Uniocular nystagmus in monocular visual loss
Yee, R D; Jelks, G W; Baloh, R W; Honrubia, V
Uniocular nystagmus was studied by electro-oculography in ten patients with monocular visual loss caused by ocular and optic nerve lesions. In these patients, visual loss was congenital or acquired in childhood or adult life. In all patients the oscillations were present in the primary position of gaze and were vertical, pendular, and of variable and low frequency (less than, or equal to, 1.0 HZ) and amplitude (usually less than 5 degrees). Refixation saccades, smooth pursuit, optokinetic nystagmus, and vestibuloocular responses to rotation in the horizontal and vertical planes were within normal limits. The irregularity, low frequency, and low amplitude of this form of nystagmus cause it to often be missed during casual clinical examination, but easily differentiate it from other causes of uniocular nystagmus
PMID: 537756
ISSN: 0161-6420
CID: 70990