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Practical Lung Pathology: Frequently Asked Questions

Xu, Haodong; Ricciotti, Robert W; Mantilla, Jose G
[S.l.] : Springer International Pu, 2022
ISBN: 9783031144011
CID: 5486752

Diffuse pulmonary lymphangiomatosis versus lymphangioleiomyomatosis

Chapter by: Mantilla, Jose G
in: Practical Lung Pathology: Frequently Asked Questions by Xu, Haodong; Ricciotti, Robert W; Mantilla, Jose G [Eds]
[S.l.] : Springer International Pu, 2022
pp. ?-
ISBN: 9783031144011
CID: 5486802

Intralobar versus extralobar pulmonary sequestration

Chapter by: Mantilla, Jose G
in: Practical Lung Pathology: Frequently Asked Questions by Xu, Haodong; Ricciotti, Robert W; Mantilla, Jose G [Eds]
[S.l.] : Springer International Pu, 2022
pp. ?-
ISBN: 9783031144011
CID: 5486812

CD4+ T cell and M2 macrophage infiltration predict dedifferentiated liposarcoma patient outcomes

Schroeder, Brett A; LaFranzo, Natalie A; LaFleur, Bonnie J; Gittelman, Rachel M; Vignali, Marissa; Zhang, Shihong; Flanagan, Kevin C; Rytlewski, Julie; Riolobos, Laura; Schulte, Brian C; Kim, Teresa S; Chen, Eleanor; Smythe, Kimberly S; Wagner, Michael J; Mantilla, Jose G; Campbell, Jean S; Pierce, Robert H; Jones, Robin L; Cranmer, Lee D; Pollack, Seth M
BACKGROUND:inhibitors, little is known about the immune microenvironment in relation to patient prognosis. METHODS:We performed a retrospective study of 61 patients with DDLPS. We completed deep sequencing of the T-cell receptor (TCR) β-chain and RNA sequencing for predictive modeling, evaluating both immune markers and tumor escape genes. Hierarchical clustering and recursive partitioning were employed to elucidate relationships of cellular infiltrates within the tumor microenvironment, while an immune score for single markers was created as a predictive tool. RESULTS:(p=0.02). In a composite immune score, CD4+ T cells had the strongest positive predictive value, while CD14+ monocytes and M2 macrophages had the strongest negative predictive values. CONCLUSIONS:Immune cell infiltration predicts clinical outcome in DDLPS, with CD4+ cells associated with better outcomes; CD14+ cells and M2 macrophages are associated with worse outcomes. Future checkpoint inhibitor studies in DDLPS should incorporate immunosequencing and gene expression profiling techniques that can generate immune landscape profiles.
PMID: 34465597
ISSN: 2051-1426
CID: 5469532

Calcified chondroid mesenchymal neoplasms with FN1-receptor tyrosine kinase gene fusions including FGFR2, FGFR1, MERTK, NTRK1, and TEK: a molecular and clinicopathologic analysis

Liu, Yajuan J; Wang, Wenjing; Yeh, Jeffrey; Wu, Yu; Mantilla, Jose G; Fletcher, Christopher D M; Ricciotti, Robert W; Chen, Eleanor Y
Translocations involving FN1 have been described in a variety of neoplasms that share the presence of a cartilage matrix and may also contain a variable extent of calcification. Fusions of FN1 to FGFR1 or FGFR2 have been reported in nine soft tissue chondromas, mostly demonstrated indirectly by FISH analysis. Delineation of FN1 fusions with various partner genes will facilitate our understanding of the pathogenesis and diagnostic classification of these neoplasms. In this study, we present molecular, clinical, and pathologic features of 12 cartilaginous soft tissue neoplasms showing a predilection for the TMJ region and the distal extremities. We analyzed for gene fusions with precise breakpoints using targeted RNA-seq with a 115-gene panel. We detected gene fusions in ten cases, including three novel fusions, FN1-MERTK, FN1-NTRK1, and FN1-TEK, each in one case, recurrent FN1-FGFR2 fusion in five cases, FN1-FGFR1 in one case, and FGFR1-PLAG1 in one case. The breakpoints in the 5' partner gene FN1 ranged from exons 11-48, retaining the domains of a signal peptide, FN1, FN2, and/or FN3, while the 3' partner genes retained the transmembrane domain, tyrosine kinase (TK) domains, and/or Ig domain. The tumors are generally characterized by nodular/lobular growth of polygonal to stellate cells within a chondroid matrix, often accompanied by various patterns of calcification, resembling those described for the chondroblastoma-like variant of soft tissue chondroma. Additional histologic findings include extensive calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition in two cases and features resembling tenosynovial giant cell tumor (TGCT). Overall, while the tumors from our series show significant morphologic overlap with chondroblastoma-like soft tissue chondroma, we describe findings that expand the morphologic spectrum of these neoplasms and therefore refer to them as "calcified chondroid mesenchymal neoplasms." These neoplasms represent a spectrum of chondroid/cartilage matrix-forming tumors harboring FN1-receptor TK fusions that include those classified as soft tissue chondroma as well as chondroid TGCT.
PMID: 33727696
ISSN: 1530-0285
CID: 5469512

