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Current management of Behcet's syndrome

Nowatzky, Johannes; Yazici, Yusuf
ISSN: 0272-4391
CID: 5340382

Behcet's syndrome

Yazici, Yusuf; Yurdakul, Sebahattin; Yazici, Hasan
Behcet's syndrome is a systemic vasculitis with an unknown etiology affecting the small and large vessels of the venous and arterial systems. At least two clusters of disease expression have been described. The first includes superficial vein thrombosis, deep vein thrombosis, and dural sinus thrombi. The second includes acne, arthritis, and enthesitis. The presence of these clusters suggests there may be more than one disease mechanism operative in this complex disorder. Recent European League Against Rheumatism guidelines are useful for the management of the disease in organ systems distinct from the vascular, neurological, and gastrointestinal systems. This is because of a lack of controlled studies evaluating such vascular, neurological, and gastrointestinal complications
PMID: 20862570
ISSN: 1534-6307
CID: 113805

Differences in pain and fatigue perception among a group of rheumatoid arthritis patients in the United States and in Turkey who have similar disease activity and functional status

Celik, S; Fresko, I; Sut, N; Batumlu, N M; Yazici, H; Yazici, Y
OBJECTIVES: The concordance of patient reported outcomes in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) among different countries has not been studied in detail. We tried to determine the differences in pain and fatigue perception among a group of RA patients in the US and in Turkey who had similar disease activity and functional score in multidimensional health assessment questionnaire (MDHAQ FN). METHODS: One hundred and thirty seven RA patients from Turkey and 129 from the US were studied. An MDHAQ was obtained and a DAS28 was calculated for each patient. Pain and fatigue perception was compared between the two groups after adjusting for age, sex, MDHAQ FN and DAS 28. RESULTS: Turkish patients had less pain than their US counterparts when adjusted for MDHAQ FN, DAS 28, age and sex (3.56 (2.24) vs. 4.35 (2.23), p=0.005) whereas there was no difference in fatigue between the two groups (3.85 (2.44) vs. 4.25 (2.45), p=0.194). When the patients with a DAS28 score of above 5.1 and below 2.6 were compared in both groups, Turkish patients had again less pain albeit less in the high disease activity group. CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that Turkish patients have less pain than the US patients when controlled for age, gender and MDHAQFN and DAS28 scores. This is at odds to the conventional wisdom that pain perception is increased among the non-Western cultures
PMID: 21205464
ISSN: 0392-856x
CID: 134408

Severe adverse reactions are rare with infusions of infliximab in a community setting [Comment]

Yazici, Yusuf
PMID: 20855331
ISSN: 1468-9618
CID: 112558

Treatment options for rheumatoid arthritis beyond TNF-alpha inhibitors

Yazici, Yusuf; Simsek, Ismail
The treatment of rheumatoid arthritis has changed over the last 15 years. Early and aggressive treatment, use of methotrexate as the anchor drug and combination treatment, with older disease-modifying drugs or biologics, have become the norm. TNF inhibitors were the first biologic agents available to rheumatologists and are still currently used as first-line biologics, in addition to other newer biologic agents. Abatacept, rituximab and tocilizumab are available biologics that use a different mode of action to TNF inhibitors, and can be used after a TNF inhibitor is tried. Abatacept is also currently used as a first-line biologic and others can also be used once data are available
PMID: 22111748
ISSN: 1751-2441
CID: 141980

Chronic Daily Headache in North American Patients with Behcet's Disease [Meeting Abstract]

Robbins, M. S.; Crystal, S. C.; Filopoulos, M.; Kister, I.; Bacon, T.; Lipton, R. B.; Yazici, Y.
ISSN: 0017-8748
CID: 112183

Headache in North American Patients with Behcet's Disease [Meeting Abstract]

Crystal, S. C.; Robbins, M. S.; Filopolous, M.; Kister, I.; Lipton, R. B.; Yazici, Y.
ISSN: 0017-8748
CID: 112184

Long-term safety of methotrexate in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis

Yazici, Y
Methotrexate (MTX) has been the anchor treatment in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) over the last 15 years, and is used in combination with biologic agents to enhance efficacy over the last decade or so. The safety profile of MTX has been studied over 25 years with very few clinically important adverse events in the weekly low-doses used for RA treatment. The importance of MTX in earlier and more aggressive management of RA patients cannot be overstated. MTX courses show some of the longest continuation rates reported in clinical medicine, due to both effectiveness and safety. The safety profile of MTX indicates that it is among the safest of any mediation used for the treatment of any arthritis. Better information on the effectiveness and safety of weekly-low dose MTX should be communicated to all health professionals involved in the management of RA patients
PMID: 21044436
ISSN: 0392-856x
CID: 114832


Kister, Ilya; Filopoulos, Maria; Labitigan, Monalyn De Los Reyes; Crystal, Sara; Robbins, Matthew; Herbert, Joseph; Yazici, Yusuf
ISSN: 0392-856x
CID: 114024


Esen, Fehim; Schimmel, Elizabeth K.; Yazici, Hasan; Yazici, Yusuf
ISSN: 0392-856x
CID: 114025