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This Is Us: a Case Examination on Black Men in Therapy [Editorial]
Wooten, Lawren; Jordan, Ayana; Simon, Kevin M; Gold, Jessica A
PMID: 34494205
ISSN: 1545-7230
CID: 5000132
Racial and ethnic differences in perception of provider cultural competence among patients with depression and anxiety symptoms: a retrospective, population-based, cross-sectional analysis
Eken, Hatice Nur; Dee, Edward Christopher; Powers, Albert Russell; Jordan, Ayana
BACKGROUND:Racial and ethnic minorities face disparities in access to health care. Culturally competent care might lessen these disparities. Few studies have studied the patients' view of providers' cultural competence, especially in psychiatric care. We aimed to examine the associations of race, ethnicity, and mental health status with patient-reported importance of provider cultural competence. METHODS:Our retrospective, population-based, cross-sectional study used data extracted from self-reported questionnaires of adults aged at least 18 years who participated in the US National Health Interview Survey (NHIS; 2017 cycle). We included data on all respondents who answered supplementary cultural competence questions and the Adult Functioning and Disability survey within the NHIS. We classified participants as having anxiety or depression if they reported symptoms at least once a week or more often, and responded that the last time they had symptoms the intensity was "somewhere between a little and a lot" or "a lot." Participant answers to cultural competency survey questions (participant desire for providers to understand or share their culture, and frequency of access to providers who share their culture) were the outcome variables. Multivariable ordinal logistic regressions were used to estimate adjusted odds ratios (aORs) for the outcome variables in relation to sociodemographic characteristics (including race and ethnicity), self-reported health status, and presence of symptoms of depression, anxiety, or both. FINDINGS:3910 people had available data for analysis. Mean age was 52 years (IQR 36-64). 1422 (39·2%, sample weight adjusted) of the participants were men and 2488 (60·9%) were women. 3290 (82·7%) were White, 346 (9·1%) were Black or African American, 31 (0·8%) were American Indian or Alaskan Native, 144 (4·8%) were Asian American, and 99 (2·6%) were Mixed Race. 380 (12·5%) identified as Hispanic ethnicity and 3530 (87·5%) as non-Hispanic. Groups who were more likely to express a desire for their providers to share or understand their culture included participants who had depression symptoms (vs those without depression or anxiety symptoms, aOR 1·57 [95% CI 1·13-2·19], p=0·008) and participants who were of a racial minority group (Black vs White, aOR 2·54 [1·86-3·48], p=0·008; Asian American vs White, aOR 2·57 [1·66-3·99], p<0·001; and Mixed Race vs White, aOR 1·69 [1·01-2·82], p=0·045) or ethnic minority group (Hispanic vs non-Hispanic, aOR 2·69 [2·02-3·60], p<0·001); these groups were less likely to report frequently being able to see providers who shared their culture (patients with depression symptoms vs those without depression or anxiety symptoms, aOR 0·63 (0·41-0·96); p=0·030; Black vs White, aOR 0·56 [0·38-0·84], p=0·005; Asian American vs White, aOR 0·38 [0·20-0·72], p=0·003; Mixed Race vs White, aOR 0·35 [0·19-0·64], p=0·001; Hispanic vs non-Hispanic, aOR 0·61 [0·42-0·89], p=0·010). On subgroup analysis of participants reporting depression symptoms, patients who identified their race as Black or African American, or American Indian or Alaskan Native, and those who identified as Hispanic ethnicity, were more likely to report a desire for provider cultural competence. INTERPRETATION:Racial and ethnic disparities exist in how patients perceive their providers' cultural competence, and disparities are pronounced in patients with depression. Developing a culturally competent and humble approach to care is crucial for mental health providers. FUNDING:None.
PMID: 34563316
ISSN: 2215-0374
CID: 5018632
HIV's Trajectory: Biomedical Triumph, Structural Failure [Editorial]
Beletsky, Leo; Thumath, Meaghan; Haley, Danielle F; Gonsalves, Gregg; Jordan, Ayana
PMID: 34111362
ISSN: 1541-0048
CID: 5000112
Experiences of racial discrimination in the medical setting and associations with medical mistrust and expectations of care among black patients seeking addiction treatment
Hall, O Trent; Jordan, Ayana; Teater, Julie; Dixon-Shambley, Kamilah; McKiever, Monique E; Baek, Mikyung; Garcia, Stephanie; Rood, Kara M; Fielin, David A
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Experiences of racial discrimination in the medical setting are common among Black patients and may be linked to mistrust in medical recommendations and poorer clinical outcomes. However, little is known about the prevalence of experiences of racial mistreatment by healthcare workers among Black patients seeking addiction treatment, or how these experiences might influence Black patients' medical mistrust or expectations of care. METHODS:Participants were 143 Black adults recruited consecutively from two university addiction treatment facilities in Columbus, Ohio. All participants completed validated surveys assessing perceptions of prior racial discrimination in the medical setting and group-based medical mistrust. Participants were also asked a series of questions about their expectations of care with regard to racial discrimination and addiction treatment. Descriptive analyses were used to characterize the sample with regard to demographics, perceived racial discrimination and medical mistrust. Kendall tau-b correlations assessed relationships between racial discrimination, mistrust and expectations of care. RESULTS:Seventy-nine percent (n = 113) of participants reported prior experiences of racial discrimination during healthcare. Racial discrimination in the medical setting was associated with greater mistrust in the medical system and worse expectations regarding racial discrimination in addiction treatment including delays in care-seeking due to concern for discrimination, projected non-adherence and fears of discrimination-precipitated relapse. CONCLUSIONS:Black patients seeking addiction treatment commonly report experiencing racial discrimination by healthcare workers which may be associated with mistrust in the medical system and expectations of care. Strategies to eliminate and mitigate experiences of racial discrimination may improve addiction treatment receptivity and engagement.
