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Cardiac Magnetic Resonance for Early Detection of Radiation Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity in a Small Animal Model

Ibrahim, El-Sayed H; Baruah, Dhiraj; Croisille, Pierre; Stojanovska, Jadranka; Rubenstein, Jason C; Frei, Anne; Schlaak, Rachel A; Lin, Chieh-Yu; Pipke, Jamie L; Lemke, Angela; Xu, Zhiqiang; Klaas, Amanda; Brehler, Michael; Flister, Michael J; Laviolette, Peter S; Gore, Elizabeth M; Bergom, Carmen
Background/UNASSIGNED:Over half of all cancer patients receive radiation therapy (RT). However, radiation exposure to the heart can cause cardiotoxicity. Nevertheless, there is a paucity of data on RT-induced cardiac damage, with limited understanding of safe regional RT doses, early detection, prevention and management. A common initial feature of cardiotoxicity is asymptomatic dysfunction, which if left untreated may progress to heart failure. The current paradigm for cardiotoxicity detection and management relies primarily upon assessment of ejection fraction (EF). However, cardiac injury can occur without a clear change in EF. Objectives/UNASSIGNED:To identify magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) markers of early RT-induced cardiac dysfunction. Methods/UNASSIGNED:We investigated the effect of RT on global and regional cardiac function and myocardial T1/T2 values at two timepoints post-RT using cardiac MRI in a rat model of localized cardiac RT. Rats who received image-guided whole-heart radiation of 24Gy were compared to sham-treated rats. Results/UNASSIGNED:The rats maintained normal global cardiac function post-RT. However, a deterioration in strain was particularly notable at 10-weeks post RT, and changes in circumferential strain were larger than changes in radial or longitudinal strain. Compared to sham, circumferential strain changes occurred at the basal, mid-ventricular and apical levels (p<0.05 for all at both 8-weeks and 10-weeks post-RT), most of the radial strain changes occurred at the mid-ventricular (p=0.044 at 8-weeks post-RT) and basal (p=0.018 at 10-weeks post-RT) levels, and most of the longitudinal strain changes occurred at the apical (p=0.002 at 8-weeks post-RT) and basal (p=0.035 at 10-weeks post-RT) levels. Regionally, lateral myocardial segments showed the greatest worsening in strain measurements, and histologic changes supported these findings. Despite worsened myocardial strain post-RT, myocardial tissue displacement measures were maintained, or even increased. T1/T2 measurements showed small non-significant changes post-RT compared to values in non-irradiated rats. Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:Our findings suggest MRI regional myocardial strain is a sensitive imaging biomarker for detecting RT-induced subclinical cardiac dysfunction prior to compromise of global cardiac function.
PMID: 33912843
ISSN: 2666-0873
CID: 4853462

Value CMR: Towards a Comprehensive, Rapid, Cost-Effective Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Ibrahim, El-Sayed H; Frank, Luba; Baruah, Dhiraj; Arpinar, V Emre; Nencka, Andrew S; Koch, Kevin M; Muftuler, L Tugan; Unal, Orhan; Stojanovska, Jadranka; Rubenstein, Jason C; Brown, Sherry-Ann; Charlson, John; Gore, Elizabeth M; Bergom, Carmen
Cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) is considered the gold standard for measuring cardiac function. Further, in a single CMR exam, information about cardiac structure, tissue composition, and blood flow could be obtained. Nevertheless, CMR is underutilized due to long scanning times, the need for multiple breath-holds, use of a contrast agent, and relatively high cost. In this work, we propose a rapid, comprehensive, contrast-free CMR exam that does not require repeated breath-holds, based on recent developments in imaging sequences. Time-consuming conventional sequences have been replaced by advanced sequences in the proposed CMR exam. Specifically, conventional 2D cine and phase-contrast (PC) sequences have been replaced by optimized 3D-cine and 4D-flow sequences, respectively. Furthermore, conventional myocardial tagging has been replaced by fast strain-encoding (SENC) imaging. Finally, T1 and T2 mapping sequences are included in the proposed exam, which allows for myocardial tissue characterization. The proposed rapid exam has been tested in vivo. The proposed exam reduced the scan time from >1 hour with conventional sequences to <20 minutes. Corresponding cardiovascular measurements from the proposed rapid CMR exam showed good agreement with those from conventional sequences and showed that they can differentiate between healthy volunteers and patients. Compared to 2D cine imaging that requires 12-16 separate breath-holds, the implemented 3D-cine sequence allows for whole heart coverage in 1-2 breath-holds. The 4D-flow sequence allows for whole-chest coverage in less than 10 minutes. Finally, SENC imaging reduces scan time to only one slice per heartbeat. In conclusion, the proposed rapid, contrast-free, and comprehensive cardiovascular exam does not require repeated breath-holds or to be supervised by a cardiac imager. These improvements make it tolerable by patients and would help improve cost effectiveness of CMR and increase its adoption in clinical practice.
PMID: 34054936
ISSN: 1687-4188
CID: 4890862

ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Blunt Chest Trauma-Suspected Cardiac Injury

Stojanovska, Jadranka; Hurwitz Koweek, Lynne M; Chung, Jonathan H; Ghoshhajra, Brian B; Walker, Christopher M; Beache, Garth M; Berry, Mark F; Colletti, Patrick M; Davis, Andrew M; Hsu, Joe Y; Khosa, Faisal; Kicska, Gregory A; Kligerman, Seth J; Litmanovich, Diana; Maroules, Christopher D; Meyersohn, Nandini; Syed, Mushabbar A; Tong, Betty C; Villines, Todd C; Wann, Samuel; Wolf, Stephen J; Kanne, Jeffrey P; Abbara, Suhny
Blunt cardiac injuries range from myocardial concussion (commotio cordis) leading to fatal ventricular arrhythmias to myocardial contusion, cardiac chamber rupture, septal rupture, pericardial rupture, and valvular injuries. Blunt injuries account for one-fourth of the traumatic deaths in the United States. Chest radiography, transthoracic echocardiography, CT chest with and without contrast, and CT angiography are usually appropriate as the initial examination in patients with suspected blunt cardiac injury who are both hemodynamically stable and unstable. Transesophageal echocardiography and CT heart may be appropriate as examination in patients with suspected blunt cardiac injuries. This publication of blunt chest trauma-suspected cardiac injuries summarizes the literature and makes recommendations for imaging based on the available data and expert opinion. The American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria are evidence-based guidelines for specific clinical conditions that are reviewed annually by a multidisciplinary expert panel. The guideline development and revision include an extensive analysis of current medical literature from peer reviewed journals and the application of well-established methodologies (RAND/UCLA Appropriateness Method and Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation or GRADE) to rate the appropriateness of imaging and treatment procedures for specific clinical scenarios. In those instances where evidence is lacking or equivocal, expert opinion may supplement the available evidence to recommend imaging or treatment.
PMID: 33153551
ISSN: 1558-349x
CID: 4831972

Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: Evaluation With Cardiac MRI

Grajewski, Karen G; Stojanovska, Jadranka; Ibrahim, El-Sayed H; Sayyouh, Mohamed; Attili, Anil
OBJECTIVE:Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a frequent problem in clinical practice and can be caused by diverse conditions including hypertension, aortic stenosis, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, athletic training, infiltrative heart muscle disease, storage and metabolic disorders. Identification of the precise etiology can be challenging and is a common cause of referral for cardiac MRI (CMR). In this article, CMR findings in various causes of LVH will be reviewed with an emphasis on determination of etiology and emerging role of CMR in risk stratification. CONCLUSIONS:In patients with LVH, CMR allows precise determination of the severity and distribution of hypertrophy, evaluation of ventricular function, and tissue characterization. The information obtained from CMR enables identification of the etiology of LVH and may aid in determining prognosis and therapy.
PMID: 31630875
ISSN: 1535-6302
CID: 4831942

Cardiac functional magnetic resonance imaging at 7T: Image quality optimization and ultra-high field capabilities

