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Lipoprotein lipase increases low density lipoprotein retention by subendothelial cell matrix
Saxena, U; Klein, M G; Vanni, T M; Goldberg, I J
Lipoprotein lipase (LPL), the rate-limiting enzyme for hydrolysis of plasma lipoprotein triglycerides, is a normal constituent of the arterial wall. We explored whether LPL affects (a) lipoprotein transport across bovine aortic endothelial cells or (b) lipoprotein binding to subendothelial cell matrix (retention). When bovine milk LPL was added to endothelial cell monolayers before addition of 125I-labeled LDL, LDL transport across the monolayers was unchanged; but, at all concentrations of LDL tested (1-100 micrograms), LDL retention by the monolayers increased more than fourfold. 125I-labeled LDL binding to extracellular matrix increased when LPL was added directly to the matrix or was added to the basolateral side of the endothelial cell monolayers. Increased LDL binding required the presence of LPL and was not associated with LDL aggregation. LPL also increased VLDL, but not HDL, retention. Monoclonal anti-LPL IgG decreased both VLDL and LDL retention in the presence of LPL. Lipoprotein transport across the monolayers increased during hydrolysis of VLDL triglyceride (TG). In the presence of LPL and VLDL, VLDL transport across the monolayers increased 18% and LDL transport increased 37%. High molar concentrations of oleic acid to bovine serum albumin (3:1) in the medium increased VLDL transport approximately 30%. LDL transport increased 42% when oleic acid was added to the media. Therefore, LPL primarily increased retention of LDL and VLDL. A less remarkable increase in lipoprotein transport was found during hydrolysis of TG-containing lipoproteins. We hypothesize that LPL-mediated VLDL and LDL retention within the arterial wall potentiates conversion of these lipoproteins to more atherogenic forms.
PMID: 1737833
ISSN: 0021-9738
CID: 955662
Mechanisms of increased lipoprotein lipase in fat cells of obese Zucker rats
Fried, S K; Turkenkopf, I J; Goldberg, I J; Doolittle, M H; Kirchgessner, T G; Schotz, M C; Johnson, P R; Greenwood, M R
The mechanisms underlying the increased activity of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in adipocytes of genetically obese Zucker rats was studied. Relative rates of LPL synthesis (percent of total protein synthesis) determined by biosynthetic labeling and specific immunoprecipitation were similar in isolated fat cells from lean and obese rats, in the absence or presence of insulin. Insulin stimulated LPL synthesis as a result of a general increase in protein synthesis, and this effect was more marked in the obese fat cells. Levels of LPL mRNA, as a percent of total RNA, were also similar in fat cells from lean and obese rats. In contrast, when the data are calculated on a per fat cell basis, rates of LPL synthesis per fat cell are ninefold higher in obese compared with lean cells, accounting for the increase in LPL activity per fat cell. Fat cells from lean and obese rats showed similar rates of binding and degradation of purified bovine milk 125I-labeled LPL per unit fat cell surface area. Thus, on a per cell basis, rates of LPL turnover are increased in enlarged Zucker rat adipocytes, but there is no specific abnormality in the cellular regulation of LPL. Increases in LPL activity in obese rat adipocytes are related to an overall hyperresponsiveness to insulin effects on protein synthesis.
PMID: 1951692
ISSN: 0002-9513
CID: 955702
Lipoprotein lipase mRNA in neonatal and adult mouse tissues: comparison of normal and combined lipase deficiency (cld) mice assessed by in situ hybridization
Yacoub, L K; Vanni, T M; Goldberg, I J
Combined lipase deficiency (cld) is a genetic abnormality in mice resulting in the production of enzymatically inactive lipoprotein lipase (LPL). After suckling, these mice have markedly elevated levels of circulating triglyceride. An alteration of LPL gene expression in cld mice may affect the amount and/or the distribution of LPL mRNA in different cell types. Therefore, we performed in situ hybridization for LPL mRNA in tissues from normal and cld pups and adult mice using an antisense 35S-labeled cRNA probe. LPL mRNA had the same pattern of distribution in both cld and normal newborn mice; the probe hybridized strongly to pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus, heart myocytes, and hepatocytes. Despite the lack of noticeable fat stores, LPL mRNA was found in the dermal layer of the skin of cld mice and normal littermates. In adult mice, the cRNA probe for LPL hybridized to the hippocampus, to the heart, and to localized areas of the kidney. We conclude that despite great variation in plasma triglyceride levels, LPL gene is similarly expressed in animals with or without LPL activity.
