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Innovation to Publication in Five Simple Steps: How the Busy Clinician-Educator Can Translate Creative Ideas Into Educational Scholarship

Chapter by: Ryan, Michael S; Paul, Caroline; et al
in: PAS 2020 Meeting Online Program Guide by
[S.l. : Pediatric Academic Societies], 2020
pp. ?-?
CID: 4739852

Using the arts to teach the dimensions of patient care

Chapter by: Vercio, Chad; Beck-Dallaghan, Gary; Paul, Caroline; Treitz, Meghan
in: Better health for all patients through pediatric education by
[S.l.] : Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics, 2020
pp. 17-
CID: 4716742

[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2019

Stay healthy during cold and flu season

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714552

Collecting Validity Evidence: A Hands-on Workshop for Medical Education Assessment Instruments

Paul, Caroline R; Ryan, Michael S; Dallaghan, Gary L Beck; Jirasevijinda, Thanakorn; Quigley, Patricia D; Hanson, Janice L; Khidir, Amal M; Petershack, Jean; Jackson, Joseph; Tewksbury, Linda; Rocha, Mary Esther M
Introduction/UNASSIGNED:There is an increasing call for developing validity evidence in medical education assessment. The literature lacks a practical resource regarding an actual development process. Our workshop teaches how to apply principles of validity evidence to existing assessment instruments and how to develop new instruments that will yield valid data. Methods/UNASSIGNED:The literature, consensus findings of curricula and content experts, and principles of adult learning guided the content and methodology of the workshop. The workshop underwent stringent peer review prior to presentation at one international and three national academic conferences. In the interactive workshop, selected domains of validity evidence were taught with sequential cycles of didactics, demonstration, and deliberate practice with facilitated feedback. An exercise guide steered participants through a stepwise approach. Using Likert-scale items and open-response questions, an evaluation form rated the workshop's effectiveness, captured details of how learners reached the objectives, and determined participants' plans for future work. Results/UNASSIGNED:The workshop demonstrated generalizability with successful implementation in diverse settings. Sixty-five learners, the majority being clinician-educators, completed evaluations. Learners rated the workshop favorably for each prompt. Qualitative comments corroborated the workshop's effectiveness. The active application and facilitated feedback components allowed learners to reflect in real time as to how they were meeting a particular objective. Discussion/UNASSIGNED:This feasible and practical educational intervention fills a literature gap by showing the medical educator how to apply validity evidence to both existing and in-development assessment instruments. Thus, it holds the potential to significantly impact learner and, subsequently, patient outcomes.
PMID: 31139736
ISSN: 2374-8265
CID: 4000172

The Times They Are A-Changing! Responding to Curriculum Transformation with Modern, Integrative, and Enhanced Teaching Strategies

Chapter by: McGarry-Hansen, Michelle; Paul, Caroline; et al
in: Pediatric Academic Societies meeting by
[S.l. : s.n.], 2019
pp. ?-?
CID: 4739882

[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. Dept of Pediatrics], 2019

Acute Otitis Media

Paul, Caroline R; McCormick, D
CID: 4714522

Medical education scholarship 101

Chapter by: Devlin, Sanaz; Quigley, Patricia; Tenney-Soeiro, Rebecca; Schiller, Jocelyn; Rocha, Mary; Gigante, Joe; Paul, Caroline
in: Better health for all patients through pediatric education by
[S.l.] : Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics, 2019
pp. 18-
CID: 4716702

[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2019

Approach to the Pediatric Ear Exam

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714542

Teaching Sex and Gender in Clinical Settings: Challenges & Opportunities for Faculty Development

Chapter by: Paul, Caroline; Catallozzi, Marina; Jirasevijinda, TJ; Kutscher, Eric; Lurie, Brian; Wolfe, Adam
in: Pediatric Academic Societies meeting by
[S.l. : s.n.], 2019
pp. ?-?
CID: 4739872

Give Your Learners an Earful: A Toolbox to Teach and Assess Pediatric Otoscopy

Chapter by: Paul, Caroline; Christy, Cynthia; Frohna, John; Keeley, Meg; McCormick, David
in: Pediatric Academic Societies meeting by
[S.l. : s.n.], 2019
pp. ?-?
CID: 4739892