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Perioperative considerations for patients with severe aortic stenosis undergoing elective noncardiac surgery [Editorial]

Rohatgi, Nidhi; Smilowitz, Nathaniel R; Reejhsinghani, Risheen
PMID: 37369272
ISSN: 1555-7162
CID: 5522602

Comprehensive Management of ANOCA, Part 2-Program Development, Treatment, and Research Initiatives: JACC State-of-the-Art Review

Smilowitz, Nathaniel R; Prasad, Megha; Widmer, R Jay; Toleva, Olga; Quesada, Odayme; Sutton, Nadia R; Lerman, Amir; Reynolds, Harmony R; Kesarwani, Manoj; Savage, Michael P; Sweeny, Joseph M; Janaszek, Katherine B; Barseghian El-Farra, Ailin; Holoshitz, Noa; Park, Ki; Albadri, Ahmed; Blair, John A; Jeremias, Allen; Kearney, Kathleen E; Kobayashi, Yuhei; Miner, Steven E S; Samuels, Bruce A; Shah, Samit M; Taqueti, Viviany R; Wei, Janet; Fearon, William F; Moses, Jeffery W; Henry, Timothy D; Tremmel, Jennifer A; ,
Centers specializing in coronary function testing are critical to ensure a systematic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of angina with nonobstructive coronary arteries (ANOCA). Management leveraging lifestyle, pharmacology, and device-based therapeutic options for ANOCA can improve angina burden and quality of life in affected patients. Multidisciplinary care teams that can tailor and titrate therapies based on individual patient needs are critical to the success of comprehensive programs. As coronary function testing for ANOCA is more widely adopted, collaborative research initiatives will be fundamental to improve ANOCA care. These efforts will require standardized symptom assessments and data collection, which will propel future large-scale clinical trials.
PMID: 37704316
ISSN: 1558-3597
CID: 5593692

Comprehensive Management of ANOCA, Part 1-Definition, Patient Population, and Diagnosis: JACC State-of-the-Art Review

Samuels, Bruce A; Shah, Samit M; Widmer, R Jay; Kobayashi, Yuhei; Miner, Steven E S; Taqueti, Viviany R; Jeremias, Allen; Albadri, Ahmed; Blair, John A; Kearney, Kathleen E; Wei, Janet; Park, Ki; Barseghian El-Farra, Ailin; Holoshitz, Noa; Janaszek, Katherine B; Kesarwani, Manoj; Lerman, Amir; Prasad, Megha; Quesada, Odayme; Reynolds, Harmony R; Savage, Michael P; Smilowitz, Nathaniel R; Sutton, Nadia R; Sweeny, Joseph M; Toleva, Olga; Henry, Timothy D; Moses, Jeffery W; Fearon, William F; Tremmel, Jennifer A; ,
Angina with nonobstructive coronary arteries (ANOCA) is increasingly recognized and may affect nearly one-half of patients undergoing invasive coronary angiography for suspected ischemic heart disease. This working diagnosis encompasses coronary microvascular dysfunction, microvascular and epicardial spasm, myocardial bridging, and other occult coronary abnormalities. Patients with ANOCA often face a high burden of symptoms and may experience repeated presentations to multiple medical providers before receiving a diagnosis. Given the challenges of establishing a diagnosis, patients with ANOCA frequently experience invalidation and recidivism, possibly leading to anxiety and depression. Advances in scientific knowledge and diagnostic testing now allow for routine evaluation of ANOCA noninvasively and in the cardiac catheterization laboratory with coronary function testing (CFT). CFT includes diagnostic coronary angiography, assessment of coronary flow reserve and microcirculatory resistance, provocative testing for endothelial dysfunction and coronary vasospasm, and intravascular imaging for identification of myocardial bridging, with hemodynamic assessment as needed.
PMID: 37704315
ISSN: 1558-3597
CID: 5593672

Effect of therapeutic-dose heparin on severe acute kidney injury and death in noncritically ill patients hospitalized for COVID-19: a prespecified secondary analysis of the ACTIV4a and ATTACC randomized trial