PMID: 34244014
ISSN: 1873-6483
CID: 5000122
To the Editor: Our response to "Substance use improvement depends on Race/Ethnicity: Outpatient treatment disparities observed in a large US national sample" [Comment]
Jordan, Ayana; Nich, Charla; Babuscio, Theresa; Quainoo, Stephanie; Carroll, Kathleen
PMID: 33812693
ISSN: 1879-0046
CID: 5000102
A feasibility study providing substance use treatment in the Black church
Jordan, Ayana; Babuscio, Theresa; Nich, Charla; Carroll, Kathleen M
BACKGROUND:Black adults with substance use disorders (SUDs) experience health care disparities, including access to and retention in treatment. The Black church is a trusted institution in the Black community and could be a novel setting for providing SUD treatment. METHOD:We conducted a nonrandomized feasibility study evaluating (1) whether it was possible to conduct a clinical trial of SUD treatment in this setting, (2) whether an adequate number of individuals with SUDs would participate in technology-based treatment in this setting, and (3) whether an adequate number of individuals would be retained in this setting. We evaluated computer-based training for cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT4CBT), with modifications that the church-based health advisors (CHAs), who delivered the intervention within the church, made. RESULTS:Participants were 40 Black adults, all of whom met DSM-5 criteria for a current SUD, (55% severe). The mean number of sessions completed was 6.8 and 31 completed all 7 sessions of CBT4CBT. Both self-reports and weekly urine toxicology screens indicated reduction in substance use over time. CONCLUSION:We demonstrated feasibility, as we were able to (1) collect weekly data and protect participant confidentiality, (2) recruit an adequate number of individuals with SUD, with (3) high uptake and retention of an adapted CBT4CBT in the Black church. If demonstrated to be effective in a future randomized clinical trial, delivery of technology-based treatments in the Black church may prove a promising, easily disseminable strategy to provide evidence-based interventions to an underserved and undertreated population.
PMID: 33771290
ISSN: 1873-6483
CID: 5000092
Psychiatry Diversity Leadership in Academic Medicine: Guidelines for Success
Jordan, Ayana; Shim, Ruth S; Rodriguez, Carolyn I; Bath, Eraka; Alves-Bradford, Jean-Marie; Eyler, Lisa; Trinh, Nhi-Ha; Hansen, Helena; Mangurian, Christina
PMID: 33641375
ISSN: 1535-7228
CID: 4882292
An Evaluation of Opioid Use in Black Communities: A Rapid Review of the Literature
Jordan, Ayana; Mathis, Myra; Haeny, Angela; Funaro, Melissa; Paltin, Dafna; Ransome, Yusuf
BACKGROUND:There are multiple aspects of the opioid crisis among Black people, who have been left out of the broader conversation. Despite evidence of increased opioid overdose deaths, less is known about opioid use among Black people. This review synthesizes research on Black people who use opioids; the goals are to advance knowledge, highlight research gaps, and inform clinical practice. METHODS:This rapid review investigating opioid use among Black people utilized systematic review methods and was conducted according to a predefined protocol with clear inclusion criteria (PROSPERO ID: 177071). A comprehensive search strategy was used, including published and gray-literature sources (i.e., literature that has not been formally published). A narrative summary of the results is presented. RESULTS:A total of 76 works were selected for inclusion and full text review. Sex, age, geographic location, and involvement in the carceral system were associated with the use of opioids among Black individuals. Non-epidemiologic factors included treatment-seeking patterns, disparate clinician prescribing, and social determinants. CONCLUSIONS:Through this rapid review we suggest three main areas of focus: (1) including culturally informed collection methods in epidemiologic surveys to accurately reflect prevalences, (2) funding research that specifically addresses the importance of culture in accessing treatment, and (3) directly studying how social determinants can improve or exacerbate health outcomes. Focusing on the unique needs of Black people who use opioids is warranted to increase treatment initiation and adherence among a population less likely to engage with the traditional health care system.
PMID: 33666395
ISSN: 1465-7309
CID: 5000082
Racial-Ethnic Disparities in Mental Health Care
Jordan, Ayana; Dixon, Lisa B
PMID: 33517692
ISSN: 1557-9700
CID: 5000072
Equity in Progress: Development of Health Equity Curricula in Three Psychiatry Residency Programs
Isom, Jessica; Jordan, Ayana; Goodsmith, Nichole; Medlock, Morgan M; DeSouza, Flavia; Shadravan, Sonya M; Halbert, Etuajie; Hairston, Danielle; Castillo, Enrico; Rohrbaugh, Robert
PMID: 33452664
ISSN: 1545-7230
CID: 5000052