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Predicting ankle and knee sagittal kinematics and kinetics using an ankle-mounted inertial sensor

Long, Ting; Outerleys, Jereme; Yeung, Ted; Fernandez, Justin; Bouxsein, Mary L; Davis, Irene S; Bredella, Miriam A; Besier, Thor F
The purpose of this study was to develop a machine learning model to reconstruct time series kinematic and kinetic profiles of the ankle and knee joint across six different tasks using an ankle-mounted IMU. Four male collegiate basketball players performed repeated tasks, including walking, jogging, running, sidestep cutting, max-height jumping, and stop-jumping, resulting in a total of 102 movements. Ankle and knee flexion-extension angles and moments were estimated using motion capture and inverse dynamics and considered 'actual data' for the purpose of model fitting. Synchronous acceleration and angular velocity data were collected from right ankle-mounted IMUs. A time-series feature extraction model was used to determine a set of features used as input to a random forest regression model to predict the ankle and knee kinematics and kinetics. Five-fold cross-validation was performed to verify the model accuracy, and statistical parametric mapping was used to determine the difference between the predicted and experimental time series. The random forest regression model predicted the time-series profiles of the ankle and knee flexion-extension angles and moments with high accuracy (Kinematics: R2 ranged from 0.782 to 0.962, RMSE ranged from 2.19° to 11.58°; Kinetics: R2 ranged from 0.711 to 0.966, RMSE ranged from 0.10 Nm/kg to 0.41 Nm/kg). There were differences between predicted and actual time series for the knee flexion-extension moment during stop-jumping and walking. An appropriately trained feature-based regression model can predict time series knee and ankle joint angles and moments across a wide range of tasks using a single ankle-mounted IMU.
PMID: 37516980
ISSN: 1476-8259
CID: 5602292

Biomechanical CT to Assess Bone After Sleeve Gastrectomy in Adolescents With Obesity: A Prospective Longitudinal Study

Huber, Florian A; Singhal, Vibha; Tuli, Shubhangi; Stanford, Fatima C; Carmine, Brian; Bouxsein, Mary L; Misra, Madhusmita; Bredella, Miriam A
Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) is effective in treating cardiometabolic complications of obesity but is associated with bone loss. Our aim was to determine the effect of SG on the lumbar spine by biomechanical CT analysis in adolescents/young adults with obesity. We hypothesized that SG would lead to a decrease in strength and bone mineral density (BMD) compared with nonsurgical controls. In a 12-month prospective nonrandomized study, adolescents/young adults with obesity underwent SG (n = 29, 18.0 ± 2.1 years, 23 female) or were followed without surgery (controls, n = 30, 17.95 ± 3.0 years, 22 female). At baseline and 12 months, participants underwent quantitative computed tomography (QCT) of L1 and L2 for biomechanical assessment and MRI of the abdomen and mid-thigh for body composition assessment. Twelve-month changes between groups and within groups were assessed. Analyses were controlled for baseline and 12-month changes in body mass index (BMI) by multivariable analyses. Regression analysis was performed to evaluate the effect of body composition on bone parameters. Our institutional review board (IRB) approved the study, and informed consent/assent was obtained. Participants in the SG group had a higher baseline BMI than controls (p = 0.01) and lost an average of 34.3 ± 13.6 kg 12 months after surgery, whereas weight was unchanged in controls (p < 0.001). There were significant reductions in abdominal adipose tissue and thigh muscle area in the SG group compared with controls (p < 0.001). Bone strength, bending stiffness, and average and trabecular volumetric BMD decreased in the SG group compared with controls (p < 0.001). After controlling for change in BMI, a 12-month reduction in cortical BMD was significant in the SG group compared with controls (p = 0.02). Reductions in strength and trabecular BMD were associated with reductions in BMI, visceral adipose tissue, and muscle (p ≤ 0.03). In conclusion, SG in adolescents decreased strength and volumetric BMD of the lumbar spine compared with nonsurgical controls. These changes were associated with decreases in visceral fat and muscle mass. © 2023 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR).
PMID: 37073493
ISSN: 1523-4681
CID: 5602132

Differences in bone accrual over one year in young girls with obesity compared to Normal weight controls