PMID: 2079607
ISSN: 0022-2275
CID: 955672
Role of lipoprotein lipase in the regulation of high density lipoprotein apolipoprotein metabolism. Studies in normal and lipoprotein lipase-inhibited monkeys
Goldberg, I J; Blaner, W S; Vanni, T M; Moukides, M; Ramakrishnan, R
Mechanisms that might be responsible for the low levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL) associated with hypertriglyceridemia were studied in an animal model. Specific monoclonal antibodies were infused into female cynomolgus monkeys to inhibit lipoprotein lipase (LPL), the rate-limiting enzyme for triglyceride catabolism. LPL inhibition produced marked and sustained hypertriglyceridemia, with plasma triglyceride levels of 633-1240 mg/dl. HDL protein and cholesterol and plasma apolipoprotein (apo) AI levels decreased; HDL triglyceride (TG) levels increased. The fractional catabolic rate of homologous monkey HDL apolipoproteins injected into LPL-inhibited animals (n = 7) was more than double that of normal animals (0.094 +/- 0.010 vs. 0.037 +/- 0.001 pools of HDL protein removed per hour, average +/- SEM). The fractional catabolic rate of low density lipoprotein apolipoprotein did not differ between the two groups of animals. Using HDL apolipoproteins labeled with tyramine-cellobiose, the tissues responsible for this increased HDL apolipoprotein catabolism were explored. A greater proportion of HDL apolipoprotein degradation occurred in the kidneys of hypertriglyceridemic than normal animals; the proportions in liver were the same in normal and LPL-inhibited monkeys. Hypertriglyceridemia due to LPL deficiency is associated with low levels of circulating HDL cholesterol and apo AI. This is due, in part, to increased fractional catabolism of apo AI. Our studies suggest that variations in the rate of LPL-mediated lipolysis of TG-rich lipoproteins may lead to differences in HDL apolipoprotein fractional catabolic rate.
PMID: 2117022
ISSN: 0021-9738
CID: 955682
Localization of lipoprotein lipase mRNA in selected rat tissues
Goldberg, I J; Soprano, D R; Wyatt, M L; Vanni, T M; Kirchgessner, T G; Schotz, M C
Measurements of enzymatic activity have demonstrated that lipoprotein lipase (LPL), the principal enzyme responsible for hydrolysis of circulating triglyceride, is present in a number of tissues including brain, kidney, and adrenal gland. To determine the sites of synthesis of LPL in these tissues, in situ hybridization studies were performed using a non-sense 35S-labeled RNA probe produced from a 624-bp mouse LPL cDNA fragment. Control studies were performed with a sense RNA strand. Using 5-10-micron sections of 5-day-old rat brain, strong hybridization was found in pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus. Positive hybridization, indicating the presence of LPL mRNA, was also found in brain cortex and in the intermediate lobe of adult rat pituitary gland. Specific areas of adrenal and kidney medulla showed hybridization with the probe. LPL mRNA is, therefore, present in a number of specific regions of the body. LPL in these areas may not be important in regulating circulating levels of lipoproteins, but may be essential for cellular uptake, binding, and transfer of free fatty acids or other lipophilic substances.
