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Reply: Electrical Weapons and Electrophysiology

Barbhaiya, Chirag R; Moskowitz, Craig; Duraiswami, Harish; Jankelson, Lior; Knotts, Robert J; Bernstein, Scott; Park, David; Holmes, Douglas; Aizer, Anthony; Chinitz, Larry A
PMID: 34317106
ISSN: 2666-0849
CID: 4949432

Ablation in Atrial Fibrillation with Ventricular Pacing Results in Similar Spatial Catheter Stability as Compared to Ablation in Sinus Rhythm with Atrial Pacing

Dai, Matthew; Barbhaiya, Chirag; Aizer, Anthony; Hyde, Jonathan; Kogan, Edward; Holmes, Douglas; Bernstein, Scott; Spinelli, Michael; S Park, David; A Chinitz, Larry; Jankelson, Lior
Background/UNASSIGNED:Improved catheter stability is associated with decreased arrhythmia recurrence after atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation. Recently, atrial voltage mapping in AF was demonstrated to correlate better with scar as compared to mapping in sinus rhythm (SR). However, it is unknown whether ablation of persistent AF in sinus rhythm with atrial pacing or in atrial fibrillation with ventricular pacing results in differences in catheter stability or arrhythmia recurrence. Methods/UNASSIGNED:We analyzed 53 consecutive patients undergoing first-time persistent AF ablation with pulmonary vein and posterior wall isolation: 27 were cardioverted, mapped, and ablated in sinus rhythm with atrial pacing, and 26 were mapped and ablated in AF with ventricular pacing. Ablation data was extracted from the mapping system and analyzed using custom MATLAB software to determine high-frequency (60Hz) catheter excursion as a novel metric for catheter spatial stability. Results/UNASSIGNED:There was no difference in catheter stability as assessed by maximal catheter excursion, mean catheter excursion, or contact force variability between the atrial-paced and ventricular-paced patients. Ventricular-paced patients had significantly greater mean contact force as compared to atrial-paced patients. Contact-force variability demonstrated poor correlation with catheter excursion. One year arrhythmia-free survival was similar between the atrial paced and ventricular paced patients. Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:For patients with persistent AF, ablation in AF with ventricular pacing results in similar catheter stability and arrhythmia recurrence as compared to cardioversion and ablation in sinus rhythm with atrial pacing. Given the improved fidelity of mapping in AF, mapping and ablating during AF with ventricular pacing may be preferred.
PMID: 34950311
ISSN: 1941-6911
CID: 5093082

Response to: Do not yet abandon cephalic vein access for multiple leads in ICD implantation [Letter]

Barbhaiya, Chirag R; Niazi, Osama; Jankelson, Lior; Bernstein, Scott; Park, David; Holmes, Douglas; Aizer, Anthony; Chinitz, Larry A
PMID: 32789905
ISSN: 1540-8167
CID: 4556572

QT Interval Prolongation and Torsade De Pointes in Patients with COVID-19 treated with Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin

Chorin, Ehud; Wadhwani, Lalit; Magnani, Silvia; Dai, Matthew; Shulman, Eric; Nadeau-Routhier, Charles; Knotts, Robert; Bar-Cohen, Roi; Kogan, Edward; Barbhaiya, Chirag; Aizer, Anthony; Holmes, Douglas; Bernstein, Scott; Spinelli, Michael; Park, David S; Stefano, Carugo; Chinitz, Larry A; Jankelson, Lior
BACKGROUND:There is no known effective therapy for patients with COVID-19. Initial reports suggesting the potential benefit of Hydroxychloroquine/Azithromycin (HY/AZ) have resulted in massive adoption of this combination worldwide. However, while the true efficacy of this regimen is unknown, initial reports have raised concerns regarding the potential risk of QT prolongation and induction of torsade de pointes (TdP). OBJECTIVE:to assess the change in QTc interval and arrhythmic events in patients with COVID-19 treated with HY/AZ METHODS: This is a retrospective study of 251 patients from two centers, diagnosed with COVID-19 and treated with HY/AZ. We reviewed ECG tracings from baseline and until 3 days after completion of therapy to determine the progression of QTc and incidence of arrhythmia and mortality. RESULTS:QTc prolonged in parallel with increasing drug exposure and incompletely shortened after its completion. Extreme new QTc prolongation to > 500 ms, a known marker of high risk for TdP had developed in 23% of patients. One patient developed polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT) suspected as TdP, requiring emergent cardioversion. Seven patients required premature termination of therapy. The baseline QTc of patients exhibiting extreme QTc prolongation was normal. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The combination of HY/AZ significantly prolongs the QTc in patients with COVID-19. This prolongation may be responsible for life threating arrhythmia in the form of TdP. This risk mandates careful consideration of HY/AZ therapy in lights of its unproven efficacy. Strict QTc monitoring should be performed if the regimen is given.
PMID: 32407884
ISSN: 1556-3871
CID: 4431542

