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Computers in dermatology

Rosenthal, Lawrence E.; Rigel, Darrell S
Philadelphia : Saunders, 1986
Extent: xi p., p. 533-677 : ill. ; 27 cm
ISBN: n/a
CID: 420

Self-examination of the skin: the patient's role in early detection

Kopf AW; Friedman RJ; Rigel DS
ISSN: 0898-6665
CID: 62412

The incredible increasing incidence of malignant melanoma in the United States

Kopf AW; Rigel DS; Friedman RJ
ISSN: 0898-6665
CID: 62413

Mohs surgery for periocular basal cell carcinomas

Robins P; Rodriguez-Sains R; Rabinovitz H; Rigel D
Cure rates for 631 periocular basal cell carcinomas treated by Mohs surgery proved to be 98.1% for primary lesions and 93.6% for previously treated lesions. All recurrences of primary lesions post-Mohs surgery were located in the medial canthus. Among lesions previously treated, recurrence rates after Mohs surgery were twice as high for medial canthal lesions as for other periocular basal cell carcinomas, 9.5 and 4.5%, respectively. A threefold increased risk of recurrence was observed for medial canthal lesions (post-Mohs surgery) previously treated by radiation as compared to all other treatment modalities. This high recurrence rate may reflect past practices of treating large medial canthal basal cell carcinomas with radiation rather than by other means. Results of our study indicate that primary basal cell carcinomas in the medial canthus can be treated by microscopically controlled excision with excellent results
PMID: 4067056
ISSN: 0148-0812
CID: 16881

Prevalence of congenital-nevus-like nevi, nevi spili, and cafe au lait spots

Kopf AW; Levine LJ; Rigel DS; Friedman RJ; Levenstein M
To determine the clinical prevalence of medium-sized (1.5- to 19.9-cm-diameter) congenital-nevus-like nevi (CNLN), a consecutive series of 601 patients (mostly adults) had total cutaneous examinations. In this series, 15 (2.5%) were found to have such lesions. In addition, 14 (2.3%) had nevi spili and 83 (13.8%) had cafe au lait spots. All three types of lesions were equally represented in both sexes and tended to spare the head, neck, and upper extremities. Compared with CNLN, nevi spili were found to have significantly larger diameters and lower mean age, suggesting that these are different types of lesions. Some recommend the surgical removal of all congenital nevocytic nevi because of their malignant potential. Since it is not possible to clinically distinguish congenital nevocytic nevi and CNLN and since the observed prevalence of these lesions in adults is over four times that previously reported in newborns, such a recommendation becomes less feasible
PMID: 4004301
ISSN: 0003-987x
CID: 16843

Early detection of malignant melanoma: the role of physician examination and self-examination of the skin

Friedman RJ; Rigel DS; Kopf AW
The combination of routine physician examination of the skin coupled with self-examination provides a realistic opportunity for the identification of early malignant melanomas. Removal of such thin lesions can significantly reduce the mortality rate from this potentially serious form of cutaneous cancer
PMID: 3921200
ISSN: 0007-9235
CID: 16844

Relationship of nevocytic nevi to sun exposure in dysplastic nevus syndrome

Kopf AW; Lindsay AC; Rogers GS; Friedman RJ; Rigel DS; Levenstein M
In eighty consecutive patients who have the dysplastic nevus syndrome, the concentration of nevocytic nevi on the relatively sun-protected lateral thoracic area was compared to the concentration on the relatively sun-exposed areas of the anterior and posterior thorax. Nevocytic nevi in an area 7 X 20 cm were counted in each location. There was a total of 177 nevi on the lateral thorax (average, 2.2 nevi/person), 361 on the anterior thorax (average, 4.5 nevi/person), and 506 on the posterior thorax (average, 6.3 nevi/person). Men showed no significant difference in the number of nevi on the anterior and posterior thoracic areas, but women had fewer nevi on the anterior than on the posterior thoracic sites. These findings are consonant with the hypothesis that sunlight induces nevocytic nevi in patients who have the dysplastic nevus syndrome
PMID: 3989027
ISSN: 0190-9622
CID: 16845

Precursors of malignant melanoma. Problems in computing the risk of malignant melanoma arising in dysplastic and congenital nevocytic nevi

Rigel DS; Friedman RJ; Kopf AW; Rogers GS; Heilman ER
It has recently been shown that both dysplastic and congenital nevi are precursors to malignant melanoma. These findings are based upon mathematical models that show an increased risk of the nevi evolving into melanoma over random choice. However, problems exist with these models that may invalidate their results. The recommendation to remove dysplastic and congenital nevi prophylactically based upon models such as these is premature
PMID: 3830497
ISSN: 0733-8635
CID: 16846

Prognosis of malignant melanoma

Rigel DS; Rogers GS; Friedman RJ
Multiple factors appear to influence survival in patients with malignant melanoma. Although at present thickness appears to be the best individual prognostic factor, other variables such as anatomic site of the lesion, ulceration, and level consistently appear in multivariate prognostic models. These multivariate models enable the assessment of patient prognosis for the optimization of treatment as well as the evaluation of future therapeutic trials. Future study of these prognostic factors will hopefully help us to understand the pathophysiology of melanoma and, possibly, unlock the secrets of the biology of this disease
PMID: 3830493
ISSN: 0733-8635
CID: 16847

The clinical features of malignant melanoma

Friedman RJ; Rigel DS
The clinical diagnosis of malignant melanoma requires the following: an acceptance of the concept of 'in situ' malignancy, both clinically and histologically; a high index of suspicion concerning any pigmented lesion; recalling the mnemonic 'remember your A,B,C,D's'; and a knowledge of the clinical simulators of malignant melanoma. Prevention of death from malignant melanoma is possible through early diagnosis and prompt treatment of thin lesions (less than 0.76 mm in thickness). Such lesions have an excellent prognosis. This goal can be reached by carefully designed and implemented professional and public education programs such as those that have been introduced in Australia, West Germany, and the United States. Currently, new programs are being developed jointly by the American Academy of Dermatology and the American Cancer Society that are aimed at promoting self-examination of the skin as an adjunct to a routine physician examination as an additional means of detecting malignant melanoma at a time when it is wholly curable
PMID: 3830490
ISSN: 0733-8635
CID: 16848