Singhal, Vibha; Kaur, Snimarjot; Haidar, Lea Abou; Lee, Hang; Bredella, Miriam A; Misra, Madhusmita
Despite higher bone mineral density (BMD), women with obesity are at an increased risk of fracture compared to normal-weight women. Optimal adolescent bone accrual is critical for normal peak bone mass acquisition and future bone health. Whereas several studies have examined the impact of low body weight on bone accrual in youth, data are lacking regarding the impact of obesity on bone accrual. We examined bone accrual over one year in young women with moderate to severe obesity (OB) (n = 21) versus normal-weight controls (NWC) (n = 50). Participants were 13-25 years old. We used dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry to assess areal BMD (aBMD) and high resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (distal radius and tibia) to assess volumetric BMD (vBMD), bone geometry, and microarchitecture. Analyses were controlled for age and race. The mean age was 18.7 ± 2.7 years. OB and NWC were similar for age, race, height, and physical activity. OB had a higher BMI (p < 0.0001) and younger menarchal age (p = 0.022) than NWC. Over one year, OB did not demonstrate the increase in total hip BMD observed in NWC (p = 0.03). Increases in percent cortical area and cortical thickness, and cortical and total vBMD at the radius were lower in OB than in NWC (p ≤ 0.037). Groups did not differ for tibial bone accrual. We demonstrate that longitudinal bone accrual is impaired at the total hip and radial cortex in young women with obesity, raising concerns regarding their future bone health.
PMID: 37030498
ISSN: 1873-2763
CID: 5602092

Design and Implementation of a Leadership Development Program for Early-Stage Investigators: Initial Results

Bredella, Miriam A; Patel, Karan A; Leyne, Maire; Levy, Anne S; Tannous, Bakhos A; Bouxsein, Mary L
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Leadership skills are essential for a successful career in medical research but are often not formally taught. To address these gaps, we designed a leadership development program for early-stage investigators. METHODS:A 9-month virtual program with monthly 2-hour interactive sessions was designed, covering topics such as Leadership in Research, Mentoring, Building Diverse and Inclusive Teams, Managing Conflict, Influencing without Authority, Grant Administration, and Management. An anonymized survey was sent to participants before and after completion of the program, and the results were compared using the chi-squared test. RESULTS:Over a 2-year period, we selected two cohorts of 41 and 46 participants, respectively. After completion of the program, 92% of survey respondents indicated that the program met their expectations and 74% had made use of skills they learned. Participants enjoyed meeting new people and discussing common challenges. There was an increase in participants' perceived understanding of personal leadership qualities, mentoring, communication, conflict resolution, grant management, and collaboration with industry (P < .05). DISCUSSION/CONCLUSIONS:A leadership development program for early-stage investigators led to a significant increase in participants' perceived understanding of personal leadership qualities and competencies. It also offered participants the opportunity to meet other researchers in the institution and discuss common challenges.
PMID: 37377441
ISSN: 1554-558x
CID: 5602232

Serum Oxytocin Levels Decrease 12 Months Following Sleeve Gastrectomy and Are Associated with Decreases in Lean Mass

Becetti, Imen; Singhal, Vibha; Nimmala, Supritha; Lee, Hang; Lawson, Elizabeth A; Bredella, Miriam A; Misra, Madhusmita
Oxytocin (OXT), an anorexigenic hormone, is also bone anabolic. Further, OXT administration results in increases in lean mass (LM) in adults with sarcopenic obesity. We examine, for the first time, associations of OXT with body composition and bone endpoints in 25 youth 13-25 years old with severe obesity who underwent sleeve gastrectomy (SG) and 27 non-surgical controls (NS). Forty participants were female. Subjects underwent fasting blood tests for serum OXT and DXA for areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and body composition. At baseline, SG vs. NS had higher median body mass index (BMI) but did not differ for age or OXT levels. Over 12 months, SG vs. NS had greater reductions in BMI, LM, and fat mass (FM). OXT decreased in SG vs. NS 12 months post-SG. While baseline OXT predicted a 12-month BMI change in SG, decreases in OXT levels 12 months post-SG were not associated with decreases in weight or BMI. In SG, decreases in OXT were positively associated with decreases in LM but not with decreases in FM or aBMD. Loss of LM, a strong predictor of BMD, after bariatric surgery may reduce functional and muscular capacity. OXT pathways may be targeted to prevent LM loss following SG.
PMID: 37373292
ISSN: 1422-0067
CID: 5602212

