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Time Is TB! A Case of CNS Tuberculosis Presenting with Ring Enhancing Lesions [Meeting Abstract]

Sinokrot, O.; Nair, S.; Hena, K.; Pradhan, D.
ISSN: 1073-449x
CID: 3512862

Elevated C-reactive protein and posttraumatic stress pathology among survivors of the 9/11 World Trade Center attacks

Rosen, Rebecca L; Levy-Carrick, Nomi; Reibman, Joan; Xu, Ning; Shao, Yongzhao; Liu, Mengling; Ferri, Lucia; Kazeros, Angeliki; Caplan-Shaw, Caralee E; Pradhan, Deepak R; Marmor, Michael; Galatzer-Levy, Isaac R
BACKGROUND: Systemic inflammation has emerged as a promising marker and potential mechanism underlying post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The relationship between posttraumatic stress pathology and systemic inflammation has not, however, been consistently replicated and is potentially confounded by comorbid illness or injury, common complications of trauma exposure. METHODS: We analyzed a large naturalistic cohort sharing a discrete physical and mental health trauma from the destruction of the World Trade Center (WTC) towers on September 11, 2001 (n = 641). We evaluated the relationship between multiple physical and mental health related indices collected through routine evaluations at the WTC Environmental Health Center (WTC EHC), a treatment program for community members exposed to the disaster. C-Reactive Protein (CRP), a marker of systemic inflammation, was examined in relation to scores for PTSD, PTSD symptom clusters (re-experiencing, avoidance, negative cognitions/mood, arousal), depression and anxiety, while controlling for WTC exposures, lower respiratory symptoms, age, sex, BMI and smoking as potential risks or confounders. RESULTS: CRP was positively associated with PTSD severity (p < 0.001), trending toward association with depression (p = 0.06), but not with anxiety (p = 0.27). CRP was positively associated with re-experiencing (p < 0.001) and avoidance (p < 0.05) symptom clusters, and trended toward associations with negative cognitions/mood (p = 0.06) and arousal (p = 0.08). CONCLUSIONS: In this large study of the relationship between CRP and posttraumatic stress pathology, we demonstrated an association between systemic inflammation and stress pathology (PTSD; trending with depression), which remained after adjusting for potentially confounding variables. These results contribute to research findings suggesting a salient relationship between inflammation and posttraumatic stress pathology.
PMID: 28135632
ISSN: 1879-1379
CID: 2425042

Paresthesias Among Community Members Exposed To The World Trade Center Disaster

Marmor, Michael; Shao, Yongzhao; Bhatt, D Harshad; Stecker, Mark M; Berger, Kenneth I; Goldring, Roberta M; Rosen, Rebecca L; Caplan-Shaw, Caralee; Kazeros, Angeliki; Pradhan, Deepak; Wilkenfeld, Marc; Reibman, Joan
OBJECTIVE: Paresthesias can result from metabolic disorders, nerve entrapment following repetitive motions, hyperventilation pursuant to anxiety, or exposure to neurotoxins. We analyzed data from community members exposed to the World Trade Center (WTC) disaster of September 11, 2001, to evaluate whether exposure to the disaster was associated with paresthesias. METHODS: Analysis of data from 3141 patients of the WTC Environmental Health Center. RESULTS: Fifty-six percent of patients reported paresthesias at enrollment 7 to 15 years following the WTC disaster. After controlling for potential confounders, paresthesias were associated with severity of exposure to the WTC dust cloud and working in a job requiring cleaning of WTC dust. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that paresthesias were commonly associated with WTC-related exposures or post-WTC cleaning work. Further studies should objectively characterize these paresthesias and seek to identify relevant neurotoxins or paresthesia-inducing activities.This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND), where it is permissible to download and share the work provided it is properly cited. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the journal.
PMID: 28157767
ISSN: 1536-5948
CID: 2437202

Rapid Ultrasound Confirmation Of Main Stem Intubation In Life Threatening Massive Hemoptysis [Meeting Abstract]

Reddy, V.; Hossain, T.; Postelnicu, R.; Mukherjee, V.; Pradhan, D.
ISSN: 1073-449x
CID: 3197492

A Novel Blended Learning Course On Ultrasound For Rapid Assessment Of Acute Respiratory Failure [Meeting Abstract]