PMID: 2614260
ISSN: 0022-2275
CID: 955692
Plasma lipolytic activity. Relationship to postheparin lipolytic activity and evidence for metabolic regulation
Eckel, R H; Goldberg, I J; Steiner, L; Yost, T J; Paterniti, J R Jr
Lipolytic activity was measured in human plasma without prior administration of intravenous heparin. Eluted from heparin-Sepharose in a barbital buffer containing 6 mg/ml heparin, plasma lipolytic activities in 20 subjects were distributed between hepatic triglyceride lipase (HTGL, mean +/- SE 60.6 +/- 4.6%) and extrahepatic lipoprotein lipase (LPL, 39.4 +/- 4.6%). Confirmation of the identities of HTGL and LPL was provided by inhibitory antisera. Preheparin LPL activity was absent in plasma from a patient with type I hyperlipoproteinemia. Both preheparin HTGL and LPL activities correlated with the respective activities measured in plasma obtained 15 min after intravenous injection of heparin (rs = + .774 and + .685, respectively; n = 12). Evidence for the metabolic regulation of preheparin lipases was provided by measurement of significant increases in LPL and HTGL activities after oral glucose ingestion. Overall, preheparin plasma HTGL and LPL activities may reflect ongoing lipoprotein lipolytic activity in tissue beds, and because these measurements do not require the administration of intravenous heparin, they should prove useful for additional studies of short-term regulation of the lipases.
PMID: 3360217
ISSN: 0012-1797
CID: 949342
Membrane-bound lipoprotein lipase on human monocyte-derived macrophages: localization by immunocolloidal gold technique
Goldberg, I J; Handley, D A; Vanni, T; Paterniti, J R Jr; Cornicelli, J A
Macrophages from both rodent and human sources have been shown to produce lipoprotein lipase (LPL), the enzyme activity of which can be measured in culture media and in cellular homogenates. The studies reported here show the presence of LPL on the surface of human monocyte-derived macrophages. An inhibitory monoclonal antibody to human LPL was used for cellular and immunoelectron microscopy studies. This antibody is a competitive inhibitor of LPL hydrolysis of triacylglycerol but does not inhibit LPL hydrolysis of a water-soluble substrate, p-nitrophenyl acetate. Furthermore, when postheparin plasma was mixed with monoclonal antibody prior to gel filtration on 6% agarose, the LPL activity eluted with the lipoproteins and was not inhibited by the antibody. These studies suggest that the antibody recognized the lipid/lipoprotein binding site of the LPL molecule. Membrane-bound LPL was demonstrated on human monocyte-derived macrophages using colloidal gold-protein A to detect the monoclonal antibody to LPL. The surface colloidal gold was randomly distributed with a surface density of 56,700 gold particles per cell. Control cells cultured in heparin-containing media (10 units/ml) or cells reacted with anti-hepatic triacylglycerol lipase monoclonal IgG or nonimmune mouse IgG did not exhibit membrane binding of protein A-gold. Macrophages were incubated with control and monoclonal anti-LPL IgGs and 125I-labeled anti-mouse IgG F(ab')2. Heparin-releasable membrane-bound anti-LPL antibody was demonstrated. These studies demonstrate the presence of LPL on the surface of human monocyte-derived macrophages, such that the LPL is oriented with its lipid-binding portion (recognized by this antibody) exposed. Membrane-associated LPL may be important in the interaction and subsequent uptake of lipid and lipoproteins by macrophages and in the generation of atherosclerotic foam cells.