Changes in serum cortisol levels after 10 days of overfeeding and fasting

Colling, Caitlin; Bredella, Miriam A; Fazeli, Pouneh K; Pachón-Peña, Gisela; Singh, Ravinder J; Rosen, Clifford J; Miller, Karen K
Chronic caloric deprivation and obesity are complicated by hypercortisolemia. The effects of acute overfeeding and fasting on circulating free cortisol levels and conversion of cortisone to free cortisol are unknown. We hypothesized that serum-free cortisol and free cortisol-to-cortisone ratio would increase after both overfeeding and fasting. This is a prospective study of 22 healthy volunteers who completed a 10-day high-calorie protocol followed by a 10-day fast, separated by a 2-wk washout. Morning free and total cortisol and free cortisone levels (LC/MS) were measured at baseline and after 10 days of each intervention. Both high-calorie feeding and fasting increased total and free cortisol and the free cortisol-to-free cortisone ratio (P = 0.001 to P = 0.046). There were sex interactions, with significant effects in men (P < 0.001), but not in women (P = 0.898 and 1.000, respectively) in subset analyses examining the effects of fasting on free cortisol and the free-to-total cortisol ratio. Overfeeding and fasting both increase circulating free cortisol levels and appear to alter the balance between cortisol and its inactive metabolite, cortisone. Further study is warranted to determine whether elevated cortisol levels contribute to complications of starvation and obesity, such as bone fragility.NEW & NOTEWORTHY Overfeeding and fasting both increase circulating free cortisol levels and appear to alter the balance between cortisol and its inactive metabolite, cortisone. The effect of fasting on free cortisol levels is modified by sex. Further study is needed to determine the mechanisms driving the increases in cortisol.
PMID: 37053050
ISSN: 1522-1555
CID: 5602112

Two-year Skeletal Effects of Sleeve Gastrectomy in Adolescents with Obesity Assessed with Quantitative CT and MR Spectroscopy

Huber, Florian A; Singhal, Vibha; Tuli, Shubhangi; Becetti, Imen; López López, Ana Paola; Bouxsein, Mary L; Misra, Madhusmita; Bredella, Miriam A
Background Sleeve gastrectomy (SG) is effective in the treatment of cardiometabolic complications of obesity but is associated with bone loss. Purpose To determine the long-term effects of SG on vertebral bone strength, density, and bone marrow adipose tissue (BMAT) in adolescents and young adults with obesity. Materials and Methods This 2-year prospective nonrandomized longitudinal study enrolled adolescents and young adults with obesity who underwent either SG (SG group) or dietary and exercise counseling without surgery (control group) at an academic medical center from 2015 to 2020. Participants underwent quantitative CT of the lumbar spine (L1 and L2 levels) to assess bone density and strength, proton MR spectroscopy to assess BMAT (L1 and L2 levels), and MRI of the abdomen and thigh to assess body composition. Student t and Wilcoxon signed-rank tests were used to compare 24-month changes between and within groups. Regression analysis was performed to evaluate associations between body composition, vertebral bone density, strength, and BMAT. Results A total of 25 participants underwent SG (mean age, 18 years ± 2 [SD], 20 female), and 29 underwent dietary and exercise counseling without surgery (mean age, 18 years ± 3, 21 female). Body mass index (BMI) decreased by a mean of 11.9 kg/m2 ± 5.21 [SD] after 24 months in the SG group (P < .001), while it increased in the control group (mean increase, 1.49 kg/m2 ± 3.10; P = .02). Mean bone strength of the lumbar spine decreased after surgery compared with that in control subjects (mean decrease, -728 N ± 691 vs -7.24 N ± 775; P < .001). BMAT of the lumbar spine increased after SG (mean lipid-to-water ratio increase, 0.10 ± 0.13; P = .001). Changes in vertebral density and strength correlated positively with changes in BMI and body composition (R = 0.34 to R = 0.65, P = .02 to P < .001) and inversely with vertebral BMAT (R = -0.33 to R = -0.47, P = .03 to P = .001). Conclusion SG in adolescents and young adults reduced vertebral bone strength and density and increased BMAT compared with those in control participants. Clinical trial registration no. NCT02557438 © RSNA, 2023 See also the editorial by Link and Schafer in this issue.
PMID: 37310246
ISSN: 1527-1315
CID: 5602192

Skeletal Effects of Sleeve Gastrectomy in Adolescents and Young Adults: A 2-Year Longitudinal Study

Mitchell, Deborah M; Singhal, Vibha; Animashaun, Abisayo; Bose, Amita; Carmine, Brian; Stanford, Fatima C; Inge, Thomas H; Kelsey, Megan M; Lee, Hang; Bouxsein, Mary L; Yu, Elaine W; Bredella, Miriam A; Misra, Madhusmita
CONTEXT:Vertical sleeve gastrectomy (VSG) is an increasingly common tool to achieve weight loss and improve metabolic health in adolescents and young adults with obesity, although it may adversely affect bone health. OBJECTIVE:This work aimed to evaluate the effect of VSG on bone health in youth. METHODS:An observational 2-year study was conducted at a tertiary care center of 66 patients aged 13 to 24 years with moderate-to-severe obesity meeting criteria for VSG. The patients underwent VSG (n = 30) or nonsurgical (n = 36) management per the decision of patient and clinical team. Main outcome measures included dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA) and high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography (HRpQCT) measures of bone mineral density (BMD), geometry, and microarchitecture. RESULTS:VSG patients achieved 25.3 ± 2.0% weight loss at 2 years (P < .001) while control subjects gained 4.0 ± 2.0% (P = .026). Total hip BMD declined 8.5 ± 1.0% following VSG compared with 0.1 ± 1.0% gain in controls (P < .001), with similar results at the femoral neck (P < .001). Total volumetric BMD (vBMD) decreased both at the distal radius and tibia following VSG (P < .001) driven primarily by trabecular vBMD loss (P < .001). Two-year changes in cortical vBMD did not differ between groups, though cortical porosity decreased following VSG both at the radius and tibia (P = .048 and P < .001). Cortical thickness increased in controls but not in VSG (P = .022 and P = .002 for between-group comparisons at the radius and tibia, respectively). Following VSG, estimated failure load decreased at the radius and did not demonstrate the physiologic increases at the tibia observed in controls. CONCLUSION:VSG leads to progressive changes in bone health over 2 years, and may lead to increased skeletal fragility in adolescents and young adults.
PMID: 36314507
ISSN: 1945-7197
CID: 5602082

