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Prostate magnetic resonance imaging-targeted biopsy global grade correlates better than highest grade with prostatectomy grade

Ren, Joyce; Melamed, Jonathan; Taneja, Samir S; Wysock, James S; Huang, William C; Lepor, Herbert; Deng, Fang-Ming
BACKGROUND:Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-targeted prostate biopsy has become an increasingly common method of diagnosing prostate cancer. A previous study from our institution demonstrated that the biopsy global Grade Group (gGG, aggregate GG of all positive cores) and highest Grade Group (hGG in any core) both show substantial concordance with the Grade Group at radical prostatectomy (RPGG) while the discordance predominantly consists of upgrading in gGG and downgrading in hGG. We performed a larger cohort study focused on biopsy cases in which gGG and hGG differ, to determine their relative concordance with RPGG. METHODS:We conducted a retrospective review of radical prostatectomy specimens with prior MRI-targeted biopsies from our institution between 2016 and 2020. Separate gGG and hGG were assigned to each MRI-targeted lesion. Targeted lesions with different gGG versus hGG were segregated from those with identical gGG and hGG. The concordance of biopsy GG with RPGG was evaluated using κ coefficient analysis. RESULTS:Of the 489 lesions with MRI-targeted biopsies, 82 (17%) differed in gGG versus hGG. The gGG of 46 (56%), 33 (40%), and 3 (4%) lesions were unchanged, upgraded, and downgraded at radical prostatectomy, respectively (κ= 0.302, weighted κ = 0.334). The hGG of 24 (29%), 9 (11%), and 49 (60%) lesions were unchanged, upgraded, and downgraded at radical prostatectomy, respectively (κ = 0.040, weighted κ = 0.198). When stratified by the biopsy GG, gGG showed the highest concordance in GG2 (61%) and GG3 (54%) lesions. The hGG resulted in substantial downgrading (60%) with less optimal concordance regardless of the biopsy GG. Neither the prebiopsy prostate specific antigen level nor the PI-RADS score was predictive of upgrading of gGG. CONCLUSIONS:When gGG and hGG differ, gGG method more accurately predicts the RPGG than hGG, particularly in GG2 and GG3 lesions which comprised the majority of targeted lesions.
PMID: 36461793
ISSN: 1097-0045
CID: 5374232

Long-term outcomes of pembrolizumab (pembro) in combination with gemcitabine (gem) and concurrent hypofractionated radiation therapy (RT) as bladder sparing treatment for muscle-invasive urothelial cancer of the bladder (MIUC): A multicenter phase 2 trial [Meeting Abstract]

Economides, Minas P.; Milowsky, Matthew I.; O\Donnell, Peter H.; Alva, Ajjai Shivaram; Kollmeier, Marisa; Rose, Tracy L.; Pitroda, Sean P.; Rosenberg, Jonathan E.; Hochman, Tsivia; Goldberg, Judith D.; Steinberg, Gary D.; Wysock, James; Schiff, Peter; Sanfilippo, Nicholas J.; Taneja, Samir; Wise, David R.; Balar, Arjun Vasant; Huang, William C.; Niglio, Scot Anthony
ISSN: 0732-183x
CID: 5743072

A prospective study of cancer detection rates following early repeat imaging and biopsy of PI-RADS 4 and 5 regions of interest exhibiting no clinically significant prostate cancer on prior biopsy

Becher, Ezequiel; Wysock, James S.; Taneja, Samir S.; Huang, William C.; Lepor, Herbert
Introduction: We aimed to determine cancer detection rates following early repeat multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging (mpMRI) and biopsy of Prostate Imaging-Reporting and Data System (PI-RADS), v2.1 4 and 5 regions of interest (ROI) exhibiting no clinically significant prostate cancer (csPCa) on prior biopsy and to identify predictors for these missed csPCa. Methods: Between January 2019 and August 2020, 36 men with 38 PI-RADS 4 or 5 ROI with no evidence of csPCa (defined as Gleason grade group [GGG] >1) on prior MRI fusion target biopsy (MRFTB) + systematic biopsy (SB) were invited to participate in the present prospective study. All men underwent repeat mpMRI and persistent PI-RADS >2 ROI were advised to undergo repeat MRFTB+SB. Cancer detection rates of any and csPCa were determined. Relative risk was calculated to analyze association of baseline variables with the finding of csPCa on repeat biopsy. Results: Of the 38 initial PI-RADS 4 and 5 ROI, on followup mpMRI, 14 were downgraded to PI-RADS 1/2 and, per protocol, did not undergo repeat biopsy and; eight (33%), 12 (50%), and four (17%) were PI-RADS 3, 4, and 5 respectively. Of these 24 persistently suspicious mpMRI ROI, 20 (83%) underwent repeat biopsy and six (30%), six (30%), and eight (40%) were benign, GGG 1, and GGG >1, respectively. Only prostate-specific antigen ≥10 ng/mL was a predictor for missed csPCa. Conclusions: Our prospective study supports a recommendation for early repeat mpMRI of all PI-RADS 4 or 5 ROI exhibiting no csPCa, with repeat MRFTB + SB of persistent PI-RADS >2 ROI .
ISSN: 1911-6470
CID: 5330462

