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Study protocol: BRInging the Diabetes prevention program to GEriatric Populations

Beasley, Jeannette M; Johnston, Emily A; Sevick, Mary Ann; Jay, Melanie; Rogers, Erin S; Zhong, Hua; Zabar, Sondra; Goldberg, Eric; Chodosh, Joshua
In the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) randomized, controlled clinical trial, participants who were  ≥ 60 years of age in the intensive lifestyle (diet and physical activity) intervention had a 71% reduction in incident diabetes over the 3-year trial. However, few of the 26.4 million American adults age ≥65 years with prediabetes are participating in the National DPP. The BRInging the Diabetes prevention program to GEriatric Populations (BRIDGE) randomized trial compares an in-person DPP program Tailored for Older AdulTs (DPP-TOAT) to a DPP-TOAT delivered via group virtual sessions (V-DPP-TOAT) in a randomized, controlled trial design (N = 230). Eligible patients are recruited through electronic health records (EHRs) and randomized to the DPP-TOAT or V-DPP-TOAT arm. The primary effectiveness outcome is 6-month weight loss and the primary implementation outcome is intervention session attendance with a non-inferiority design. Findings will inform best practices in the delivery of an evidence-based intervention.
PMID: 37275370
ISSN: 2296-858x
CID: 5738102

Use of patient portals to support recruitment into clinical trials and health research studies: results from studies using MyChart at one academic institution

Sherman, Scott E; Langford, Aisha T; Chodosh, Joshua; Hampp, Carina; Trachtman, Howard
Electronic health records (EHRs) are often used for recruitment into research studies, as they efficiently facilitate targeted outreach. While studies increasingly are reaching out to potential participants through the EHR patient portal, there is little available information about which approaches are most effective. We surveyed all investigators at one academic medical center who had used the Epic MyChart patient portal for recruitment. We found that messages were typically adapted for a large group, but not tailored further for individual subgroups. The vast majority of studies sent a message only once. Recruitment costs were modest, averaging $431/study. The results show some promise for recruiting through the patient portal but also identified ways in which messages could be optimized.
PMID: 36325306
ISSN: 2574-2531
CID: 5358682

IN-HOME-PDCaregivers: The effects of a combined home visit and peer mentoring intervention for caregivers of homebound individuals with advanced Parkinson's disease

Fleisher, Jori E; Suresh, Madhuvanthi; Klostermann, Ellen C; Lee, Jeanette; Hess, Serena P; Myrick, Erica; Mitchem, Daniela; Woo, Katheryn; Sennott, Brianna J; Witek, Natalie P; Chen, Sarah Mitchell; Beck, James C; Ouyang, Bichun; Wilkinson, Jayne R; Hall, Deborah A; Chodosh, Joshua
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Family caregivers of people with advanced Parkinson's Disease (PD) are at high risk of caregiver strain, which independently predicts adverse patient outcomes. We tested the effects of one year of interdisciplinary, telehealth-enhanced home visits (IN-HOME-PD) with 16 weeks of peer mentoring on caregiver strain compared with usual care. METHODS:We enrolled homebound people with advanced PD (PWPD) and their primary caregiver as IN-HOME-PD dyads. We trained experienced PD family caregivers as peer mentors. Dyads received four structured home visits focused on advanced symptom management, home safety, medications, and psychosocial needs. Starting at approximately four months, caregivers spoke weekly with a peer mentor for 16 weeks. We compared one-year change in caregiver strain (MCSI, range 0-72) with historical controls, analyzed intervention acceptability, and measured change in anxiety, depression, and self-efficacy. RESULTS:Longitudinally, IN-HOME-PD caregiver strain was unchanged (n = 51, 23.34 (SD 9.43) vs. 24.32 (9.72), p = 0.51) while that of controls worsened slightly (n = 154, 16.45 (10.33) vs. 17.97 (10.88), p = 0.01). Retention in peer mentoring was 88.2%. Both mentors and mentees rated 100% of mentoring calls useful, with mean satisfaction of 91/100 and 90/100, respectively. There were no clinically significant improvements in anxiety, depression, or self-efficacy. CONCLUSIONS:Interdisciplinary telehealth-enhanced home visits combined with peer mentoring mitigated the worsening strain observed in caregivers of less advanced individuals. Mentoring was met with high satisfaction. Future caregiver-led peer mentoring interventions are warranted given the growing, unmet needs of PD family caregivers. TRIAL REGISTRATION/BACKGROUND:NCT03189459.
PMID: 36446676
ISSN: 1873-5126
CID: 5383572