PMID: 3355847
ISSN: 0006-3002
CID: 952632
Lipoprotein metabolism during acute inhibition of lipoprotein lipase in the cynomolgus monkey
Goldberg, I J; Le, N A; Ginsberg, H N; Krauss, R M; Lindgren, F T
To clarify the role of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) in the catabolism of nascent and circulating very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) and in the conversion of VLDL to low density lipoproteins (LDL), studies were performed in which LPL activity was inhibited in the cynomolgus monkey by intravenous infusion of inhibitory polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies. Inhibition of LPL activity resulted in a three- to fivefold increase in plasma triglyceride levels within 3 h. Analytical ultracentrifugation and gradient gel electrophoresis demonstrated an increase predominantly in more buoyant, larger VLDL (Sf 400-60). LDL and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels fell during this same time period, whereas triglyceride in LDL and HDL increased. Kinetic studies, utilizing radiolabeled human VLDL, demonstrated that LPL inhibition resulted in a marked decrease in the catabolism of large (Sf 400-100) VLDL apolipoprotein B (apoB). The catabolism of more dense VLDL (Sf 60-20) was also inhibited, although to a lesser extent. However, there was a complete block in the conversion of tracer in both Sf 400-100 and 60-20 VLDL apoB into LDL during LPL inhibition. Similarly, endogenous labeling of VLDL using [3H]leucine demonstrated that in the absence of LPL, no radiolabeled apoB appeared in LDL. We conclude that although catabolism of dense VLDL continues in the absence of LPL, this enzyme is required for the generation of LDL.
PMID: 3276735
ISSN: 0021-9738
CID: 952692
Association of plasma lipoproteins with postheparin lipase activities
Goldberg, I J; Kandel, J J; Blum, C B; Ginsberg, H N
Studies were designed to explore the association of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and hepatic triglyceride lipase (HTGL) activities with lipoproteins in human postheparin plasma (PHP). The major peak of LPL activity after gel filtration of PHP eluted after the triglyceride-rich lipoproteins and just before the peak of low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol. When PHP contained chylomicrons, an additional peak of LPL activity eluted in the void volume of the column. Most HTGL activity eluted after the LDL and preceded the elution of high density lipoprotein cholesterol. LPL activity in preheparin plasma eluted in the same position, relative to lipoproteins, as did LPL in PHP. Gel filtration of purified human milk LPL mixed with plasma or isolated LDL produced a peak of activity eluting before LDL. During gel filtration of PHP in high salt buffer (1 M NaCl) or after isolation of lipoproteins by ultracentrifugation in high salt density solutions, most of the lipase activity was not associated with lipoproteins. LPL activity was removed from PHP by elution through immunoaffinity columns containing antibodies to apolipoprotein (apo) B and apo E. Since lipoproteins in PHP have undergone prior in vivo lipolysis, LPL activity in PHP may be bound to remnants of chylomicrons and very low density lipoproteins.
PMID: 3782469
ISSN: 0021-9738
CID: 952702
Evidence for heterogeneity of low-density lipoprotein metabolism in the cynomolgus monkey
Goldberg, I J; Le, N A; Leeman, B; Brown, W V; Lindgren, F T
Preliminary studies were performed to establish whether there was kinetic heterogeneity in the metabolism of subclasses of low-density lipoproteins (LDL) in the cynomolgus monkey. Previous studies of the effects of inhibition of hepatic triglyceride lipase in this species had shown an increase in the mass of lighter LDL (Sf greater than 9) and a decrease in the mass of denser LDL. LDL (1.019 less than d less than 1.063) were subdivided into two subfractions LDL1 (1.019 less than d less than 1.035) and LDL2 (1.035 less than d less than 1.063) by ultracentrifugation. The lipoproteins in these two fractions could be shown to have different flotation by analytic and isopycnic ultracentrifugation. When tracer amounts of homologous 125I-labeled very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL) were injected into chow-fed cynomolgus monkeys, apoB radioactivity appeared in LDL1 prior to its appearance in LDL2. [125I]LDL1 injected into the monkey was removed from the LDL1 density subclass with a half-life of 5.5-10.3 h. Much of the radioactivity injected as LDL1 was converted to denser LDL (LDL2). Labeled LDL2 injected into the monkey was not converted to LDL1. Thus, at least two kinetically distinct subpopulations of LDL circulate in the plasma of this species. The lighter LDL is to a large extent a metabolic precursor of the more dense LDL (LDL2).
PMID: 3768398
ISSN: 0006-3002
CID: 952522