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Interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma presenting in the skin: diagnosis and the role of surgical resection, chemotherapy and radiotherapy in management [Case Report]

Rosenberg, Stephen A; Niglio, Scot A; Jo, Vickie Y; Goydos, James S
We report the case of an interdigitating dendritic cell sarcoma (IDCS) presenting in the skin. A 41-year old woman had a slowly enlarging mass on her right scapula that was excised multiple times under a presumptive diagnosis of a recurrent sebaceous cyst. However, the lesion was refractory to standard therapies. History and physical exam was unrevealing for any systemic signs or symptoms of disease. The patient's metastatic work-up was negative. The lesion was resected with wide margins and was found to be consistent with IDCS. Patients that present with IDCS on the skin may present concurrently with metastatic disease and may have increased risk of secondary malignancies. The use of adjuvant chemoradiation after primary resection is controversial. However, the use of chemoradiation likely has benefit for local regional control for primary tumors that are unamendable to complete primary resection.
PMID: 25568750
ISSN: 2036-3605
CID: 5231572

Modeling combinational drug therapies in melanoma: A conundrum of monolayer versus anchorage independent systems [Meeting Abstract]

Rosenberg, S. A.; Niglio, S.; Jeong, B.; Shin, S.; Wen, Y.; Li, J.; Fukui, J.; Chan, J.; Goydos, J.
ISSN: 0022-202x
CID: 5231712

A conserved gene near a new integration site for MMTV is expressed in mammary tumors of BALB/cV mice [Meeting Abstract]

Knepper, Janice E.; Kraft, Crystal; Niglio, Scot; Case, Chanelle
ISSN: 0008-5472
CID: 5231732