Spindle cell neoplasm with EML4-ALK gene fusion presenting as an intraosseous vertebral mass [Case Report]

Mantilla, Jose G; Cheung, Hoiwan; Ha, Alice S; Hoch, Benjamin L; Liu, Yajuan J; Ricciotti, Robert W
In this article, we describe a spindle cell neoplasm harboring an EML4-ALK gene fusion presenting as an intraosseous vertebral mass with extension into the adjacent soft tissue in a 65-year-old man. Histologically, the lesion was characterized by the presence of monotonous, cytologically bland spindle cells with loose myxoedematous stroma and interspersed areas of amianthoid-like collagen fiber deposition. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated strong diffuse staining for CD34 and S100, with absent immunoreactivity for SOX10. At 1 year of follow-up after resection, there is no evidence of local recurrence or metastatic disease. This case adds to the clinical and pathologic spectrum of the recently described group of kinase fusion-positive spindle cell neoplasms and represents the first reported intra-osseous example. The presence of ALK rearrangement in this lesion represents a potential therapeutic target, if clinically indicated.
PMID: 33170538
ISSN: 1098-2264
CID: 5469482

[S.l.] :, 2021

Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor (MPNST)

Kao, Erica; Mantilla, Jose G
CID: 5486822

Characterization of novel USP6 gene rearrangements in a subset of so-called cellular fibroma of tendon sheath

Mantilla, Jose G; Gross, John M; Liu, Yajuan J; Hoch, Benjamin L; Ricciotti, Robert W
Fibroma of tendon sheath (FTS) is an uncommon benign fibroblastic/myofibroblastic neoplasm that typically arises in the tenosynovial tissue of the distal extremities. Histologically, it is a well-circumscribed proliferation of spindle cells within collagenous stroma with peripheral slit-like vessels. Most examples are relatively hypocellular and more densely collagenous than nodular fasciitis; however, a cellular variant has been described, which has considerable morphologic overlap with nodular fasciitis and has been shown to harbor USP6 translocations in a subset of cases. The incidence of these rearrangements and the identity of the USP6 fusion partners have not been described in detail. In this study we evaluate 13 cases of cellular fibroma of tendon sheath by anchored multiplex PCR/next generation sequencing in order to detect potential gene fusions. Nucleic acids of adequate quality were obtained in 11 cases, demonstrating gene fusions in 7/11 (64%), all of which involve USP6 with a variety of partners, including PKM, RCC1, ASPN, COL1A1, COL3A1, and MYH9. Some unusual histomorphologic findings were present in a subset of cases including palisading growth pattern, epithelioid cells, and osteoclast-like multinucleated giant cells, particularly in the tumors with PKM and ASPN gene partners. Overall, the findings support a biologic relationship between cellular fibroma of tendon sheath and other lesions within the spectrum of USP6-rearranged neoplasms, particularly nodular fasciitis.
PMID: 32661296
ISSN: 1530-0285
CID: 5469472

[S.l.] :, 2020


Mantilla, Jose G; Ricciotti, Robert
CID: 5486832

Primary Sarcomas of the Larynx: A Single Institutional Experience with Ten Cases [Case Report]

Mantilla, Jose G; Xu, Haodong; Ricciotti, Robert W
Sarcomas infrequently arise in the larynx where the vast majority of tumors are of epithelial origin. Given their rarity, studies of these lesions are limited in number. In this series, we describe our institutional experience with ten primary sarcomas of the larynx encountered over an 18 year period, comprising 1.9% of all laryngeal malignancies observed in this timeframe. The cases include four chondrosarcomas and one example each of osteosarcoma, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma, undifferentiated spindle cell sarcoma, well-differentiated liposarcoma, Kaposi sarcoma, and synovial sarcoma. Patients included nine males and one female, with a mean age of 59 years (range 34-75). The mean clinical follow-up time was 3.4 years (range 0-12 years). Clinically, all patients presented with vocal and/or respiratory symptoms, and all received surgical treatment with the exception of the case of Kaposi sarcoma. Of the nine patients who underwent surgical excision, two, both chondrosarcomas, experienced local recurrence. No instances of distant metastasis or death of disease had occurred at the time of preparation of this manuscript. In conclusion, primary sarcomas of the larynx are rare but tend to present with early symptoms. This likely allows for earlier detection and intervention as compared to their counterparts in other deep soft tissue locations. Pathologically, it is important, although difficult in some cases, to distinguish these neoplasms from sarcomatoid carcinoma and reactive processes. Careful morphologic and immunohistochemical evaluation, as well as correlation with the clinical and radiologic findings, is important for accurate tumor classification.
PMID: 31813100
ISSN: 1936-0568
CID: 5469442