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Predictors of Multiple Sclerosis Following Clinically Isolated Syndrome with a Tumefactive Demyelinating Lesion [Meeting Abstract]
Graber, JJ; Kister, I; Gruber, MCL; Warren, FA; Weinberg, HJ; Neophytides, AN; Inglese, M; Zagzag, D; Herbert, J
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 111993
Threefold Increase in Migraine in MS Patients Compared to Age- and Gender-Matched Population Controls [Meeting Abstract]
Kister, I; Rodriguez, ABC; Monteith, T; Soliman, A; Fromm, JT; Bacon, JH; Lipton, RB; Herbert, J
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 111996
Neuromyelitis optica and concentric rings of Balo in the brainstem [Case Report]
Graber, Jerome J; Kister, Ilya; Geyer, Howard; Khaund, Mausumi; Herbert, Joseph
PMID: 19204169
ISSN: 1538-3687
CID: 95716
Physician Disease Modifying Therapy Decisions for Patients Registered with the New York State Multiple Sclerosis Consortium (NYSMSC) [Meeting Abstract]
Teter, B; Mihai, C; Wasch, S; Apatoff, B; Coyle, P; Gauthier, S; Goodman, A; Gottesman, M; Granger, C; Herbert, J; Lawn, F; Holub, R; Jubelt, B; Kister, I; Krupp, L; Lenihan, M; Lublin, F; Miller, A; Munschauer, F; Perel, A; Snyder, D; Tullman, M; Zivadinov, R; Weinstock-Guttman, B
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 111995
Neurologic manifestations of localized scleroderma: a case report and literature review [Case Report]
Kister, Ilya; Inglese, Matilde; Laxer, Ronald M; Herbert, Joseph
We describe a young woman with localized scleroderma, seizures, numerous persistently enhancing white matter lesions on brain MRI, and oligoclonal bands in the CSF. The case is remarkable in the widespread bilateral distribution of the lesions and their enhancement during more than a year of follow-up despite immunosuppression. Literature search yielded 54 case descriptions of localized scleroderma associated with neurologic symptoms and neuroimaging findings. All patients had craniofacial scleroderma: linear scleroderma en coup de sabre (LScs), progressive facial hemiatrophy (PFH, or Parry-Romberg syndrome) or both. LScs and PFH should be viewed as variants of craniofacial localized scleroderma as they often manifest in the same patient, share the same neurologic manifestations and imaging features, and evidence pathologic inflammation in skin and CNS
PMID: 18981376
ISSN: 1526-632X
CID: 91727
Worsening of lupus symptoms after IFN-b1a injections in a patient with multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosis [Meeting Abstract]
Anbarasan, D; Kister, I; Herbert, J
ISSN: 1352-4585
CID: 91377
Sex differences related to marital status in patients with multiple sclerosis [Meeting Abstract]
Mihai, C; Teter, B; Weinstock-Guttman, B; Apatoff, B; Coyle, P; Batra, N; Drake, AS; Gauthier, S; Goodman, A; Gottesman, M; Herbert, J; Holub, R; Jubelt, B; Kister, I; Krupp, L; Lenihan, M; Lublin, F; Miller, A; Nealon, N; Perel, A; Schwid, S; Snyder, D; Tullman, M; Zivadinov, R; Munschauer, F
ISSN: 1352-4585
CID: 91380
Parity, education and sun exposure may predict long-term disability in female patients with multiple sclerosis [Meeting Abstract]
Teter, B; Weinstock-Guttman, B; Mihai, C; Apatoff, B; Coyle, P; Gauthier, S; Goodman, A; Gottesman, M; Granger, C; Herbert, J; Holub, R; Jubelt, B; Kister, I; Krupp, L; Lenihan, M; Lublin, F; Miller, A; Nealon, N; Perel, A; Schwid, S; Snyder, D; Tullman, M; Zivadinov, R; Munschauer, F
ISSN: 1352-4585
CID: 91381
Electrophysiologically-eloquent pontine inflammatory lesion causes reversible loss of wave V on brainstem auditory evoked response [Meeting Abstract]
Kister, I; Herbert, J
ISSN: 1352-4585
CID: 91382
Predictors of marital disruption in multiple sclerosis [Meeting Abstract]
Mihai, C; Teter, B; Weinstock-Guttman, B; Christodoulou, C; Coyle, P; Drake, A; Frontera, A; Gauthier, S; Goodman, A; Gottesman, M; Granger, C; Herbert, J; Holub, R; Jubelt, B; Khan, M; Kister, I; Krupp, L; Lava, N; Lenihan, M; Lublin, F; Miller, A; Nealon, N; Schwid, S; Smiroldo, J; Snyder, D; Tullman, M; Zivadinov, R; Munschauer, F
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 112000