Whole body imaging in musculoskeletal oncology: when, why, and how

Vicentini, Joao R T; Bredella, Miriam A
The use of whole-body imaging has become increasingly popular in oncology due to the possibility of evaluating total tumor burden with a single imaging study. This is particularly helpful in cases of widespread disease where dedicated regional imaging would make the evaluation more expensive, time consuming, and prone to more risks. Different techniques can be used, including whole-body MRI, whole-body CT, and PET-CT. Common indications include surveillance of cancer predisposing syndromes, evaluation of osseous metastases and clonal plasma cell disorders such as multiple myeloma, and evaluation of soft tissue lesions, including peripheral nerve sheath tumors. This review focuses on advanced whole-body imaging techniques and their main uses in musculoskeletal oncology.
PMID: 35809098
ISSN: 1432-2161
CID: 5601992

Prognostic Significance of Percentage and Size of Dedifferentiation in Dedifferentiated Chondrosarcoma

Hung, Yin P; Chebib, Ivan; Bredella, Miriam A; Berner, Emily A; Taylor-Black, Quinn; Choy, Edwin; Cote, Gregory M; Chen, Yen-Lin; MacDonald, Shannon M; Schwab, Joseph H; Raskin, Kevin A; Newman, Erik T; Selig, Martin K; Deshpande, Vikram; Hornick, Jason L; Lozano-Calderón, Santiago A; Nielsen, G Petur
Dedifferentiated chondrosarcoma is rare, aggressive, and microscopically bimorphic. How pathologic features such as the amounts of dedifferentiation affect prognosis remains unclear. We evaluated the percentages and sizes of dedifferentiation in a consecutive institutional series of dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas from 1999 to 2021. The statistical analysis included cox proportional hazard models and log-rank tests. Of the 67 patients (26 women, 41 men; age, 39 to >89 [median 61] years; 2 with Ollier disease), 58 presented de novo; 9 were identified with conventional chondrosarcomas 0.6-13.2 years (median, 5.5 years) prior. Pathologic fracture and distant metastases were noted in 27 and 7 patients at presentation. The tumors involved the femur (n = 27), pelvis (n = 22), humerus (n = 7), tibia (n = 4), scapula/ribs (n = 4), spine (n = 2), and clivus (n = 1). In the 56 resections, the tumors ranged in size from 3.5 to 46.0 cm (median, 11.5 cm) and contained 1%-99.5% (median, 70%) dedifferentiated components that ranged in size from 0.6 to 24.0 cm (median, 7.3 cm). No correlation was noted between total size and percentage of dedifferentiation. The dedifferentiated components were typically fibrosarcomatous or osteosarcomatous, whereas the associated cartilaginous components were predominantly grade 1-2, rarely enchondromas or grade 3. The entire cohort's median overall survival and progression-free survival were 11.8 and 5.4 months, respectively. In the resected cohort, although the total size was not prognostic, the percentage of dedifferentiation ≥20% and size of dedifferentiation >3.0 cm each predicted worse overall survival (9.9 vs 72.5 months; HR, 3.76; 95% CI, 1.27-11.14; P = .02; 8.7 vs 58.9 months; HR, 3.03; 95% CI, 1.21-7.57; P = .02, respectively) and progression-free survival (5.3 vs 62.1 months; HR, 3.05; 95% CI, 1.13-8.28; P = .03; 5.3 vs 56.6 months; HR, 2.50; 95% CI, 1.06-5.88; P = .04, respectively). In conclusion, both the percentages and sizes of dedifferentiation were better prognostic predictors than total tumor sizes in dedifferentiated chondrosarcomas, highlighting the utility of their pathologic evaluations.
PMID: 36788104
ISSN: 1530-0285
CID: 5602182