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Young, BK; Weinstein, HM; Snyder, JR; Hochberg, HM; George, MED
ISSN: 0017-5986
CID: 29626


Young, BK; Weinstein, HM
ISSN: 0017-5986
CID: 29627

Estrogens in pregnancy

Levitz M; Young BK
PMID: 343361
ISSN: 0083-6729
CID: 66905

Moderate fetal bradycardia

Young BK; Weinstein HM
Fetal heart rates in the range of 100 to 119 beats per minute have been defined as moderate bradycardia. Twenty-five of 1,386 patients monitored during a 1 year period have manifested persistent moderate bradycardia. Moderate bradycardia is apparently related to fetal head compression, often in situations of relative cephalopelvic disproportion. It is alleviated by rotation of the vertex and does not appear to adversely affect the newborn infant
PMID: 961768
ISSN: 0002-9378
CID: 66906

Renal clearances of estriol conjugates in normal human pregnancy at term

Young BK; Jirku H; Kadner S; Levitz M
In late human pregnancy more than 90 per cent of the total estriol (E3) in body fluids consists of four conjugates, estriol-3-sulfate (E3-3S), estriol-16-glucosiduronate (E3-16G), estriol-3-glucuronide (E3-3G), and estriol-3-sulfate-16-glucosiduronate (E3-3S-16G). Since the relative amounts of E3 in blood and urine would be determined by the kidney, the renal clearance of each conjugate was determined and compared with inulin and p-aminohippuric acid (PAH) clearance, as measures of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) and the effective renal plasma flow. Five women were studied in the lateral decubitus position with inulin and PAH infusion. Samples of blood and urine were collected at 40 minute intervals and analyzed. The method for E3 conjugates involved separation of the four conjugates on Sephadex LH-20, enzyme hydrolysis, and radioimmunoassay. Renal clearances for E3-3S and E3-3S-16G were below inulin. E3-3G approximated inulin; E3-16G exceeded inulin and approached PAH. In plasma E3-3S-16G represented 48.4 +/- 7.2 per cent; in urine E3-16G represented 69.5 +/- 7.3 per cent of total E3. Thus, different conjugates predominate in blood and urine
PMID: 961744
ISSN: 0002-9378
CID: 66907

An improved data display system for fetal heart rate monitoring

Young BK; Hochberg HM; George ME
Fetal heart rate (FHR) monitor records, particularly those derived from external sensors, may contain artifactual information closely resembling true FHR patterns. Additional machine-determined information may be used to help discriminate these data. Present commercial systems for indicating potentially artifactual FHR modify the FHR display, and this tends to cause the physician to ignore the absence of data or annoy him by obliterating some useful as well as potentialy useless information. Therefore, we chose to put the information that the data may be artifactual on another channel and allow the physician, rather than the instrument, to modify the interpretation of the FHR as necessary. A computer study was made of the characteristics of FHR beat-to-beat changes during poor signal to determine the most appropriate criteria for indicating when the FHR record is highly likely to be artifactual. Unphysiologic, erratic FHR changes are easily flagged by the presence of 3 serial beat-to-beat changes greater than 25 beats/min. Clinical testing demonstrated that this system allows the physician to better discriminate between valid and invalid data and increases the amount of usable data, particularly in active patients
PMID: 1256733
ISSN: 0029-7844
CID: 66908

16-sulfates of estriol in body fluids of human pregnancy at term

Levitz M; Kadner S; Young BK
A method was developed for the assay of estriol-16-sulfate (E3-16S) and estriol-3, 16-disulfate (E3-3,16-diS) in maternal serum, cord serum and amniotic fluid at delivery in human pregnancy. Tritiated E3-16S and E3-3,16-diS are added to the fluid being analyzed. The conjugates are separated and purified by sequential chromatography on alumina, Celite and Sephadex LH-20. Each conjugate is hydrolyzed with Glusulase and the released estriol is quantified by radioimmmunoassay. E3-3,16-diS was found in each fluid, most concentrated in the cord serum. Small amounts of E3-16S were found in some amniotic fluids, and this conjugate was virtually absent from the sera. These new estriol conjugates comprise less than 1 percent of total, estriol, apparently too low to be of diagnostic value in human pregnancy
PMID: 1273893
ISSN: 0039-128x
CID: 66909

Estriol conjugates in body fluids in late human pregnancy

Levitz M; Jirku H; Kadner S; Young BK
PMID: 171508
ISSN: 0022-4731
CID: 66910

Estriol conjugates in amniotic fluid of normal and Rh-isoimmunized patients

Young BK; Jirku H; Slyper AJ; Levitz M; Kelly WG; Yaverbaum S
PMID: 4214017
ISSN: 0021-972x
CID: 66911

Ob-Gyn emergencies part 2 [Letter]

Anderson, G; Porges, R; Young, BK; Douglas, G
ISSN: 0090-3159
CID: 1477102