Comparison of the Effect of Atrial Fibrillation Detection Algorithms in Patients With Cryptogenic Stroke Using Implantable Loop Recorders

Chorin, Ehud; Peterson, Connor; Kogan, Edward; Barbhaiya, Chirag; Aizer, Anthony; Holmes, Douglas; Bernstein, Scott; Schole, Michael; Duraiswami, Harish; Spinelli, Michael; Park, David; Chinitz, Larry; Jankelson, Lior
Occult atrial fibrillation (AF) can be the underlying cause for cryptogenic stroke (CS). Implantable loop recorders (ILRs) have become an important tool for long-term arrhythmia monitoring in CS patients. Office-based ILR implantation by nonelectrophysiologist physicians is increasingly common. To report the real world diagnostic yield and accuracy of remote ILR monitoring in high risk CS patients, we retrospectively analyzed 145 consecutive patients with CS who underwent ILR implantation between October 2014 and October 2018 at New York University Langone Health. A certified device technician and an electrophysiologist adjudicated all transmissions. The yield and accuracy of Reveal LINQ Intra Cardiac Monitor (ICM), a fourth generation device, was compared to that of TruRhythm Detection algorithm (fifth generation device). AF was diagnosed in 17 patients (12%) over a mean follow-up of 28 ± 12 months. The median time to diagnosis was 7.4 ± 21.3 months. A total of 1,637 remote transmissions (scheduled- and auto-triggered alerts: 756; patient-triggered: 881) were adjudicated. The positive predictive value for AF episodes in the scheduled interrogations increased from 4% in the Reveal LINQ ICM to 16% in the TruRhythm LINQ. Of 881 patient-triggered transmissions, none were found to be true positive. In the Reveal LINQ ICM, for scheduled transmissions, primary causes of false positive (FP) were atrial ventricular premature complexes (80%). In the TruRhythm LINQ, for scheduled transmissions, primary cause of FP were T-wave over-sensing (87%). In conclusion, the real world diagnostic yield of ILR for patients with CS remains suboptimal, with at least 84% of AF alerts being FP. Patient-riggered events did not correlate with arrhythmia and the necessity of patient triggering in this population should be questioned. Expert interpretation of recordings is critical to assure accurate diagnosis.
PMID: 32600783
ISSN: 1879-1913
CID: 4504002

Rapid Pacing and High Frequency Jet Ventilation Additively Improve Catheter Stability during AF Ablation

Aizer, Anthony; Qiu, Jessica K; Cheng, Austin V; Wu, Patrick B; Barbhaiya, Chirag R; Jankelson, Lior; Linton, Patrick; Bernstein, Scott A; Park, David S; Holmes, Douglas S; Chinitz, Larry A
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Catheter stability during atrial fibrillation ablation is associated with higher ablation success rates. Rapid cardiac pacing and high frequency jet ventilation (HFJV) independently improve catheter stability. Simultaneous modulation of cardiac and respiratory motion has not been previously studied. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of simultaneous heart rate and respiratory rate modulation on catheter stability. METHODS:Forty patients undergoing paroxysmal atrial fibrillation ablation received ablation lesions at 15 pre-specified locations (12 left atria, 3 right atria). Patients were randomly assigned to undergo rapid atrial pacing for either the first or the second half of each lesion. Within each group, half of patients received HFJV and half standard ventilation. Contact force and ablation data for all lesions were compared among the study groups. Standard deviation of contact force was the primary endpoint defined to examine contact force variability. RESULTS:Lesions with no pacing and standard ventilation had the greatest contact force standard deviation (5.86 + 3.08g), compared to lesions with pacing and standard ventilation (5.45+3.28g, p<0.01) or to lesions with no pacing and HFJV (4.92+3.00g, P<0.01). Lesions with both pacing and HFJV had the greatest reduction in contact force standard deviation, (4.35+2.81g, p<0.01), confirming an additive benefit of each maneuver. Pacing and HFJV together was also associated with a reduction in the proportion of lesions with excessive maximum contact force (p<0.001). DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:Rapid pacing and HFJV additively improve catheter stability. Simultaneous pacing with HFJV further improves catheter stability over pacing or HFJV alone to optimize ablation lesions. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
PMID: 32314841
ISSN: 1540-8167
CID: 4396962

Inappropriate ICD Shock as a Result of TASER Discharge [Case Report]