Axumin (18F-Fluciclovine) PET imaging in men exhibiting no clinically significant cancer on initial negative biopsy of PI-RADS 4 and 5 regions of interest

Becher, Ezequiel; Karls, Shawn; Tong, Angela; Wysock, James S; Taneja, Samir S; Huang, William C; Lepor, Herbert
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:F-Fluciclovine) PET/MRI informs the decision to perform an early repeat biopsy of PI-RADS 4/5 region of interest (ROI) exhibiting no clinically significant prostate cancer (csPCa) on initial biopsy. METHODS:This prospective study enrolled men with at least one PI-RADS 4/5 ROI on multi-parametric MRI and no csPCa on prior biopsy defined as Gleason grade group (GGG) > 1. All men underwent an Axumin PET/MRI and only-persistent PI-RADS > 2 ROI were advised to undergo a repeat biopsy. A PET cancer suspicion score (PETCSS) was internally developed to stratify PET avid lesions according to their suspicion of harboring csPCa. The sensitivity, specificity, positive (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of the PETCSS for predicting csPCa were assessed. Relative risk was calculated to analyze the association of baseline variables with csPCa on repeat biopsy. RESULTS:Thirty-eight ROI on 36 enrolled men were analyzed. Fourteen (36.8%) were downgraded to PI-RADS 1/2 and were not subjected to repeat biopsy. Thirteen (92.9%) of these downgraded scans also exhibited low-risk PETCSS. Overall, 18/22 (81.2%) subjects underwent a repeat per protocol biopsy. Of the 20 ROI subjected to repeat biopsy, eight (40%) were found to harbour csPCa. The sensitivity, specificity, PPV and NPV of the PETCSS were 50, 50, 40, and 60%, respectively. No predictor of csPCa was found in the risk analysis. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Our pilot study showed that both MRI and PET sequences have limited performance for identifying those persistently suspicious PI-RADS 4/5 ROI that are found to harbor csPCa on repeat biopsy.
PMID: 36197506
ISSN: 1433-8726
CID: 5357902

Machine learning decision support model for radical cystectomy discharge planning

Zhao, Calvin C; Bjurlin, Marc A; Wysock, James S; Taneja, Samir S; Huang, William C; Fenyo, David; Matulewicz, Richard S
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Timely and appropriate discharge placement for patients who have undergone radical cystectomy (RC) remains challenging. Our objective was to improve the discharge planning process by creating a machine learning model that helps to predict the need for non-home hospital discharge to a higher level of care. MATERIALS AND METHODS/METHODS:Patients undergoing elective radical cystectomy for bladder cancer from 2014-2019 were identified in the ACS-NSQIP database. A gradient boosted decision tree was trained on selected predischarge variables to predict discharge location, dichotomized into home and non-home. We used threshold-moving to calibrate model predictions and evaluated model performance on a testing set using receiver operating characteristic and precision recall curves. Model performance was further examined in subgroups of interest. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS/CONCLUSIONS:A total of 11,881 patients met inclusion criteria with a mean age of 68.6 years. 10.6% of patients undergoing RC had non-home discharges. Our model predicting non-home discharge achieved an area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.80 and an average precision of 0.33. After threshold-moving, our model had a recall of 0.757 and a precision of 0.211. Top variables by importance were septic shock occurrence, ventilator-use greater than 48 hours, organ space surgical site infection and unplanned intubation. Our model shows strong performance in identifying patients who required non-home discharge to higher levels of care, outperforming commonly used clinical indices and prior work. Modern machine learning techniques may be applied to support more timely and appropriate clinical decision making.
PMID: 35750561
ISSN: 1873-2496
CID: 5282342

Publisher Correction: Impact of type of minimally invasive approach on open conversions across ten common procedures in different specialties

Shah, Paresh C; de Groot, Alexander; Cerfolio, Robert; Huang, William C; Huang, Kathy; Song, Chao; Li, Yanli; Kreaden, Usha; Oh, Daniel S
PMID: 35212823
ISSN: 1432-2218
CID: 5175202

Demographic and Practice Trends of Rural Urologists in the U.S.: Implications for Workforce Policy

Garg, Tullika; Meeks, William D; Coward, R Matthew; Merrill, Suzanne B; Huang, William C; Burnett, Arthur L
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:There is a shortage in the number of urologists needed to satisfy the needs of an aging U.S. POPULATION/METHODS:The urologist shortage may have a pronounced impact on aging rural communities. Our objective was to describe the demographic trends and scope of practice of rural urologists using data from the American Urological Association Census. METHODS:We conducted a retrospective analysis of American Urological Association Census survey data over a 5-year period (2016-2020), including all U.S.-based practicing urologists. Metropolitan (urban) and nonmetropolitan (rural) practice classifications were based on rural-urban commuting area codes for the primary practice location zip code. We conducted descriptive statistics of demographics, practice characteristics and specific rural-focused survey items. RESULTS:In 2020, rural urologists were older (60.9 years, 95% CI 58.5-63.3 vs 54.6 years, 95% CI 54.0-55.1) and were in practice longer (25.4 years, 95% CI 23.2-27.5 vs 21.2 years, 95% CI 20.8-21.5) than urban counterparts. Since 2016, mean age and years in practice increased for rural urologists but remained stable for urban urologists, suggesting an influx of younger urologists to urban areas. Compared with urban urologists, rural urologists had significantly less fellowship training and more frequently worked in solo practice, multispecialty groups and private hospitals. CONCLUSIONS:The urological workforce shortage will particularly impact rural communities and their access to urological care. We hope our findings will inform and empower policymakers to develop targeted interventions to expand the rural urologist workforce.
PMID: 37145722
ISSN: 2352-0787
CID: 5542262