A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial of Integrated Palliative Care and Nephrology Care

Scherer, Jennifer S; Rau, Megan E; Krieger, Anna; Xia, Yuhe; Zhong, Hua; Brody, Abraham; Charytan, David M; Chodosh, Joshua
BACKGROUND/UNASSIGNED:There has been a call by both patients and health professionals for the integration of palliative care with nephrology care, yet there is little evidence describing the effect of this approach. The objective of this paper is to report the feasibility and acceptability of a pilot randomized controlled trial testing the efficacy of integrated palliative and nephrology care. METHODS/UNASSIGNED:English speaking patients with CKD stage 5 were randomized to monthly palliative care visits for 3 months in addition to their usual care, as compared with usual nephrology care. Feasibility of recruitment, retention, completion of intervention processes, and feedback on participation was measured. Other outcomes included differences in symptom burden change, measured by the Integrated Palliative Outcome Scale-Renal, and change in quality of life, measured by the Kidney Disease Quality of Life questionnaire and completion of advance care planning documents. RESULTS/UNASSIGNED:Of the 67 patients approached, 45 (67%) provided informed consent. Of these, 27 patients completed the study (60%), and 14 (74%) of those in the intervention group completed all visits. We found small improvements in overall symptom burden (-2.92 versus 1.57) and physical symptom burden scores (-1.92 versus 1.79) in the intervention group. We did not see improvements in the quality-of-life scores, with the exception of the physical component score. The intervention group completed more advance care planning documents than controls (five health care proxy forms completed versus one, nine Medical Orders for Life Sustaining Treatment forms versus none). CONCLUSIONS/UNASSIGNED:We found that pilot testing through a randomized controlled trial of an ambulatory integrated palliative and nephrology care clinical program was feasible and acceptable to participants. This intervention has the potential to improve the disease experience for those with nondialysis CKD and should be tested in other CKD populations with longer follow-up. CLINICAL TRIALS REGISTRY NAME AND REGISTRATION NUMBER/UNASSIGNED:Pilot Randomized-controlled Trial of Integrated Palliative and Nephrology Care Versus Usual Nephrology Care, NCT04520984.
PMID: 36514730
ISSN: 2641-7650
CID: 5382152

Program of Intensive Support in Emergency Departments for Care Partners of Cognitively Impaired Patients: Protocol for a Multisite Randomized Controlled Trial

