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Age Disparities Among Patients With Type 2 Diabetes and Associated Rates of Hospital Use and Diabetic Complications

Lee, David C; Young, Ta'Loria; Koziatek, Christian A; Shim, Christopher J; Osorio, Marcela; Vinson, Andrew J; Ravenell, Joseph E; Wall, Stephen P
INTRODUCTION/BACKGROUND:Although screening for diabetes is recommended at age 45, some populations may be at greater risk at earlier ages. Our objective was to quantify age disparities among patients with type 2 diabetes in New York City. METHODS:Using all-payer hospital claims data for New York City, we performed a cross-sectional analysis of patients with type 2 diabetes identified from emergency department visits during the 5-year period 2011-2015. We estimated type 2 diabetes prevalence at each year of life, the age distribution of patients stratified by decade, and the average age of patients by sex, race/ethnicity, and geographic location. RESULTS:We identified 576,306 unique patients with type 2 diabetes. These patients represented more than half of all people with type 2 diabetes in New York City. Patients in racial/ethnic minority groups were on average 5.5 to 8.4 years younger than non-Hispanic white patients. At age 45, type 2 diabetes prevalence was 10.9% among non-Hispanic black patients and 5.2% among non-Hispanic white patients. In our geospatial analyses, patients with type 2 diabetes were on average 6 years younger in hotspots of diabetes-related emergency department use and inpatient hospitalizations. The average age of patients with type 2 diabetes was also 1 to 2 years younger in hotspots of microvascular diabetic complications. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:We identified profound age disparities among patients with type 2 diabetes in racial/ethnic minority groups and in neighborhoods with poor health outcomes. The younger age of these patients may be due to earlier onset of diabetes and/or earlier death from diabetic complications. Our findings demonstrate the need for geographically targeted interventions that promote earlier diagnosis and better glycemic control.
PMID: 31370917
ISSN: 1545-1151
CID: 4011382

Associations between age disparities in type 2 diabetes and rates of diabetes-related hospital use and diabetic complications [Meeting Abstract]

Lee, D C; Young, T; Koziatek, C A; Shim, C J; Osorio, M; Vinson, A J; Ravenell, J; Wall, S P
Background: Current guidelines for diabetes screening start at age 45, but disparities in certain subgroups exist and poor diabetic outcomes are known to cluster in specific neighborhoods. The objective of this study was to quantify disparities in the age distribution of patients with type 2 diabetes by sex, race/ethnicity, and geographic location. We also studied how patient age relates to diabetes-related hospital use and development of diabetic complications.
Method(s): Using all-payer hospital claims data, we performed a cross-sectional analysis of patients with type 2 diabetes. Our study included patients in New York City as identified by geocoded home address. Patients aged 10 to 100 years old were identified as having type 2 diabetes based on diagnosis codes from emergency claims data from 2011-2015. Our main measures included the estimated prevalence of type 2 diabetes at each year of life, the age distribution of patients as stratified by decade, and the comparison of patient age in geographic hotspots of frequent diabetes-related hospital use and diabetic complications.
Result(s): We identified 576,306 unique patients diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, which represented over half of all cases in New York City. Minority subgroups were on average 5.5 to 8.4 years younger than non-Hispanic White patients. Males with type 2 diabetes were 2.6 years younger than females. At 45 years of age, the estimated prevalence of type 2 diabetes was 10.9% among Black patients compared to 5.2% among White patients. In our geospatial analyses, patients with type 2 diabetes were on average 5.9 years younger in hotspots of diabetes-related emergency department use and inpatient hospitalizations. The average age of patients with type 2 diabetes was 1.5 to 2.2 years younger in hotspots of microvascular diabetic complications.
Conclusion(s): We identified profound disparities in the age of patients with type 2 diabetes among minorities and in neighborhoods with poor health outcomes. The younger age of these patients may be due to earlier onset of diabetes and/or earlier death from diabetes-related complications. Our findings demonstrate the need for geographically targeted interventions that promote earlier diagnosis and better glycemic control to reduce disparities in diabetes burden. [Figure Presented] Age Distribution of Patients with Type 2 Diabetes by Race and Ethnicity
ISSN: 1525-1497
CID: 4053252

Using Geospatial Analysis and Emergency Claims Data to Improve Minority Health Surveillance

