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How can we assure procedural competence in pediatric residents in an era of diminishing opportunities? The answer is simulation-based training

Calaman, Sharon; McGregor, Robert S; Spector, Nancy D
PMID: 20493316
ISSN: 1097-6833
CID: 4233662

Peritoneal tuberculosis in a 15-month-old male: surgical diagnosis of an insidious disease [Case Report]

Katigbak, Mario W; Shlasko, Edward; Klein, Scott M; Calaman, Sharon
BACKGROUND:Peritoneal involvement is a relatively rare complication of tuberculosis, accounting for approximately 3.3% of extrapulmonary disease in the United States. Clinical diagnosis relies on a preponderance of indirect evidence and is often delayed. We describe such a patient. METHODS:An otherwise healthy 15-month-old male presented with fever, abdominal distention, vague abdominal pains, and a few episodes of watery diarrhea. Standard laboratory and radiologic work-up was unrevealing, and after a prolonged hospitalization, caseating granulomas were identified at diagnostic laparotomy. RESULTS:Definitive treatment was further delayed pending culture results, and the patient's condition worsened until fulminant cardiovascular collapse led to his demise. CONCLUSIONS:Despite effective chemotherapeutic regimens, the overall mortality of tuberculous peritonitis may be as high as 51%. The diagnosis must be considered and empiric antituberculous treatment started early in the course of the disease, even if definitive diagnosis is still pending.
PMID: 16128632
ISSN: 1096-2964
CID: 4233652