Chodosh, Joshua; Connor, Karen; Fowler, Nicole; Gao, Sujuan; Perkins, Anthony; Grudzen, Corita; Messina, Frank; Mangold, Michael; Smilowitz, Jessica; Boustani, Malaz; Borson, Soo
BACKGROUND:Older adults with cognitive impairment have more emergency department visits and 30-day readmissions and are more likely to die after visiting the emergency department than people without cognitive impairment. Emergency department providers frequently do not identify cognitive impairment. Use of cognitive screening tools, along with better understanding of root causes for emergency department visits, could equip health care teams with the knowledge needed to develop individually tailored care management strategies for post-emergency department care. By identifying and directly addressing patients' and informal caregivers' (or care partners') psychosocial and health care needs, such strategies could reduce the need for repeat acute care. We have used the terms "caregiver" and "care partner" interchangeably. OBJECTIVE:We aimed to describe the protocol for a randomized controlled trial of a new care management intervention, the Program of Intensive Support in Emergency Departments for Care Partners of Cognitively Impaired Patients (POISED) trial, compared with usual care. We described the research design, intervention, outcome measures, data collection techniques, and analysis plans. METHODS:Emergency department patients who were aged ≥75 years and screened positive for cognitive impairment via either the Mini-Cog or the proxy-reported Short Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly, with a planned discharge to home, were recruited to participate with their identified informal (family or friend) caregiver in the 2-site POISED randomized controlled trial at New York University Langone Health and Indiana University. The intervention group received 6 months of care management from the POISED Care Team of registered nurses and specialty-trained paraprofessionals, who perform root cause analyses, administer standardized assessments, provide advice, recommend appropriate referrals, and, when applicable, implement dementia-specific comorbid condition protocols. The control group received care as recommended at emergency department discharge (usual care) and were given information about resources for further cognitive assessment. The primary outcome is repeat emergency department use; secondary outcomes include caregiver activation for patient health care management, caregiver depression, anxiety, and experience of social support as important predisposing and time-varying enabling and need characteristics. Data were collected from questionnaires and patients' electronic health records. RESULTS:Recruitment was conducted between March 2018 and May 2021. Study findings will be published in peer-reviewed journals and presented to peer audiences, decision makers, stakeholders, and other interested persons. CONCLUSIONS:The POISED intervention is a promising approach to tailoring care management based on root causes for emergency department admission of patients with cognitive impairment with the aim of reducing readmissions. This trial will provide insights for caregivers and emergency department and primary care providers on appropriate, personalized, and proactive treatment plans for older adults with cognitive impairment. The findings will be relevant to audiences concerned with quality of life for individuals with cognitive impairment and their caregivers. TRIAL REGISTRATION/ NCT03325608; INTERNATIONAL REGISTERED REPORT IDENTIFIER (IRRID)/UNASSIGNED:DERR1-10.2196/36607.
PMID: 36264626
ISSN: 1929-0748
CID: 5387382

Increasing rates of venous thromboembolism among hospitalised patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a nationwide analysis

Faye, Adam S; Lee, Kate E; Dodson, John; Chodosh, Joshua; Hudesman, David; Remzi, Feza; Wright, Jason D; Friedman, Alexander M; Shaukat, Aasma; Wen, Timothy
BACKGROUND:Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality among patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). However, data on national trends remain limited. AIMS/OBJECTIVE:To assess national trends in VTE-associated hospitalisations among patients with IBD as well as risk factors for, and mortality associated with, these events METHODS: Using the U.S. Nationwide Inpatient Sample from 2000-2018, temporal trends in VTE were assessed using the National Cancer Institute's Joinpoint Regression Program with estimates presented as the average annual percent change (AAPC) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS:Between 2000 and 2018, there were 4,859,728 hospitalisations among patients with IBD, with 128,236 (2.6%) having a VTE, and 6352 associated deaths. The rate of VTE among hospitalised patients with IBD increased from 192 to 295 cases per 10,000 hospitalisations (AAPC 2.4%, 95%CI 1.4%, 3.4%, p < 0.001), and remained significant when stratified by ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn's disease as well as by deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. On multivariable analysis, increasing age, male sex, UC (aOR: 1.30, 95%CI 1.26, 1.33), identifying as non-Hispanic Black, and chronic corticosteroid use (aOR: 1.22, 95%CI 1.16, 1.29) were associated with an increased risk of a VTE-associated hospitalisation. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:Rates of VTE-associated hospitalisations are increasing among patients with IBD. Continued efforts need to be placed on education and risk reduction.
PMID: 35879231
ISSN: 1365-2036
CID: 5276292

Preoperative Risk Factors of Adverse Events in Older Adults Undergoing Bowel Resection for Inflammatory Bowel Disease: 15-Year Assessment of ACS-NSQIP [Meeting Abstract]