Barbhaiya, Chirag R; Moskowitz, Craig; Duraiswami, Harish; Jankelson, Lior; Knotts, Robert J; Bernstein, Scott; Park, David; Holmes, Douglas; Aizer, Anthony; Chinitz, Larry A
Conducted energy weapon (commonly known as TASER) discharge in patients with implantable cardioverter-defibrillators is known to cause electromagnetic interference and inappropriate ventricular fibrillation sensing without delivery of implantable cardioverter-defibrillators therapy during conducted energy weapon application. We report the first known case of conducted energy weapon discharge resulting in inappropriate implantable cardioverter-defibrillators therapy. (Level of Difficulty: Beginner.).
PMID: 34317440
ISSN: 2666-0849
CID: 4949472

The QT interval in patients with COVID-19 treated with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin [Letter]

Chorin, Ehud; Dai, Matthew; Shulman, Eric; Wadhwani, Lalit; Bar-Cohen, Roi; Barbhaiya, Chirag; Aizer, Anthony; Holmes, Douglas; Bernstein, Scott; Spinelli, Michael; Park, David S; Chinitz, Larry A; Jankelson, Lior
PMID: 32488217
ISSN: 1546-170x
CID: 4465982

Contact-force radiofrequency ablation of non-paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: improved outcomes with increased experience

Barbhaiya, Chirag R; Knotts, Robert J; Bockstall, Katy; Bernstein, Scott; Park, David; Holmes, Douglas; Aizer, Anthony; Chinitz, Larry A
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Clinical trials have failed to reliably show improved outcomes with utilization of contact-force sensing (CFS) radiofrequency (RF) ablation catheters. It is unknown whether the unfavorable outcomes observed in these trials are attributable to inexperience with CFS technology. OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:To compare catheter ablation outcomes of stepwise linear ablation with versus without CFS technology and to assess the impact of operator experience with CFS technology on procedural outcomes. METHODS:Clinical outcomes were evaluated in 228 consecutive NPAF patients undergoing first-time left atrial ablation using a stepwise linear approach. Arrhythmia recurrence was assessed using 2-week event monitors at 3-month intervals following index ablation. RESULTS:A total of 228 patients were included in our study. There was no statistically significant difference in risk of recurrent atrial arrhythmias at 12 and 24 months between CFS and non-CFS patients (p = 0.5 and p = 0.169). The time to recurrence of atrial arrhythmias at 24 months in the second half of CFS patients was significantly lower when compared to both the first half of CFS patients (p = 0.002) and non-CFS patients (p = 0.005). CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:While there was no difference in overall outcomes between CFS and non-CFS ablation using a stepwise linear approach in patients with NPAF, procedural efficacy of the second half of CFS patients was significantly improved compared to both the first half of CFS patients and all non-CFS patients. Lack of benefit seen in clinical trials using CFS technology may be related to operator inexperience with CFS ablation catheters at the time of the trials.
PMID: 31707533
ISSN: 1572-8595
CID: 4184742

Direct autotransfusion following emergency pericardiocentesis in patients undergoing cardiac electrophysiology procedures

Barbhaiya, Chirag R; Guandalini, Gustavo S; Jankelson, Lior; Park, David; Bernstein, Scott; Holmes, Douglas; Aizer, Anthony; Chinitz, Larry
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Acute hemopericardium during cardiac electrophysiology (EP) procedures may result in significant blood loss and is the most common cause of procedure related death. Matched allogeneic blood is often not immediately available. The feasibility and safety of direct autotransfusion in cardiac electrophysiology patients requiring emergency pericardiocentesis is unknown. METHODS:We retrospectively analyzed records of patients undergoing EP procedures at a single, tertiary care medical center who had procedure-related acute hemopericardium requiring emergency pericardiocentesis during a three-year period. Procedure details, transfusion volumes, and clinical outcomes of patients who received direct autotransfusion of aspirated pericardial blood via a femoral venous sheath were compared to those of patients who did not receive direct autotransfusion. RESULTS:During the study period, 10 patients received direct autotransfusion (group 1) and outcomes were compared with those of 14 control patients who did not receive direct autotransfusion (group 2). Volume of aspirated pericardial blood was similar in groups 1 and 2 (1.6±0.7 L vs. 1.3±1.0 L, respectively; p=0.52). Amongst patients with aspirated volumes < 1L, group 1 patients (n=4) were less likely than group 2 patients (n=8) to require allotransfusion (0% vs. 75%, p=0.02). Amongst patients with aspirated volume ≥ 1L, group 1 patients (n=6) required fewer units of red cell allotransfusion than group 2 patients (n=6) (1.5±0.8u vs. 4.3±2.0u, p=0.01). No procedural complications related to direct autotransfusion occurred. CONCLUSIONS:Direct autotransfusion following emergency pericardiocentesis during electrophysiology procedures requiring systemic anticoagulation is feasible and safe. Utilization of direct autotransfusion may eliminate or reduce the need for allotransfusion. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.
PMID: 32243641
ISSN: 1540-8167
CID: 4370572