Smilowitz, Nathaniel R; Hade, Erinn M; Kornblith, Lucy Z; Castellucci, Lana A; Cushman, Mary; Farkouh, Michael; Gong, Michelle N; Heath, Anna; Hunt, Beverly J; Kim, Keri S; Kindzelski, Andrei; Lawler, Patrick; Leaf, David E; Goligher, Ewan; Leifer, Eric S; McVerry, Bryan J; Reynolds, Harmony R; Zarychanski, Ryan; Hochman, Judith S; Neal, Matthew D; Berger, Jeffrey S
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:Acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with COVID-19 is partly mediated by thromboinflammation. In noncritically ill patients with COVID-19, therapeutic-dose anticoagulation with heparin increased the probability of survival to hospital discharge with reduced use of cardiovascular or respiratory organ support. OBJECTIVES/UNASSIGNED:We investigated whether therapeutic-dose heparin reduces the incidence of AKI or death in noncritically ill patients hospitalized for COVID-19. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:We report a prespecified secondary analysis of the ACTIV4a and ATTACC open-label, multiplatform randomized trial of therapeutic-dose heparin vs usual-care pharmacologic thromboprophylaxis on the incidence of severe AKI (≥2-fold increase in serum creatinine or initiation of kidney replacement therapy (KDIGO stage 2 or 3) or all-cause mortality in noncritically ill patients hospitalized for COVID-19. Bayesian statistical models were adjusted for age, sex, D-dimer, enrollment period, country, site, and platform. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:Among 1922 enrolled, 23 were excluded due to pre-existing end stage kidney disease and 205 were missing baseline or follow-up creatinine measurements. Severe AKI or death occurred in 4.4% participants assigned to therapeutic-dose heparin and 5.5% assigned to thromboprophylaxis (adjusted relative risk [aRR]: 0.72; 95% credible interval (CrI): 0.47, 1.10); the posterior probability of superiority for therapeutic-dose heparin (relative risk < 1.0) was 93.6%. Therapeutic-dose heparin was associated with a 97.7% probability of superiority to reduce the composite of stage 3 AKI or death (3.1% vs 4.6%; aRR: 0.64; 95% CrI: 0.40, 0.99) compared to thromboprophylaxis. CONCLUSION/UNASSIGNED:Therapeutic-dose heparin was associated with a high probability of superiority to reduce the incidence of in-hospital severe AKI or death in patients hospitalized for COVID-19.
PMID: 37727846
ISSN: 2475-0379
CID: 5603262

Perioperative strategies to reduce risk of myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery (MINS): A narrative review

Bello, Corina; Rössler, Julian; Shehata, Peter; Smilowitz, Nathaniel R; Ruetzler, Kurt
Myocardial injury is a frequent complication of surgical patients after having non-cardiac surgery that is strongly associated with perioperative mortality. While intraoperative anesthesia-related deaths are exceedingly rare, about 1% of patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery die within the first 30 postoperative days. Given the number of surgeries performed annually, death following surgery is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Myocardial injury after non-cardiac surgery (MINS) is defined as an elevation in troponin concentrations within 30 days postoperatively. Although typically asymptomatic, patients with MINS suffer myocardial damage and have a 10% risk of death within 30 days after surgery and excess risks of mortality that persist during the first postoperative year. Many factors for the development of MINS are non-modifiable, such as preexistent coronary artery disease. Preventive measures, systematic approaches to surveillance and treatment standards are still lacking, however many factors are modifiable and should be considered in clinical practice: the importance of hemodynamic control, adequate oxygen supply, metabolic homeostasis, the use of perioperative medications such as statins, anti-thrombotic agents, beta-blockers, or anti-inflammatory agents, as well as some evidence regarding the choice of sedative and analgesic for anesthesia are discussed. Also, as age and complexity in comorbidities of the surgical patient population increase, there is an urgent need to identify patients at risk for MINS and develop prevention and treatment strategies. In this review, we provide an overview of current screening standards and promising preventive options in the perioperative setting and address knowledge gaps requiring further investigation.
PMID: 36931053
ISSN: 1873-4529
CID: 5518062

Age or Functional Debility to Predict Death After Percutaneous Coronary Intervention: Age Is More Than a Number [Comment]