Fernandez, C; Gajic, Z; Esen, E; Dodson, J; Chodosh, J; Shaukat, A; Hudesman, D; Remzi, F; Faye, A
Introduction: Nearly a quarter of older adults with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) require surgery. Patients with IBD are at risk for complications postoperatively and this risk is increased in older adults. However, little is known about the risk factors leading to these complications.We assessed risk factors associated with adverse postoperative outcomes among older adults who underwent IBD-related surgery, as well as evaluated trends in emergency vs. elective surgery in this population.
Method(s): Using the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program (ACS-NSQIP) database, we identified adults >=60 years of age who underwent an IBD-related intestinal resection from 2005-2019. Our primary outcome included a 30-day composite of mortality, readmission, reoperation, and/or what we identified as serious complications listed in NSQIP.
Result(s): In total, 9,640 intestinal resections were performed among older adults with IBD from 2005-2019, with 48.3% having undergone resection for Crohn's disease (CD), and 51.7% for ulcerative colitis (UC). Nearly 37% experienced an adverse outcome, with the most common complication being infection (20.21%). From 2005 to 2015, there was no decrease in the number of emergent cases among older adults. On univariate analysis, higher rates of adverse postoperative outcomes were seen with increasing age (p< 0.001), with nearly 50% of those >=80 years of age having an adverse outcome. Patients who underwent an emergency surgery had a higher likelihood of postoperative complications (66.86%; p< 0.001). On multivariable analysis, albumin <=3 (aOR 1.99; 95%CI 1.69-2.33), the presence of two or more comorbidities (aOR, 1.50; 95%CI 1.27-1.76), totally dependent functional status as compared to those partially dependent or independent (aOR, 7.28; 95%CI 3.14-21.2), and emergency surgery (aOR, 1.70; 95% CI 1.36-2.11) significantly increased the odds of an adverse outcome. (Figure)
Conclusion(s): Overall 37% of older adults with IBD experienced an adverse outcome as a result of IBD-related surgery. Limited functional health status, low preoperative serum albumin levels, and those undergoing emergent surgery were associated with a significantly higher risk. This is particularly important as the number of older adults with IBD is increasing, with a persisting number of emergency cases over time. Given the high rate of surgery in this population, future research should focus on preoperative rehabilitation, nutritional optimization, and timely surgery to improve outcomes. (Table Presented)
ISSN: 1572-0241
CID: 5514942

Emergency and post-emergency care of older adults with Alzheimer's disease/Alzheimer's disease related dementias

Hill, Jacob D; Schmucker, Abigail M; Siman, Nina; Goldfeld, Keith S; Cuthel, Allison M; Chodosh, Joshua; Bouillon-Minois, Jean-Baptiste; Grudzen, Corita R
BACKGROUND:The emergency department (ED) is a critical juncture in the care of persons living with dementia (PLwD), as they have a high rate of hospital admission, ED revisits, and subsequent inpatient stays. We examine ED disposition of PLwD compared with older adults with non-dementia chronic disease as well as healthcare utilization and survival. METHODS:Medicare claims data were used to identify community-dwelling older adults 66+ years old from 34 hospitals with either Alzheimer's disease/Alzheimer's disease related dementias (AD/ADRD) or a non-AD/ADRD chronic condition between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2018. We compared ED disposition at the index visit, as well as healthcare utilization and mortality in the 12 months following an index ED visit, and adjusted for age, gender, and risk of mortality. RESULTS:There were 29,626 patients in the AD/ADRD sample, and 317,046 in the comparison sample. The AD/ADRD sample was older (82.4 years old [SD: 8.2] vs. 76.0 years old [SD: 7.7]) and had more female patients (59.9% vs. 54.7%). The AD/ADRD sample was more likely to experience ED disposition to acute care (OR 1.039, p < 0.001, 95% CI 1.029-1.050), to have an ED revisit (OR 1.077, p < 0.001, 95% CI 1.066-1.087), and an inpatient stay in the subsequent 12 months (OR 1.085, p < 0.001, 95% CI 1.075-1.095). ED disposition to hospice was low in both samples (0.2%). AD/ADRD patients had a higher risk of mortality (OR 1.099, p < 0.001, 95% CI 1.091-1.107) and high short-term mortality (31.9% within 12 months) than those without AD/ADRD (15.3% within 12 months). CONCLUSIONS:PLwD who visit the ED have high short-term mortality. Despite this, disposition to acute care, ED revisits, and inpatient stays, rather than hospice, remain the predominant mode of care delivery. Transition directly from the ED to hospice for PLwD is rare.
PMID: 35612546
ISSN: 1532-5415
CID: 5247992

