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Epigenomic translocation of H3K4me3 broad domains over oncogenes following hijacking of super-enhancers
Mikulasova, Aneta; Kent, Daniel; Trevisan-Herraz, Marco; Karataraki, Nefeli; Fung, Kent T M; Ashby, Cody; Cieslak, Agata; Yaccoby, Shmuel; van Rhee, Frits; Zangari, Maurizio; Thanendrarajan, Sharmilan; Schinke, Carolina; Morgan, Gareth J; Asnafi, Vahid; Spicuglia, Salvatore; Brackley, Chris A; Corcoran, Anne E; Hambleton, Sophie; Walker, Brian A; Rico, Daniel; Russell, Lisa J
Chromosomal translocations are important drivers of hematological malignancies whereby proto-oncogenes are activated by juxtaposition with super-enhancers, often called enhancer hijacking. We analysed the epigenomic consequences of rearrangements between the super-enhancers of the immunoglobulin heavy locus (IGH) and proto-oncogene CCND1 that are common in B cell malignancies. By integrating BLUEPRINT epigenomic data with DNA breakpoint detection, we characterised the normal chromatin landscape of the human IGH locus and its dynamics after pathological genomic rearrangement. We detected an H3K4me3 broad domain (BD) within the IGH locus of healthy B cells that was absent in samples with IGH-CCND1 translocations. The appearance of H3K4me3-BD over CCND1 in the latter was associated with overexpression and extensive chromatin accessibility of its gene body. We observed similar cancer-specific H3K4me3-BDs associated with super-enhancer hijacking of other common oncogenes in B cell (MAF, MYC and FGFR3/NSD2) and in T-cell malignancies (LMO2, TLX3 and TAL1). Our analysis suggests that H3K4me3-BDs can be created by super-enhancers and supports the new concept of epigenomic translocation, where the relocation of H3K4me3-BDs from cell identity genes to oncogenes accompanies the translocation of super-enhancers.
PMID: 34933939
ISSN: 1549-5469
CID: 5108822
Chromosomal abnormalities in multiple myeloma
Mikulasova, Aneta; Morgan, Gareth J; Walker, Brian A
PMID: 35710551
ISSN: 2056-676x
CID: 5281712
Genetic subtypes of smoldering multiple myeloma are associated with distinct pathogenic phenotypes and clinical outcomes
Bustoros, Mark; Anand, Shankara; Sklavenitis-Pistofidis, Romanos; Redd, Robert; Boyle, Eileen M; Zhitomirsky, Benny; Dunford, Andrew J; Tai, Yu-Tzu; Chavda, Selina J; Boehner, Cody; Neuse, Carl Jannes; Rahmat, Mahshid; Dutta, Ankit; Casneuf, Tineke; Verona, Raluca; Kastritis, Efstathis; Trippa, Lorenzo; Stewart, Chip; Walker, Brian A; Davies, Faith E; Dimopoulos, Meletios-Athanasios; Bergsagel, P Leif; Yong, Kwee; Morgan, Gareth J; Aguet, François; Getz, Gad; Ghobrial, Irene M
Smoldering multiple myeloma (SMM) is a precursor condition of multiple myeloma (MM) with significant heterogeneity in disease progression. Existing clinical models of progression risk do not fully capture this heterogeneity. Here we integrate 42 genetic alterations from 214 SMM patients using unsupervised binary matrix factorization (BMF) clustering and identify six distinct genetic subtypes. These subtypes are differentially associated with established MM-related RNA signatures, oncogenic and immune transcriptional profiles, and evolving clinical biomarkers. Three genetic subtypes are associated with increased risk of progression to active MM in both the primary and validation cohorts, indicating they can be used to better predict high and low-risk patients within the currently used clinical risk stratification models.
PMID: 35705541
ISSN: 2041-1723
CID: 5277882
Structural variants shape the genomic landscape and clinical outcome of multiple myeloma
Ashby, Cody; Boyle, Eileen M; Bauer, Michael A; Mikulasova, Aneta; Wardell, Christopher P; Williams, Louis; Siegel, Ariel; Blaney, Patrick; Braunstein, Marc; Kaminetsky, David; Keats, Jonathan; Maura, Francesco; Landgren, Ola; Walker, Brian A; Davies, Faith E; Morgan, Gareth J
Deciphering genomic architecture is key to identifying novel disease drivers and understanding the mechanisms underlying myeloma initiation and progression. In this work, using the CoMMpass dataset, we show that structural variants (SV) occur in a nonrandom fashion throughout the genome with an increased frequency in the t(4;14), RB1, or TP53 mutated cases and reduced frequency in t(11;14) cases. By mapping sites of chromosomal rearrangements to topologically associated domains and identifying significantly upregulated genes by RNAseq we identify both predicted and novel putative driver genes. These data highlight the heterogeneity of transcriptional dysregulation occurring as a consequence of both the canonical and novel structural variants. Further, it shows that the complex rearrangements chromoplexy, chromothripsis and templated insertions are common in MM with each variant having its own distinct frequency and impact on clinical outcome. Chromothripsis is associated with a significant independent negative impact on clinical outcome in newly diagnosed cases consistent with its use alongside other clinical and genetic risk factors to identify prognosis.