Pradhan, D; Mukherjee, V; Zakhary, B; Sauthoff, H
ISSN: 1535-4970
CID: 2591592

Teaching Old Dogs New Tricks: A Course for Faculty Learners on Fundamentals of Critical Care Ultrasonography (FoCUS) [Meeting Abstract]

Pradhan, Deepak; Zakhary, Bishoy; Mukherjee, Vikramjit; Sauthoff, Harald
ISSN: 0012-3692
CID: 2572102

Distal airway dysfunction identifies pulmonary inflammation in asymptomatic smokers

Berger, Kenneth I; Pradhan, Deepak R; Goldring, Roberta M; Oppenheimer, Beno W; Rom, William N; Segal, Leopoldo N
Smoking induced inflammation leads to distal airway destruction. However, the relationship between distal airway dysfunction and inflammation remains unclear, particularly in smokers prior to the development of airway obstruction. Seven normal controls and 16 smokers without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) were studied. Respiratory function was assessed using the forced oscillation technique (FOT). Abnormal FOT was defined as elevated resistance at 5 Hz (R5). Parameters reflecting distal lung function included frequency dependence of resistance (R5-20) and dynamic elastance (X5). Inflammation was quantified in concentrated bronchoalveolar lavage utilising cell count differential and cytokines expressed as concentration per mL epithelial lining fluid. All control subjects and seven smokers had normal R5. Nine smokers had elevated R5 with abnormal R5-20 and X5, indicating distal lung dysfunction. The presence of abnormal FOT was associated with two-fold higher lymphocyte and neutrophil counts (p<0.025) and with higher interleukin (IL)-8, eotaxin and fractalkine levels (p<0.01). Reactivity of R5-20 and X5 correlated with levels of IL-8, eotaxin, fractalkine, IL-12p70 and transforming growth factor-alpha (r>0.47, p<0.01). Distal airway dysfunction in smokers without COPD identifies the presence of distal lung inflammation that parallel reported observations in established COPD. These findings were not evident on routine pulmonary function testing and may allow the identification of smokers at risk of progression to COPD.
PMID: 27995132
ISSN: 2312-0541
CID: 2372652

Improvement in severe lower respiratory symptoms and small airway function in World Trade Center dust exposed community members

Caplan-Shaw, Caralee; Kazeros, Angeliki; Pradhan, Deepak; Berger, Kenneth; Goldring, Roberta; Zhao, Sibo; Liu, Mengling; Shao, Yongzhao; Fernandez-Beros, Maria Elena; Marmor, Michael; Levy-Carrick, Nomi; Rosen, Rebecca; Ferri, Lucia; Reibman, Joan
OBJECTIVE: Longitudinal assessment of lower respiratory symptoms (LRS) in community members with World Trade Center (WTC) exposures. METHODS: Adult members of a treatment program with complete standardized visits were evaluated (n = 798). Association of demographic characteristics, mental health symptoms and lung function with trajectory of LRS between initial and monitoring visit was evaluated. RESULTS: Severe LRS were present in 70% at initial and 63% at monitoring visit. Initial severe LRS were associated with WTC dust cloud exposure and mental health symptoms. Spirometry measures were not associated with LRS severity or trajectory; improvement in LRS was associated with improved lung function measured with forced oscillometry techniques. CONCLUSION: Many community patients in a WTC treatment program had severe LRS associated with exposures and mental health symptoms. Improvement in LRS was associated with improvement in measures of small airway function. Am. J. Ind. Med. 59:777-787, 2016. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
PMID: 27582480
ISSN: 1097-0274
CID: 2232072

Management Challenge: Absorption Of Antituberculous Medications After Gastrectomy [Meeting Abstract]

Ahmed, NH; Brosnahan, SB; Pradhan, D; Caplan-Shaw, C; Leibert, E; Condos, R
ISSN: 1535-4970
CID: 2414672

Small Airway Dysfunction As A Mechanism For Persistence Of Lower Respiratory Symptoms Despite Treatment In Patients Exposed To World Trade Center Dust [Meeting Abstract]

Berger, KI; Caplan-Shaw, C; Kazeros, A; Pradhan, D; Goldring, RM; Reibman, J
ISSN: 1535-4970
CID: 2414792