Ibrahim, El-Sayed H; Arpinar, V Emre; Muftuler, L Tugan; Stojanovska, Jadranka; Nencka, Andrew S; Koch, Kevin M
BACKGROUND:7T cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) introduces several advantages, as well as some limitations, compared to lower-field imaging. The capabilities of ultra-high field (UHF) MRI have not been fully exploited in cardiac functional imaging. AIM/OBJECTIVE:scans using a multi-channel transceiver modular coil. METHODS:We investigated the effects of adding a dielectric pad at different locations next to the imaged region of interest on improving image quality in subjects with different body habitus. We also investigated the effects of adjusting the imaging flip angle in cine and tagging sequences on improving image quality, B1 field homogeneity, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), blood-myocardium contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), and tagging persistence throughout the cardiac cycle. RESULTS:The results showed the capability of achieving improved image quality with high spatial resolution (0.75 mm × 0.75 mm × 2 mm), high temporal resolution (20 ms), and increased tagging persistence (for up to 1200 ms cardiac cycle duration) at 7T cardiac MRI after adjusting scan set-up and imaging parameters. Adjusting the imaging flip angle was essential for achieving optimal SNR and myocardium-to-blood CNR. Placing a dielectric pad at the anterior left position of the chest resulted in improved B1 homogeneity compared to other positions, especially in subjects with small chest size. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Improved regional and global cardiac functional imaging can be achieved at 7T MRI through simple scan set-up adjustment and imaging parameter optimization, which would allow for more streamlined and efficient UHF cardiac MRI.
PMID: 33240463
ISSN: 1949-8470
CID: 4831982

Cardiac MRI for Patients With Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices [Case Report]

Stojanovska, Jadranka; Runge, Mason; Mahani, Maryam Ghadimi; Cronin, Paul P; Sayyouh, Mohamed; Bogun, Frank; Ibrahim, El-Sayed H
OBJECTIVE. Patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) require cardiac MRI (CMRI) for a variety of reasons. The purpose of this study is to review and evaluate the value and safety of CMRI for patients with in situ CIEDs. CONCLUSION. Late gadolinium enhancement CMRI is the reference standard for assessing myocardial viability in patients with ventricular tachycardia before ablation of arrhythmogenic substrates. The use of late gadolinium enhancement CMRI for patients with CIEDs is safe as long as an imaging protocol is in place and precaution measures are taken.
PMID: 32374663
ISSN: 1546-3141
CID: 4831962

Practical Guide to Evaluating Myocardial Disease by Cardiac MRI

Lee, Elizabeth; Ibrahim, El-Sayed H; Parwani, Purvi; Bhave, Nicole; Stojanovska, Jadranka
OBJECTIVE. A spectrum of pathophysiologic mechanisms can lead to the development of myocardial disorders including ischemia, genetic abnormalities, and systemic disorders. Cardiac MRI identifies different myocardial disorders, provides prognostic information, and directs therapy. In comparison with other imaging modalities, cardiac MRI has the advantage of allowing both functional assessment and tissues characterization in a single examination without the use of ionizing radiation. Newer cardiac MRI techniques including mapping can provide additional information about myocardial disease that may not be detected using conventional techniques. Emerging techniques including MR spectroscopy and finger printing will likely change the way we understand the pathophysiology mechanisms of the wide array of myocardial disorders. CONCLUSION. Imaging of myocardial disorders encompasses a large variety of conditions including both ischemic and nonischemic diseases. Cardiac MRI sequences, such as balanced steady-state free precession and late gadolinium enhancement, play a critical role in establishing diagnosis, determining prognosis, and guiding therapeutic management. Additional sequences-including perfusion imaging, T2*, real-time cine, and T2-weighted sequences-should be performed in specific clinical scenarios. There is emerging evidence for the use of mapping in imaging of myocardial disease. Multiple other new techniques are currently being studied. These novel techniques will likely change the way myocardial disorders are understood and diagnosed in the near future.
PMID: 31967503
ISSN: 1546-3141
CID: 4831952