Smilowitz, Nathaniel R; Rao, Sunil V
PMID: 37536797
ISSN: 1942-5546
CID: 5594632

Coronary Microvascular Disease in Contemporary Clinical Practice

Smilowitz, Nathaniel R; Toleva, Olga; Chieffo, Alaide; Perera, Divaka; Berry, Colin
Coronary microvascular disease (CMD) causes myocardial ischemia in a variety of clinical scenarios. Clinical practice guidelines support routine testing for CMD in patients with ischemia with nonobstructive coronary artery disease. Invasive testing to identify CMD requires Doppler or thermodilution measures of flow to determine the coronary flow reserve and measures of microvascular resistance. Acetylcholine coronary reactivity testing identifies concomitant endothelial dysfunction, microvascular spasm, or epicardial coronary spasm. Comprehensive testing may improve symptoms, quality of life, and patient satisfaction by establishing a diagnosis and guiding-targeted medical therapy and lifestyle measures. Beyond ischemia with nonobstructive coronary artery disease, testing for CMD may play a role in patients with acute myocardial infarction, angina following coronary revascularization, heart failure with preserved ejection fraction, Takotsubo syndrome, and after heart transplantation. Additional education and provider awareness of CMD and its role in cardiovascular disease is needed to improve patient-centered outcomes of ischemic heart disease.
PMID: 37259860
ISSN: 1941-7632
CID: 5522592

The Reply [Letter]

Smilowitz, Nathaniel R; Rubinfeld, Gregory D
PMID: 37230599
ISSN: 1555-7162
CID: 5508602

Cancer and Myocardial Infarction in Women

Panday, Priya; Hausvater, Anaïs; Pleasure, Mitchell; Smilowitz, Nathaniel R; Reynolds, Harmony R
Women who present with myocardial infarction (MI) are more likely to be diagnosed with nonobstructive coronary arteries (MINOCAs), spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD), and takotsubo syndrome (TS) than men. Malignancy may predispose to MI and TS through shared risk factors and inflammatory mediators. This study aimed to determine the prevalence of cancer in women presenting with clinical syndrome of MI and the association between cancer and mechanism of MI presentation. Among 520 women with MI who underwent coronary angiography at NYU Langone Health from March 2016 to March 2020 or September 2020 to September 2021, 122 (23%) had a previous diagnosis of cancer. Patients with cancer were older at MI presentation but had similar co-morbidity to those without a cancer history. The most common cancers were breast (39%), gynecologic (15%), and gastrointestinal (13%). Women with cancer history were more likely to have TS (17% vs 11% without cancer history p = 0.049). Among women with a final diagnosis of MI, the type of MI (MINOCA, MI-coronary artery disease, or SCAD) was not significantly different between groups (p = 0.374). History of cancer was present in nearly a quarter of women presenting with MI and was associated with a greater likelihood of TS than MI. MINOCA and SCAD were not more common among women with a cancer history.
PMID: 36931164
ISSN: 1879-1913
CID: 5466542

Evaluation and Management of Pulmonary Hypertension in Noncardiac Surgery: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

Rajagopal, Sudarshan; Ruetzler, Kurt; Ghadimi, Kamrouz; Horn, Evelyn M; Kelava, Marta; Kudelko, Kristina T; Moreno-Duarte, Ingrid; Preston, Ioana; Rose Bovino, Leonie L; Smilowitz, Nathaniel R; Vaidya, Anjali
Pulmonary hypertension, defined as an elevation in blood pressure in the pulmonary arteries, is associated with an increased risk of death. The prevalence of pulmonary hypertension is increasing, with an aging population, a rising prevalence of heart and lung disease, and improved pulmonary hypertension survival with targeted therapies. Patients with pulmonary hypertension frequently require noncardiac surgery, although pulmonary hypertension is associated with excess perioperative morbidity and death. This scientific statement provides guidance on the evaluation and management of pulmonary hypertension in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery. We advocate for a multistep process focused on (1) classification of pulmonary hypertension group to define the underlying pathology; (2) preoperative risk assessment that will guide surgical decision-making; (3) pulmonary hypertension optimization before surgery to reduce perioperative risk; (4) intraoperative management of pulmonary hypertension to avoid right ventricular dysfunction and to maintain cardiac output; and (5) postoperative management of pulmonary hypertension to ensure recovery from surgery. Last, this scientific statement highlights the paucity of evidence to support perioperative pulmonary hypertension management and identifies areas of uncertainty and opportunities for future investigation.
PMID: 36924225
ISSN: 1524-4539
CID: 5522582