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Seminal megavesicle in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease

Reig, Beatriu; Blumenfeld, Jon; Donahue, Stephanie; Prince, Martin R
Retrospective analysis of 99 male autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) patients compared to an age-matched control population showed seminal vesicle ectasia >10 mm (megavesicle) in 23% (23/99) of ADPKD patients that was not present in any controls (P<.0001). Median (range) seminal vesicle convoluted tubule diameter in ADPKD patients was 4.2 (1.7-30) mm compared to 3.1 (1.7-6.8) mm in controls (P<.0001). Discrete cysts were identified in four ADPKD patients but in none of the control population (P=.12). Seminal megavesicles may explain the infertility sometimes observed in male ADPKD patients.
PMID: 25542752
ISSN: 1873-4499
CID: 3180492

Axillary lymph node status in breast cancer staging: What patient and tumor factors affect the accuracy of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration? [Meeting Abstract]

Chacko, Celin; Reig, Beatriu; Koenigsberg, Tova
ISSN: 0732-183x
CID: 3567892

Three-dimensional flow-independent balanced steady-state free precession vessel wall MRI of the popliteal artery: preliminary experience and comparison with flow-dependent black-blood techniques

Kawaji, Keigo; Nguyen, Thanh D; Zou, Zhitong; Reig, Beatriu; Winchester, Priscilla A; Shih, Andrew; Spincemaille, Pascal; Prince, Martin R; Wang, Yi
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:To examine the feasibility of flow-independent T2-prepared inversion recovery (T2IR) black-blood (BB) magnetization preparation for three-dimensional (3D) balanced steady-state free precession (SSFP) vessel wall MRI of the popliteal artery, and to evaluate its performance relative to flow-dependent double inversion recovery (DIR), spatial presaturation (SPSAT), and motion-sensitizing magnetization preparation (MSPREP) BB techniques in healthy volunteers. MATERIALS AND METHODS/METHODS:Eleven subjects underwent 3D MRI at 1.5 Tesla with four techniques performed in a randomized order. Wall and lumen signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), wall-to-lumen contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), vessel wall area, and lumen area were measured at proximal, middle, and distal locations of the imaged popliteal artery. Image quality scores based on wall visualization and degree of intraluminal artifacts were also obtained. RESULTS:In the proximal region, DIR and SPSAT had higher wall SNR and wall-to-lumen CNR than both MSPREP and T2IR. In the middle and distal regions, DIR and SPSAT failed to provide effective blood suppression, whereas MSPREP and T2IR provided adequate black blood contrast with comparable wall-to-lumen CNR and image quality. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:The feasibility of 3D SSFP imaging of the popliteal vessel wall using flow-independent T2IR was demonstrated with effective blood suppression and good vessel wall visualization. Although DIR and SPSAT are effective for thin slab imaging, MSPREP and T2IR are better suited for 3D thick slab imaging.
PMID: 21769963
ISSN: 1522-2586
CID: 3180482