Reply by Authors

Garg, Tullika; Meeks, William D; Coward, R Matthew; Merrill, Suzanne B; Huang, William C; Burnett, Arthur L
PMID: 37145766
ISSN: 2352-0787
CID: 5545002

Safety of repeat blue light cystoscopy with hexaminolevulinate (HAL) in the management of bladder cancer: Results from a phase III, comparative, multi-center study

Pohar, Kamal S; Patel, Sanjay; Lotan, Yair; Trabulsi, Edouard; Woods, Michael; Downs, Tracy; Huang, William C; Jones, Jeffrey; Taylor, Jennifer; O'Donnell, Michael; Bivalacqua, Trinity J; DeCastro, Joel; Steinberg, Gary; Kamat, Ashish M; Resnick, Matthew J; Konety, Badrinath; Schoenberg, Mark; Jones, J Stephen; Daneshmand, Siamak
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:The therapeutic benefit of intravesical instillation of hexaminolevulinate (HAL) at the time of transurethral resection of bladder tumor (TURBT) has been demonstrated in multiple studies. The purpose of this study was to prospectively assess the safety of repeated administration of HAL from a phase III pre-trial planned analysis. MATERIALS AND METHODS/METHODS:All patients evaluated in the study received at least 1 dose of HAL at the time of office cystoscopy, and a subset of these patients (n = 103, 33.2%) received a second dose a few weeks later at the time of TURBT. Adverse events (AEs) were recorded, and the safety of repeat use of HAL was determined by comparing the proportion of patients with AEs considered causally related to HAL in the surveillance examination compared to the OR examination. Association between categorical variables was tested using Fisher's Exact Test, and a P < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS:HAL-related AEs were experienced by 6 patients (2.2%) during surveillance cystoscopy and 3 patients (3.4%) following TURBT (P = 0.76); 181 patients (59.5%) had prior exposure to HAL before enrolling in the study with no difference in the number of AEs when comparing prior exposure to HAL to no prior exposure (P = 0.76). Of the patients who previously received intravesical therapy, 8 (2.9%) had at least 1 AE during surveillance compared to 3 (9.7%) who had no prior intravesical therapy (P = 0.09). CONCLUSIONS:Repeat use of HAL is safe even when administered within a few weeks of receiving a dose of intravesical therapy.
PMID: 35750559
ISSN: 1873-2496
CID: 5278152

Does histologic subtype impact overall survival in observed T1a kidney cancers compared with competing risks? Implications for biopsy as a risk stratification tool

Michael, Jamie; Velazquez, Nermarie; Renson, Audrey; Tan, Hung-Jui; Rose, Tracy L; Osterman, Chelsea K; Milowsky, Matthew; Kang, Stella K; Huang, William C; Bjurlin, Marc A
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:We sought to assess if adding a biopsy proven histologic subtype to a model that predicts overall survival that includes variables representing competing risks in observed, biopsy proven, T1a renal cell carcinomas, enhances the model's performance. METHODS:The National Cancer Database was assessed (years 2004-2015) for patients with observed T1a renal cell carcinoma who had undergone renal mass biopsy. Kaplan-Meier curves were utilized to estimate overall survival stratified by histologic subtype. We utilized C-index from a Cox proportional hazards model to evaluate the impact of adding histologic subtypes to a model to predict overall survival for each stage. RESULTS:Of 132 958 T1a renal masses identified, 1614 had biopsy proven histology and were managed non-operatively. Of those, 61% were clear cell, 33% papillary, and 6% chromophobe. Adjusted Kaplan-Meier curves demonstrated a difference in overall survival between histologic subtypes (P = 0.010) with greater median overall survival for patients with chromophobe (85.1 months, hazard rate 0.45, P = 0.005) compared to clear cell (64.8 months, reference group). Adding histology to a model with competing risks alone did not substantially improve model performance (C-index 0.65 vs 0.64 respectively). CONCLUSIONS:Incorporation of histologic subtype into a risk stratification model to determine prognostic overall survival did not improve modeling of overall survival compared with variables representing competing risks in patients with T1a renal cell carcinoma managed with observation. These results suggest that performing renal mass biopsy in order to obtain tumor histology may have limited utility. Future studies should further investigate the overall utility of renal mass biopsy for observed T1a kidney cancers.
PMID: 35474518
ISSN: 1442-2042
CID: 5205642