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Rao, Bharat; Nabi, Shahzaib; Gulati, Rohit; Lazar, Michael H.
ISSN: 0884-8734
CID: 5274692

Predictors of venous thromboembolism in patients with glioblastoma multiforme. [Meeting Abstract]

Nabi, Shahzaib; Kahlon, Pushpinderdeep; Bozorgnia, Farshid; Arshad, Adeel; Mikkelsen, Tom; Donthireddy, Vijaya
ISSN: 0732-183x
CID: 5274682

Recurrent Drug-Induced Liver Injury Related to Oral Contraceptive Use [Meeting Abstract]

[Mawri, S; Bajoka, R; George, K; Bruni, S; Nabi, S; Alam, Z]
ISSN: 1553-5606
CID: 5329102

Ebstein's Anomaly Assessed by Cardiac MRI

Jain, Tarun; Nabi, Shahzaib; Shah, Jainil; Sanchez, Javier; Mawri, Sagger
ISSN: 2231-6809
CID: 5329082

Left Partial Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return in an Asymptomatic Adult

Jain, Tarun; Nabi, Shahzaib; Shah, Jainil; Sanchez, Javier; Mawri, Sagger
ISSN: 2231-6809
CID: 5329092

Is He Another Drug Addict Asking for Narcotic Pain Medications?

Nabi, Shahzaib; Rao, Bharat; Arshad, Adeel; Jabbar, Absia; Kuriakose, Philip
ISSN: 2231-6809
CID: 5329072

Unprovoked Saddle Pulmonary Embolism in a Patient with Shy-Drager syndrome: Are They Related?

Nabi, Shahzaib; Kahlon, Pushpinderdeep; Jain, Tarun; Mawri, Sagger; Arshad, Adeel; Kuriakose, Philip
ISSN: 2231-6809
CID: 5329062

A Rare Case of Erdheim-Chester Disease and Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis Overlap Syndrome

Nabi, Shahzaib; Arshad, Adeel; Jain, Tarun; Virk, Fawad; Gulati, Rohit; Awdish, Rana
A 48-year-old woman with a past medical history of seizures and end-stage renal disease secondary to obstructive uropathy from retroperitoneal fibrosis presented to the emergency department with seizures and altered mental status. A Glasgow Coma Scale of 4 prompted intubation, and she was subsequently admitted to the intensive care unit. Magnetic resonance imaging of the brain performed to elucidate the aetiology of her seizure showed a dural-based mass within the left temporoparietal lobe as well as mass lesions within the orbits. Further imaging showed extensive retroperitoneal fibrosis extending to the mediastinum with involvement of aorta and posterior pleural space. Imaging of the long bones showed bilateral sclerosis and cortical thickening of the diaphyses. Imaging of the maxillofacial structures showed osseous destructive lesions involving the mandible. These clinical and radiological features were consistent with a diagnosis of Erdheim-Chester disease; however, the patient's skin biopsy was consistent with Langerhans cell histiocytosis.
PMID: 26579323
ISSN: 2090-6781
CID: 5274592

Warfarin dosing and time to theraputic international normalized ratio in patients with hypercoagulability syndromes [Meeting Abstract]

Kahlon, P. S.; Nabi, S.; Ali, H.
ISSN: 1538-7933
CID: 5329032

A Rare Case of Metastatic Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumour: Diagnosis and Management

Nabi, Shahzaib; Saste, Abhijit; Gulati, Rohit
A 26-year-old male without any significant past medical history presented to the hospital with shortness of breath, cough, pleuritic chest pain, and weight loss for the past 3 months. On chest CT, he was found to have extensive mediastinal and hilar lymphadenopathy and multiple pulmonary nodules. On physical examination, a right groin mass was noted which had been slowly growing for the past 2 years. Ultrasound of the groin showed complex solid mass with internal vascular channels. CT guided biopsy of the mass showed desmoplastic small round cell tumour. His hospital course was complicated by hypoxic respiratory failure requiring emergent intubation and ICU admission where he completed one cycle of vincristine, cyclophosphamide, and doxorubicin with subsequent improvement, followed by extubation. His condition continued to improve after second cycle of chemotherapy and he was ultimately discharged in a stable condition to continue outpatient chemotherapy after a 2-month inpatient stay.
PMID: 26347069
ISSN: 2090-6706
CID: 5274562