Reconstruction for subtalar instability: a review
Schon, L C; Clanton, T O; Baxter, D E
Instability of the subtalar joint has become a more well-defined clinical entity in recent years. While there have been several articles which have discussed diagnosis of this condition, there has been little written on the surgical treatment. Reconstructive techniques with which we have had experience are presented. Technical aspects of these methods are described in detail.
PMID: 2037273
ISSN: 0198-0211
CID: 3802492
Neuropathies of the foot and ankle in athletes [Case Report]
Schon, L C; Baxter, D E
Although neuropathies in the athlete's foot and ankle are uncommon, they are often underdiagnosed. This is primarily due to the complex interplay of factors that are required for their presentation. The most frequently encountered entrapment syndromes (in decreasing order) involve the interdigital nerves, first branch of the lateral plantar nerve, isolated medial or lateral plantar nerves, posterior tibial nerve, deep peroneal nerve, superficial peroneal nerve, sural nerve, and saphenous nerve. A thorough knowledge of peripheral nerve anatomy is essential in establishing the diagnosis. Roentgenograms may reveal bony abnormalities that are the diagnosis. Roentgenograms may reveal bony abnormalities that are commonly contributory. Electrodiagnostic tests may be normal because these dynamic syndromes often resolve at rest. In most cases, correction of underlying etiologies combined with rest, NSAIDs, and occasionally injections will allow resolution of the syndrome. Recalcitrant cases may require surgical decompression, which frequently provides satisfactory results.
PMID: 2183956
ISSN: 0278-5919
CID: 3802562
Hip pain in the elderly: evaluation and diagnosis
Schon L; Zuckerman JD
Hip pain in the elderly can result in severe disability with compromise of independence. The causes of hip pain include many intrinsic and extrinsic disorders. Evaluation of the geriatric patient with pain in the vicinity of the hip requires a complete history and physical, radiographic evaluation and appropriate laboratory studies in order for proper management to be instituted
PMID: 3335337
ISSN: 0016-867x
CID: 44625