100 questions and answers about asthma
Plottel, Claudia S.
Boston : Jones & Bartlett, 2005
Extent: viii, 227 p. ; 23cm
ISBN: 0763747939
CID: 815
Pulmonary effects of AIDS: nosocomial transmission
Garay SM; Plottel CS
This review provides an overview of the risk of nosocomial infection in the 'AIDS era.' Airborne spread of Mycobacterium tuberculosis from affected patients has re-emerged as a hazard to hospital personnel. The risk of acquiring clinical illness due to Pneumocystis carinii or cytomegalovirus is, in contrast, a function of the immunocompetence of the health care worker. Methods of transmission as well as the epidemiology of human immunodeficiency virus-related infection in the health care worker will be discussed. The increase in the number of immunocompromised patients (AIDS and non-AIDS) requires careful attention to infection control methodology with respect to the cleansing of the fiberoptic bronchoscope, the intensive care unit's respiratory equipment (such as mechanical ventilators and nebulizers), and the pulmonary function laboratory
PMID: 3044687
ISSN: 0272-5231
CID: 10980