Lee, David C; Yi, Stella S; Athens, Jessica K; Vinson, Andrew J; Wall, Stephen P; Ravenell, Joseph E
Traditional methods of health surveillance often under-represent racial and ethnic minorities. Our objective was to use geospatial analysis and emergency claims data to estimate local chronic disease prevalence separately for specific racial and ethnic groups. We also performed a regression analysis to identify associations between median household income and local disease prevalence among Black, Hispanic, Asian, and White adults in New York City. The study population included individuals who visited an emergency department at least once from 2009 to 2013. Our main outcomes were geospatial estimates of diabetes, hypertension, and asthma prevalence by Census tract as stratified by race and ethnicity. Using emergency claims data, we identified 4.9 million unique New York City adults with 28.5% of identifying as Black, 25.2% Hispanic, and 6.1% Asian. Age-adjusted disease prevalence was highest among Black and Hispanic adults for diabetes (13.4 and 13.1%), hypertension (28.7 and 24.1%), and asthma (9.9 and 10.1%). Correlation between disease prevalence maps demonstrated moderate overlap between Black and Hispanic adults for diabetes (0.49), hypertension (0.57), and asthma (0.58). In our regression analysis, we found that the association between low income and high disease prevalence was strongest for Hispanic adults, whereas increases in income had more modest reductions in disease prevalence for Black adults, especially for diabetes. Our geographically detailed maps of disease prevalence generate actionable evidence that can help direct health interventions to those communities with the highest health disparities. Using these novel geographic approaches, we reveal the underlying epidemiology of chronic disease for a racially and culturally diverse population.
PMID: 28791583
ISSN: 2196-8837
CID: 2664112

Subway-Related Trauma: An Urban Public Health Issue with a High Case-Fatality Rate

Rodier, Simon G; DiMaggio, Charles J; Wall, Stephen; Sim, Vasiliy; Frangos, Spiros G; Ayoung-Chee, Patricia; Bukur, Marko; Tandon, Manish; Todd, S Rob; Marshall, Gary T
BACKGROUND:Between 1990 and 2003, there were 668 subway-related fatalities in New York City. However, subway-related trauma remains an understudied area of injury-related morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE:The objective of this study was to characterize the injuries and events leading up to the injuries of all patients admitted after subway-related trauma. METHODS:We conducted a retrospective case series of subway-related trauma at a Level I trauma center from 2001 to 2016. Descriptive epidemiology of patient demographics, incident details, injuries, and outcomes were analyzed. RESULTS:Over 15 years, 254 patients were admitted for subway-related trauma. The mean (standard error of the mean) age was 41 (1.0) years, 80% were male (95% confidence interval [CI] 74-84%) and median Injury Severity Score was 14 (interquartile range [IQR] 5-24). The overall case-fatality rate was 10% (95% CI 7-15%). The most common injuries were long-bone fractures, intracranial hemorrhage, and traumatic amputations. Median length of stay was 6 days (IQR 1-18 days). Thirty-seven percent of patients required surgical intervention. At the time of injury, 55% of patients (95% CI 49-61%) had a positive urine drug or alcohol screen, 16% (95% CI 12-21%) were attempting suicide, and 39% (95% CI 33-45%) had a history of psychiatric illness. CONCLUSIONS:Subway-related trauma is associated with a high case-fatality rate. Alcohol or drug intoxication and psychiatric illness can increase the risk of this type of injury.
PMID: 29753571
ISSN: 0736-4679
CID: 3121232

Identifying Geographic Disparities in Diabetes Prevalence Among Adults and Children Using Emergency Claims Data

Lee, David C; Gallagher, Mary Pat; Gopalan, Anjali; Osorio, Marcela; Vinson, Andrew J; Wall, Stephen P; Ravenell, Joseph E; Sevick, Mary Ann; Elbel, Brian
Geographic surveillance can identify hotspots of disease and reveal associations between health and the environment. Our study used emergency department surveillance to investigate geographic disparities in type 1 and type 2 diabetes prevalence among adults and children. Using all-payer emergency claims data from 2009 to 2013, we identified unique New York City residents with diabetes and geocoded their location using home addresses. Geospatial analysis was performed to estimate diabetes prevalence by New York City Census tract. We also used multivariable regression to identify neighborhood-level factors associated with higher diabetes prevalence. We estimated type 1 and type 2 diabetes prevalence at 0.23% and 10.5%, respectively, among adults and 0.20% and 0.11%, respectively, among children in New York City. Pediatric type 1 diabetes was associated with higher income (P = 0.001), whereas adult type 2 diabetes was associated with lower income (P < 0.001). Areas with a higher proportion of nearby restaurants categorized as fast food had a higher prevalence of all types of diabetes (P < 0.001) except for pediatric type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes among children was only higher in neighborhoods with higher proportions of African American residents (P < 0.001). Our findings identify geographic disparities in diabetes prevalence that may require special attention to address the specific needs of adults and children living in these areas. Our results suggest that the food environment may be associated with higher type 1 diabetes prevalence. However, our analysis did not find a robust association with the food environment and pediatric type 2 diabetes, which was predominantly focused in African American neighborhoods.
PMID: 29719877
ISSN: 2472-1972
CID: 3057122