PMID: 35637217
ISSN: 2044-5385
CID: 5231522
Minimal Residual Disease After Autologous Stem-Cell Transplant for Patients With Myeloma: Prognostic Significance and the Impact of Lenalidomide Maintenance and Molecular Risk
de Tute, Ruth M; Pawlyn, Charlotte; Cairns, David A; Davies, Faith E; Menzies, Tom; Rawstron, Andy; Jones, John R; Hockaday, Anna; Henderson, Rowena; Cook, Gordon; Drayson, Mark T; Jenner, Matthew W; Kaiser, Martin F; Gregory, Walter M; Morgan, Gareth J; Jackson, Graham H; Owen, Roger G
PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE:Minimal residual disease (MRD) can predict outcomes in patients with multiple myeloma, but limited data are available on the prognostic impact of MRD when assessed at serial time points in the context of maintenance therapy after autologous stem-cell transplant (ASCT) and the interaction between MRD and molecular risk. METHODS:Data from a large phase III trial (Myeloma XI) were examined to determine the relationship between MRD status, progression-free survival (PFS), and overall survival (OS) in post-ASCT patients randomly assigned to lenalidomide maintenance or no maintenance at 3 months after ASCT. MRD status was assessed by flow cytometry (median sensitivity 0.004%) before maintenance random assignment (ASCT + 3) and 6 months later (ASCT + 9). RESULTS:= .0077). The findings were very similar when restricted to patients with complete response/near complete response. Sustained MRD negativity from ASCT + 3 to ASCT + 9 or the conversion to MRD negativity by ASCT + 9 was associated with the longest PFS/OS. Patients randomly assigned to lenalidomide maintenance were more likely to convert from being MRD-positive before maintenance random assignment to MRD-negative 6 months later (lenalidomide 30%, observation 17%). High-risk molecular features had an adverse effect on PFS and OS even for those patients achieving MRD-negative status. On multivariable analysis of MRD status, maintenance therapy and molecular risk maintained prognostic impact at both ASCT + 3 and ASCT + 9. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:In patients with multiple myeloma, MRD status at both ASCT + 3 and ASCT + 9 is a powerful predictor of PFS and OS.
PMID: 35377708
ISSN: 1527-7755
CID: 5204792
Ixazomib with cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone in relapsed or refractory myeloma: MUKeight phase II randomised controlled trial results
Auner, Holger W; Brown, Sarah R; Walker, Katrina; Kendall, Jessica; Dawkins, Bryony; Meads, David; Morgan, Gareth J; Kaiser, Martin F; Cook, Mark; Roberts, Sadie; Parrish, Christopher; Cook, Gordon
The all-oral combination of ixazomib, cyclophosphamide, and dexamethasone (ICD) is well tolerated and effective in newly diagnosed and relapsed multiple myeloma (MM). We carried out MUKeight, a randomised, controlled, open, parallel group, multi-centre phase II trial in patients with relapsed MM after prior treatment with thalidomide, lenalidomide, and a proteasome inhibitor (ISRCTN58227268), with the primary objective to test whether ICD has improved clinical activity compared to cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone (CD) in terms of progression-free survival (PFS). Between January 2016 and December 2018, 112 participants were randomised between ICD (n = 58) and CD (n = 54) in 33 UK centres. Patients had a median age of 70 years and had received a median of four prior lines of therapy. 74% were classed as frail. Median PFS in the ICD arm was 5.6 months, compared to 6.7 months with CD (hazard ratio (HR) = 1.21, 80% CI 0.9-1.6, p = 0.3634). Response rates and overall survival were not significantly different between ICD and CD. Dose modifications or omissions, and serious adverse events (SAEs), occurred more often in the ICD arm. In summary, the addition of ixazomib to cyclophosphamide and dexamethasone did not improve outcomes in the comparatively frail patients enroled in the MUKeight trial.