IN-HOME-PD: The effects of longitudinal telehealth-enhanced interdisciplinary home visits on care and quality of life for homebound individuals with Parkinson's disease

Fleisher, Jori E; Hess, Serena P; Klostermann, Ellen C; Lee, Jeanette; Myrick, Erica; Mitchem, Daniela; Niemet, Claire; Woo, Katheryn; Sennott, Brianna J; Sanghvi, Maya; Witek, Natalie; Beck, James C; Wilkinson, Jayne R; Ouyang, Bichun; Hall, Deborah A; Chodosh, Joshua
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Homebound individuals with advanced Parkinson's disease (PD) are underrepresented in research and care. We tested the impact of interdisciplinary, telehealth-enhanced home visits (IN-HOME-PD) on patient quality of life (QoL) compared with usual care. METHODS:Nonrandomized controlled trial of quarterly, structured, telehealth-enhanced interdisciplinary home visits focused on symptom management, home safety, medication reconciliation, and psychosocial needs ( NCT03189459). We enrolled homebound participants with advanced PD (Hoehn & Yahr (HY) stage ≥3). Usual care participants had ≥2 visits in the Parkinson's Outcomes Project (POP) registry. We compared within- and between-group one-year change in QoL using the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire. RESULTS:Sixty-five individuals enrolled in IN-HOME-PD (32.3% women; mean age 78.9 (SD 7.6) years; 74.6% white; 78.5% HY ≥ 4) compared with 319 POP controls, with differences in age, race, and PD severity (37.9% women; mean age 70.1 (7.8) years; 96.2% white; 15.1% HY ≥ 4). Longitudinally, the intervention group's QoL remained unchanged (within-group p = 0.74, Cohen's d = 0.05) while QoL decreased over time in POP controls (p < 0.001, Cohen's d = 0.27). The difference favored the intervention (between-group p = 0.04). POP participants declined in 7/8 dimensions while IN-HOME-PD participants' bodily discomfort improved and hospice use and death at home-markers of goal-concordant care-far exceeded national data. CONCLUSIONS:Telehealth-enhanced home visits can stabilize and may improve the predicted QoL decline in advanced PD via continuity of care and facilitating goal-concordant care, particularly among diverse populations. Extrapolating features of this model may improve continuity of care and outcomes in advanced PD.
PMID: 35963046
ISSN: 1873-5126
CID: 5287442

Over-the-counter hearing aids: What will it mean for older Americans?

Blustein, Jan; Weinstein, Barbara E; Chodosh, Joshua
In October 2021 the Food and Drug Administration released draft rules creating a new class of hearing aids to be sold over the counter. Since Medicare does not cover hearing aids, the ready availability of low-cost aids is potentially good news for the millions of older Americans with hearing loss, a disorder that is associated with isolation, depression and poor health. However, better financial access to hearing aids will not necessarily translate into better hearing: many older people will need assistance in fitting, using and maintaining their aids. Policymakers, managers, and clinicians need to consider how to structure, fund and deliver these vital adjunctive services.
PMID: 35397113
ISSN: 1532-5415
CID: 5201772