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Parent Perspectives on Participation in Family-Centered Rounds and Informational Resource Use

Glick, Alexander F; Goonan, Michael; Sherman, Jacob; Sandmeyer, Diana; Gold-von Simson, Gabrielle
Objectives: Family-centered rounds (FCR) can improve communication and patient/family engagement. While use of informational resources (e.g., tablets, computers on wheels, paper notes) can guide FCR, there are limited data concerning parental perspectives on how use of these resources during FCR, or other factors, affect their engagement. Our objectives were to examine parental perspectives on factors that affect their participation during FCR and preferences for informational resources used. Methods: We performed a cross-sectional study with English-speaking parents (n = 200), of pediatric inpatients at an academic medical center, present during FCR. We surveyed parents to ascertain factors they believed affect their engagement during FCR. We asked about their preferences regarding informational resources used by the medical team. Responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Parents described their reasoning behind resource preferences, and we categorized these responses. Results: Parents reported that participation was affected by: clarity of the medical team's explanations (78.5%), understanding the information (75.5%), the child's health (74.5%), and being asked for their input (71%). Few (25%) parents believed the informational resource affects participation. Tablets were the preferred resource (24%) due to portability and ease of use, although 56% of parents had no preference. Conclusions: Parents of hospitalized children placed importance on delivery of clear information and an "invitation" to participate during FCR. The resource used by the team was less important, although tablets were most preferred. Next steps are to examine factors associated with objective measures of participation and further study FCR in families with limited English proficiency.
PMID: 32695734
ISSN: 2296-2360
CID: 4532362

Discharge Instruction Comprehension and Adherence Errors: Interrelationship Between Plan Complexity and Parent Health Literacy

Glick, Alexander F; Farkas, Jonathan S; Mendelsohn, Alan L; Fierman, Arthur H; Tomopoulos, Suzy; Rosenberg, Rebecca E; Dreyer, Benard P; Melgar, Jennifer; Varriano, John; Yin, H Shonna
OBJECTIVE:To examine associations between parent health literacy, discharge plan complexity, and parent comprehension of and adherence to inpatient discharge instructions. STUDY DESIGN/METHODS:This was a prospective cohort study of English/Spanish-speaking parents (n = 165) of children ≤12 years discharged on ≥1 daily medication from an urban, public hospital. Outcome variables were parent comprehension (survey) of and adherence (survey, in-person dosing assessment, chart review) to discharge instructions. Predictor variables included low parent health literacy (Newest Vital Sign score 0-3) and plan complexity. Generalized estimating equations were used to account for the assessment of multiple types of comprehension and adherence errors for each subject, adjusting for ethnicity, language, child age, length of stay, and chronic disease status. Similar analyses were performed to assess for mediation and moderation. RESULTS:Error rates were highest for comprehension of medication side effects (50%), adherence to medication dose (34%), and return precaution (78%) instructions. Comprehension errors were associated with adherence errors (aOR, 8.7; 95% CI, 5.9-12.9). Discharge plan complexity was associated with comprehension (aOR, 7.0; 95% CI, 5.4-9.1) and adherence (aOR, 5.5; 95% CI, 4.0-7.6) errors. Low health literacy was indirectly associated with adherence errors through comprehension errors. The association between plan complexity and comprehension errors was greater in parents with low (aOR, 8.3; 95% CI, 6.2-11.2) compared with adequate (aOR, 3.8; 95% CI, 2.2-6.5) health literacy (interaction term P = .004). CONCLUSIONS:Parent health literacy and discharge plan complexity play key roles in comprehension and adherence errors. Future work will focus on the development of health literacy-informed interventions to promote discharge plan comprehension.
PMID: 31253406
ISSN: 1097-6833
CID: 3964002

Health Literacy in the Inpatient Setting: Implications for Patient Care and Patient Safety

Glick, Alexander F; Brach, Cindy; Yin, Hsiang Shonna; Dreyer, Benard P
Health literacy plays a role in the events leading up to children's hospitalizations, during hospital admission, and after discharge. Hospitals and providers should use a universal precautions approach and routinely incorporate health-literacy-informed strategies in communicating with all patients and families to ensure that they can understand health information, follow medical instructions, participate actively in their own/their child's care, and successfully navigate the health care system. Interventions that incorporate health-literacy-informed strategies and that target patients/families and health care systems should be implemented to improve patient outcomes and patient-centered and family-centered care.
PMID: 31230624
ISSN: 1557-8240
CID: 3943532