PMID: 35365598
ISSN: 2044-5385
CID: 5201462
Impact of Etiological Cytogenetic Abnormalities on the Depth of Immunoparesis and Survival in Newly Diagnosed Multiple Myeloma
Caro, Jessica; Cairns, David; Menzies, Tom; Boyle, Eileen; Pawlyn, Charlotte; Cook, Gordon; Kaiser, Martin; Walker, Brian A; Owen, Roger; Jackson, Graham H; Morgan, Gareth J; Heaney, Jennifer; Drayson, Mark T; Davies, Faith E
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND/BACKGROUND:Immunoparesis, or low polyclonal immunoglobulin levels, is commonly seen in multiple myeloma (MM), and is associated with poor clinical outcomes. MM can be divided into subgroups with distinct biology and outcomes based on etiologic cytogenetic abnormalities. These include hyperdiploidy and translocations of t(11;14), t(4;14), t(14;16), and t(14;20), with the latter 3 associated with high-risk disease. We hypothesized that the different etiologic cytogenetic abnormalities drive bone marrow microenvironmental changes, resulting in different degrees of immunoparesis, and subgroup-dependent effects on clinical outcomes. MATERIALS AND METHODS/METHODS:We performed a retrospective review of 985 newly diagnosed patients enrolled in the Myeloma IX and XI trials. Immunoglobulin levels, survival outcomes, and infection rates were evaluated for each cytogenetic subgroup. RESULTS:A significant proportion of patients with high-risk t(4;14), t(14;16), or t(14;20) had suppressed polyclonal immunoglobulins compared to standard-risk patients with hyperdiploidy or t(11;14). The clinical impact of immunoparesis depended on the cytogenetic subgroup, with the degree of IgM suppression effecting progression-free and overall survival only in the hyperdiploid subgroup. There was no significant difference in infection rates amongst the etiologic subgroups. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:These findings demonstrate that the etiologic cytogenetic subgroup influences the degree and clinical impact of immunoparesis. This suggests that the underlying cytogenetic abnormality affects remodeling of the bone marrow plasma cell niche, resulting in suppressed normal plasma cell function, and low immunoglobulin levels.
PMID: 34876373
ISSN: 2152-2669
CID: 5110212
Chromothripsis as a pathogenic driver of multiple myeloma
Maura, Francesco; Boyle, Eileen M; Rustad, Even H; Ashby, Cody; Kaminetzky, David; Bruno, Benedetto; Braunstein, Marc; Bauer, Michael; Blaney, Patrick; Wang, Yubao; Ghamlouch, Hussein; Williams, Louis; Stoeckle, James; Davies, Faith E; Walker, Brian A; Maclachlan, Kylee; Diamond, Ben; Landgren, Ola; Morgan, Gareth J
Analysis of the genetic basis for multiple myeloma (MM) has informed many of our current concepts of the biology that underlies disease initiation and progression. Studying these events in further detail is predicted to deliver important insights into its pathogenesis, prognosis and treatment. Information from whole genome sequencing of structural variation is revealing the role of these events as drivers of MM. In particular, we discuss how the insights we have gained from studying chromothripsis suggest that it can be used to provide information on disease initiation and that, as a consequence, it can be used for the clinical classification of myeloma precursor diseases allowing for early intervention and prognostic determination. For newly diagnosed MM, the integration of information on the presence of chromothripsis has the potential to significantly enhance current risk prediction strategies and to better characterize patients with high-risk disease biology. In this article we summarize the genetic basis for MM and the role played by chromothripsis as a critical pathogenic factor active at early disease phases.
PMID: 33958284
ISSN: 1096-3634
CID: 4866742
Inflammation and infection in plasma cell disorders: how pathogens shape the fate of patients
Caro, Jessica; Braunstein, Marc; Williams, Louis; Bruno, Benedetto; Kaminetzky, David; Siegel, Ariel; Razzo, Beatrice; Alfandari, Serge; Morgan, Gareth J; Davies, Faith E; Boyle, Eileen M
The role of infection and chronic inflammation in plasma cell disorders (PCD) has been well-described. Despite not being a diagnostic criterion, infection is a common complication of most PCD and represents a significant cause of morbidity and mortality in this population. As immune-based therapeutic agents are being increasingly used in multiple myeloma, it is important to recognize their impact on the epidemiology of infections and to identify preventive measures to improve outcomes. This review outlines the multiple factors attributed to the high infectious risk in PCD (e.g. the underlying disease status, patient age and comorbidities, and myeloma-directed treatment), with the aim of highlighting future prophylactic and preventive strategies that could be implemented in the clinic. Beyond this, infection and pathogens as an entity are believed to also influence disease biology from initiation to response to treatment and progression through a complex interplay involving pathogen exposure, chronic inflammation, and immune response. This review will outline both the direct and indirect role played by oncogenic pathogens in PCD, highlight the requirement for large-scale studies to decipher the precise implication of the microbiome and direct pathogens in the natural history of myeloma and its precursor disease states, and understand how, in turn, pathogens shape plasma cell biology.
PMID: 35110727
ISSN: 1476-5551
CID: 5153682
Redefining Non-measurable Multiple Myeloma Using Mass Spectrometry
Giles, Hannah Victoria; Cook, Mark A; Drayson, Mark Trehane; Cook, Gordon; Wright, Nicola Jane; North, Simon John; Harding, Stephen; Cairns, David A; Hockaday, Anna; Kaiser, Martin F; Moss, Paul; Davies, Faith E; Morgan, Gareth J; Jackson, Graham; Pratt, Guy
PMID: 34871382
ISSN: 1528-0020
CID: 5110122