Insights on Asthma by Using Hyperpolarized Helium 3 MRI [Comment]

Stojanovska, Jadranka
PMID: 31389746
ISSN: 1527-1315
CID: 4831932

Metal Artifact Reduction in Cardiovascular MRI for Accurate Myocardial Scar Assessment in Patients With Cardiac Implantable Electronic Devices

Runge, Mason; Ibrahim, El-Sayed H; Bogun, Frank; Attili, Anil; Mahani, Maryam Ghadimi; Pang, Yuxi; Horwood, Laura; Chenevert, Thomas L; Stojanovska, Jadranka
OBJECTIVE. An important application of late gadolinium enhancement (LGE) cardiac MRI is accurate assessment of myocardial scar before ablation. However, this is often limited in patients with cardiac implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) because of metal device-induced artifacts. The purpose of this study was to determine whether a modified wideband inversion recovery (IR) LGE MRI technique decreases artifact volume to allow the assessment of myocardial scar. SUBJECTS AND METHODS. Fifty patients (17 women and 33 men; mean age ± SD, 61 ± 12 years; mean ejection fraction ± SD, 35.9% ± 13.3%) with CIEDs underwent cardiac MRI using conventional and modified wideband IR LGE techniques before ablation. The volume of device-induced artifact was quantified and stratified by tertiles on mild, moderate, and severe. Ordinal logistic regression analysis assessed the association between artifact volume on conventional and wideband images adjusted for patients' demographics. RESULTS. Conventional LGE MRI resulted in device-induced hyperintense artifacts that obscured ventricular segments in 32 of 50 (64%) cases. Wideband LGE MRI significantly reduced severe artifact volume (p < 0.0001) and completely resolved all mild and most moderate artifacts. Overall, wideband techniques resulted in a 56% reduction in total artifact volume for the cohort (p < 0.0001). The wideband LGE MRI sequence minimized artifacts in the most commonly obscured segments on the conventional LGE MRI sequence, with persistent artifacts in seven, eight, and four of 32 cases at the basal anterior, midventricular anterior, and midventricular anteroseptal segments, respectively. CONCLUSION. The modified wideband IR technique completely resolves mild and moderate device-induced hyperintense artifacts and significantly reduces the volume of severe artifact to allow accurate identification of myocardial scar in patients with CIEDs before ablation.
PMID: 31120781
ISSN: 1546-3141
CID: 4831922

Adjusted Citation Rate, an Alternative Metric to Measure the Impact of General Radiology Journals

Stojanovska, Jadranka; Tsodikov, Alex; Brown, Richard K J; Dunnick, N Reed
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES:The journal impact factor (JIF) is often used to assess the prestige of scientific journals. Citations from original articles and reviews as well as citations from noncitable items contribute to the numerator in these calculations. However, since noncitable articles are not included in the denominator, the JIF may be skewed by the types of articles and not accurately reflect the prestige of the journal. The purpose of our study was to develop an alternative and complementary metric by which journals may be assessed. This "adjusted citation rate metric" is based on citations that originate only from citable items in the journal. MATERIAL AND METHODS:We tabulated the number of citations and citable items for original articles from the Web of Science Core Collection for 5 consecutive years (2010-2014) for 20 general radiology journals. The adjusted citation rates (CR) per original article and reviews were calculated using only citations that originated from citable items. RESULTS:The adjusted CR in 2015 was similar to the JIF in 14 of the 20 journals, higher in four journals, and lower in two journals. Using this system, Radiology, Investigative Radiology, and European Radiology remained first, second, and third respectively among journals published in the field of general radiology. To allow for equal distribution of original articles vs reviews among general radiology journals, we calculated the adjusted CR where the standard distribution of original articles is 50%. CONCLUSION:Adjusted citation rate is an objective index for assessing journal impact that can serve as an alternative and complementary metric with which to measure the journal impact.
PMID: 30291017
ISSN: 1878-4046
CID: 4831882