Health Literacy: Implications for Child Health

Morrison, Andrea K; Glick, Alexander; Yin, H Shonna
Health literacy is an important issue to consider in the provision of health-care to children. Similar to the adult population, most parents face health literacy challenges. Of particular concern, 1 in 4 parents have low health literacy, greatly affecting their ability to use health information to make health decisions for their child. High expectations are placed on parents and children to achieve effective disease management and positive health outcomes in the context of complex health-care systems and disease treatment regimens. Low health literacy affects parent acquisition of knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors, as well as child health outcomes across the domains of disease prevention, acute illness care, and chronic illness care. The effect of low health literacy is wide ranging, including 1) poor nutrition knowledge and behaviors, 2) higher obesity rates, 3) more medication errors, 4) more emergency department use, and 5) poor asthma knowledge, behaviors, and outcomes. Health-care providers can mitigate the effects of health literacy by seeking to align health-care demands with the health literacy skills of families. Effective health literacy-informed interventions provide insights into methods that can be used by providers and health systems to improve health outcomes. Health literacy-informed communication strategies should be used with all families in a "universal precautions approach" because all parents likely benefit from clear communication. As scientific advances are made in disease prevention and management, unless families understand how to follow provider recommendations, the benefit of these advances will not be realized and disparities in outcomes will be exacerbated.
PMID: 31152099
ISSN: 1526-3347
CID: 3923162

Association Between Outdoor Air Pollution Levels and Inpatient Outcomes in Pediatric Pneumonia Hospitalizations, 2007 to 2008

Glick, Alexander F; Tomopoulos, Suzy; Fierman, Arthur H; Elixhauser, Anne; Trasande, Leonardo
OBJECTIVE:) and outcomes related to disease severity. METHODS:levels (predictors) from the patient's ZIP Code (not publicly available) from day of admission. Outcomes were mortality, intubation, length of stay (LOS), and total costs. We calculated weighted national estimates and performed multivariable analyses adjusting for sociodemographic and hospital factors. RESULTS:levels were associated with increased odds of intubation. CONCLUSIONS:were associated with more severe presentations of pneumonia. Future work should examine these relationships in more recent years and over a longer time period.
PMID: 30543871
ISSN: 1876-2867
CID: 3679182

Parental Management of Discharge Instructions: A Systematic Review

Glick, Alexander F; Farkas, Jonathan S; Nicholson, Joseph; Dreyer, Benard P; Fears, Melissa; Bandera, Christopher; Stolper, Tanya; Gerber, Nicole; Yin, H Shonna
CONTEXT: Parents often manage complex instructions when their children are discharged from the inpatient setting or emergency department (ED); misunderstanding instructions can put children at risk for adverse outcomes. Parents' ability to manage discharge instructions has not been examined before in a systematic review. OBJECTIVE: To perform a systematic review of the literature related to parental management (knowledge and execution) of inpatient and ED discharge instructions. DATA SOURCES: We consulted PubMed/Medline, Embase, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, and Cochrane CENTRAL (from database inception to January 1, 2017). STUDY SELECTION: We selected experimental or observational studies in the inpatient or ED settings in which parental knowledge or execution of discharge instructions were evaluated. DATA EXTRACTION: Two authors independently screened potential studies for inclusion and extracted data from eligible articles by using a structured form. RESULTS: Sixty-four studies met inclusion criteria; most (n = 48) were ED studies. Medication dosing and adherence errors were common; knowledge of medication side effects was understudied (n = 1). Parents frequently missed follow-up appointments and misunderstood return precaution instructions. Few researchers conducted studies that assessed management of instructions related to diagnosis (n = 3), restrictions (n = 2), or equipment (n = 1). Complex discharge plans (eg, multiple medicines or appointments), limited English proficiency, and public or no insurance were associated with errors. Few researchers conducted studies that evaluated the role of parent health literacy (ED, n = 5; inpatient, n = 0). LIMITATIONS: The studies were primarily observational in nature. CONCLUSIONS: Parents frequently make errors related to knowledge and execution of inpatient and ED discharge instructions. Researchers in the future should assess parental management of instructions for domains that are less well studied and focus on the design of interventions to improve discharge plan management.
PMID: 28739657
ISSN: 1098-4275
CID: 2654202

RSV Hospitalizations in Comparison With Regional RSV Activity and Inpatient Palivizumab Administration, 2010-2013

Glick, Alexander F; Kjelleren, Stephanie; Hofstetter, Annika M; Subramony, Anupama
OBJECTIVES: To compare pediatric respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) hospitalizations in the United States to regional RSV activity and inpatient palivizumab administration. METHODS: We characterized inpatients, excluding newborns, with RSV from the Pediatric Health Information System (July 2010-June 2013). RSV regional activity timing was defined by the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System. RSV hospitalization season (defined by at least 3 SDs more than the mean regional baseline number of RSV hospitalizations for 3 consecutive weeks) was compared with RSV regional activity season (2 consecutive weeks with >/=10% RSV-positive testing). Logistic regression was used to determine predictors of hospitalization timing (ie, during or outside of regional activity season). We also assessed the timing of inpatient palivizumab administration. RESULTS: There were 50 157 RSV hospitalizations. Mean RSV hospitalization season onset (early November) was 3.3 (SD 2.1) weeks before regional activity season onset (early December). Hospitalization season offset (early May) was 4.4 (SD 2.4) weeks after activity season offset (mid-April). RSV hospitalization and activity seasons lasted 18 to 32 and 13 to 23 weeks, respectively. Nearly 10% of hospitalizations occurred outside of regional activity season (regional ranges: 5.6%-22.4%). Children with chronic conditions were more likely to be hospitalized after regional activity season, whereas African American children were more likely to be hospitalized before. Inpatient palivizumab dosing was typically initiated before the start of RSV hospitalizations. CONCLUSIONS: There is regional variation in RSV hospitalization and activity patterns. Many RSV hospitalizations occur before regional activity season; high-risk infants may require RSV immunoprophylaxis sooner.
PMID: 28381595
ISSN: 2154-1663
CID: 2521552

