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How aware of advanced care directives are heart failure patients, and are they using them?

Habal, Marlena V; Micevski, Vaska; Greenwood, Sarah; Delgado, Diego H; Ross, Heather J
BACKGROUND:The increasing prevalence of heart failure and its unpredictable trajectory highlight the need for patients to make their end-of-life care wishes known using advanced care directives (ACDs). The paucity of literature addressing heart failure patients' decision-making processes and knowledge of ACDs underscores the need for investigation. The purposes of this study were to (1) determine patients' awareness, comprehension, and utilization of ACDs and (2) determine their knowledge of the process of cardiopulmonary resuscitation and their current resuscitation preference. METHODS:A prospective, single-centre study was designed to collect quantitative data addressing patients' understanding of ACDs and cardiopulmonary resuscitation as well as their current resuscitation preference. Patients who consented were interviewed using a semistructured questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. RESULTS:Of the 41 participants, 76% did not know what ACDs were and fewer recalled discussing them with their physician. Nearly 80% of the 37 queried participants would have preferred to discuss ACDs. More than 75% of participants wanted full resuscitation if they were to require it at this time. Most participants had not documented their resuscitation preference, and only slightly over half said their substitute decision maker was aware of their preference. Among the 19 with an implantable cardioverter-defibrillator, nearly half would want it deactivated should their condition worsen. Only 2 participants recalled having discussed this option with their physician. CONCLUSIONS:There remains a lack of knowledge and utilization of ACDs among this heart failure population. Participants' preferences highlight the importance of discussing ACDs and exploring resuscitation preferences early and often in heart failure.
PMID: 21514785
ISSN: 1916-7075
CID: 5238642

Advanced care directives: Can we do better? [Meeting Abstract]

Habal, Marlena V.; Micevski, Vaska; Greenwood, Sarah; Delgado, Diego H.; Ross, Heather J.
ISSN: 1071-9164
CID: 5241232

Murine hepatitis virus strain 1 produces a clinically relevant model of severe acute respiratory syndrome in A/J mice

De Albuquerque, Nadine; Baig, Ehtesham; Ma, Xuezhong; Zhang, Jianhua; He, William; Rowe, Andrea; Habal, Marlena; Liu, Mingfeng; Shalev, Itay; Downey, Gregory P; Gorczynski, Reginald; Butany, Jagdish; Leibowitz, Julian; Weiss, Susan R; McGilvray, Ian D; Phillips, M James; Fish, Eleanor N; Levy, Gary A
Severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is a life-threatening infectious disease which has been difficult to study and treat because of the lack of a readily available animal model. Intranasal infection of A/J mice with the coronavirus murine hepatitis virus strain 1 (MHV-1) produced pulmonary pathological features of SARS. All MHV-1-infected A/J mice developed progressive interstitial pneumonitis, including dense macrophage infiltrates, giant cells, and hyaline membranes, resulting in death of all animals. In contrast, other mouse strains developed only mild transitory disease. Infected A/J mice had significantly higher cytokine levels, particularly macrophage chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1/CCL-2), gamma interferon, and tumor necrosis factor alpha. Furthermore, FGL2/fibroleukin mRNA transcripts and protein and fibrin deposits were markedly increased in the lungs of infected A/J mice. These animals developed a less robust type I interferon response to MHV-1 infection than resistant C57BL/6J mice, and treatment with recombinant beta interferon improved survival. This study describes a potentially useful small animal model of human SARS, defines its pathogenesis, and suggests treatment strategies.
PMID: 17041219
ISSN: 0022-538x
CID: 5238632

Murine hepatitis virus strain 1 as a model for severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (SARS)

DeAlbuquerque, Nadine; Baig, Ehtesham; Xuezhong, Max; Shalev, Itay; Phillips, M James; Habal, Marlena; Leibowitz, Julian; McGilvray, Ian; Butany, Jagdish; Fish, Eleanor; Levy, Gary
PMID: 17037562
ISSN: 0065-2598
CID: 5238622

Soluble FGL2 In Vitro Prevents Allorecognition And In Vivo Prolongs Survival Of Fully Mismatched Skin Grafts: Possible Linkage To T Regulatory Cell (TREG) Function [Meeting Abstract]

Shalev, Itay; Habal, Marlena; Manuel, Justin; Foerester, Katharina; Liu, Hao; Phillips, James; Grant, David; Gorczynski, Reg; Zhang, Li; Levy, Gary
ISSN: 0041-1337
CID: 5241352