavorable Prostate Cancer [Meeting Abstract]

Blacksburg, S. R.; Demircioglu, G.; Carpenter, T. J.; Mirza, A.; Witten, M. R.; Mendez, C.; Katz, A. E.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 4111982

Grade 2+Bladder Toxicity in Patients Receiving SBRT for Prostate Cancer: Incidence and Dosimetric Characterization in a Large Patient Cohort [Meeting Abstract]

Blacksburg, S. R.; Sheu, R.; Demircioglu, G.; Mirza, A.; Carpenter, T. J.; Morgenstern, J.; Witten, M. R.; Mendez, C.; Katz, A. E.; Endres, P.; Oshinsky, G.; Lumerman, J.; Shepard, B.; D'Esposito, R.; Edelman, R.; Gershbaum, M. D.; Nejat, R.; Haas, J. A.
ISSN: 0360-3016
CID: 3493572

A Reference Architecture for Secure Medical Devices

Harp, Steven; Carpenter, Todd; Hatcliff, John
We propose a reference architecture aimed at supporting the safety and security of medical devices. The ISOSCELES (Intrinsically Secure, Open, and Safe Cyber-Physically Enabled, Life-Critical Essential Services) architecture is justified by a collection of design principles that leverage recent advances in software component isolation based on hypervisor and other separation technologies. The instantiation of the architecture for particular medical devices is supported by a development process based on Architecture Analysis and Design Language. The architecture models support safety and security analysis as part of a broader risk management framework. The models also can be used to derive skeletons of the device software and to configure the platform's separation policies and an extensive set of services. We are developing prototypes of the architecture and example medical device instantiations on low-cost boards that can be used in product solutions. The prototype and supporting development and assurance artifacts are being released under an open-source license.
PMID: 30260670
ISSN: 0899-8205
CID: 3498562