Disparities in mortality and morbidity in pediatric asthma hospitalizations, 2007 to 2011

Glick, Alexander F; Tomopoulos, Suzy; Fierman, Arthur H; Trasande, Leonardo
OBJECTIVE: Asthma is a leading cause of pediatric admissions. While several factors including race have been linked to increased overall asthma morbidity and mortality, few studies have explored factors associated with inpatient asthma outcomes. We examined factors associated with mortality and morbidity in children admitted for asthma. DESIGN/METHODS: Data were obtained from the US Nationwide Inpatient Sample for 2007-2011. Patients 2-18 years old with a primary diagnosis of asthma were included. Predictor variables were sociodemographic and hospital factors and acute/chronic secondary diagnoses. Outcomes were mortality, intubation, length of stay (LOS), and costs. Weighted national estimates were calculated. Multivariable analyses were performed. RESULTS: There were 97,379 (478,546 weighted) asthma admissions. Most patients were male (60.6%); 30% were white, 28% black, and 18% Hispanic. Mortality rate was 0.03%. 0.3% were intubated. Median (IQR) LOS was 2 (1-3) days. Median (IQR) costs were $2760 ($1860-4320). Native American race, older age (13-18 years), and West region were significant independent predictors of mortality. Intubation rate was lower in Hispanic compared to white children (p=0.028). LOS was shorter in Asian compared to white children (p=0.022) but longer in children with public insurance and from low income areas (p <0.001). Average costs were higher in black, Hispanic, and Asian compared to white children (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: With the exception of Native Americans, race/ethnicity is not associated with inpatient asthma mortality and has varied effects on morbidity. Recognition of factors associated with increased asthma mortality and morbidity may allow for earlier, more effective treatment and avoidance of complications.
PMID: 26768727
ISSN: 1876-2867
CID: 1912762

A Practical Guide to Writing and Reviewing Abstracts for Pediatric Academic Meetings

Glick, Alexander F; Szilagyi, Peter G; Freed, Gary L; Hanson, Janice L; Dreyer, Benard P
PMID: 27199375
ISSN: 2154-1663
CID: 2112382

Age matters: Young T lymphocytes offer better protection from myeloma proliferation

Glick, Alexander F; Song, Yan S; Hwang, Brian; Lillvis, John; Zanzonico, Pat; Fuchs, Camil; Pearse, Roger N; Szabo, Paul; Weksler, Marc E
BACKGROUND: The incidence and growth of cancer has been reported to increase with age and/or impaired T lymphocyte function. RESULTS: Consistent with these observations, we found that a monoclonal serum immunoglobulin (mIgG2b), rarely detectable after the injection of 5T33 murine multiple myeloma (MMM) cells into 3-4 month old wild-type C57BL/6 mice was seen more frequently in 18-20 month old wild-type C57BL/6 mice and in 3-4 month old Rag1-deficient C57BL/6 mice. These observations were confirmed and extended using more sensitive assays such as quantitation of splenic mRNA specific for the canonical 5T33 monoclonal IgG2b produced by 5T33 myeloma cells and the most sensitive assay, photon-imaging of mice injected with 5T33 cells, stably transfected with fire-fly luciferase gene (5T33L cells), which emit photons after the injection of luciferin. Furthermore, the proliferation of 5T33L myeloma cells in Rag1-deficient C57BL/6 mice was greater in mice which also received spleen T cells from 18-20 month old C57BL/6 wild-type mice compared to mice which received splenic T cells from 3-4 month old C57BL/6 wild-type mice. Thus, immune reconstitution of C57BL/6 mice with splenic T cells from young wild-type mice offered greater protection from progressive growth of 5T33L myeloma cells than did reconstitution with splenic T cells from old mice. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings support the hypothesis that age-associated changes in splenic T cell function contribute to the increased growth of 5T33 MMM cells in old compared to young C57BL/6 mice. Should similar processes occur in humans, increasing the anti-myeloma activity of T cells in old patients with multiple myeloma or transferring cryopreserved, young, autologous, T cells might benefit elderly patients with multiple myeloma.
PMID: 23419047
ISSN: 1742-4933
CID: 2184372