Assessment of acute head injury in an emergency department population using sport concussion assessment tool - 3rd edition

Bin Zahid, Abdullah; Hubbard, Molly E; Dammavalam, Vikalpa M; Balser, David Y; Pierre, Gritz; Kim, Amie; Kolecki, Radek; Mehmood, Talha; Wall, Stephen P; Frangos, Spiros G; Huang, Paul P; Tupper, David E; Barr, William; Samadani, Uzma
Sport Concussion Assessment Tool version 3 (SCAT-3) is one of the most widely researched concussion assessment tools in athletes. Here normative data for SCAT3 in nonathletes are presented. The SCAT3 was administered to 98 nonathlete healthy controls, as well as 118 participants with head-injury and 46 participants with other body trauma (OI) presenting to the ED. Reference values were derived and classifier functions were built to assess the accuracy of SCAT3. The control population had a mean of 2.30 (SD = 3.62) symptoms, 4.38 (SD = 8.73) symptom severity score (SSS), and 26.02 (SD = 2.52) standardized assessment of concussion score (SAC). Participants were more likely to be diagnosed with a concussion (from among healthy controls) if the SSS > 7; or SSS 7 and headache or pressure in head present, or SSS 7 and headache or pressure in head, or SSS
PMID: 27854143
ISSN: 2327-9109
CID: 2310982

Functional outcomes after inpatient rehabilitation for trauma-improved but unable to return home

Lancaster, Catherine W; DiMaggio, Charles; Marshall, Gary; Wall, Stephen; Ayoung-Chee, Patricia
BACKGROUND: Twenty-five percent of trauma patients are discharged to postacute care, indicating a loss of physical function and need for rehabilitation. The purpose of this study was to quantify the functional improvements in trauma patients discharged from inpatient rehabilitation facility (IRF) and identify predictors of improvement. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A retrospective cohort study of trauma patients aged >/= 18 years were admitted to an IRF after discharge from a level-1 trauma center. Data included demographics, injury characteristics, hospital, and IRF course. The functional independence measure (FIM) was used to measure change in physical and cognitive function. RESULTS: There were 245 patients with a mean age of 55.8 years and mean injury severity score (ISS) of 14.7. Fall was the leading mechanism of injury (45.7%). On IRF admission, 50.7% of patients required moderate or greater assistance. On discharge, the mean intraindividual change in FIM score was 29.9; 85.4% of the patients improved by >/=1 level of functioning. Before injury, 99.6% of patients were living at home, but only 56.0% were discharged home from the IRF, despite 81.8% requiring minimal assistance at most (23.5% to skilled nursing; 19.7% readmitted). Increasing age and lower ISS were associated with less FIM improvement, and increasing ISS was associated with increased FIM improvement. CONCLUSIONS: More than 80% of the trauma patients experienced meaningful functional improvements during IRF admission. However, only half were discharged home, and a quarter required further institutional care. Further research is needed to identify the additional impediments to return to preinjury functioning.
PMID: 29103674
ISSN: 1095-8673
CID: 2773342

Building an Outpatient Kidney Palliative Care Clinical Program

Scherer, Jennifer S; Wright, Rebecca; Blaum, Caroline S; Wall, Stephen P
CONTEXT: A diagnosis of advanced chronic kidney disease (CKD), or end stage renal disease (ESRD) represents a significant life change for patients and families. Individuals often experience high symptom burden, decreased quality of life, increased health care utilization, and end-of-life care discordant with their preferences. Early integration of palliative care with standard nephrology practice in the outpatient setting has the potential to improve quality of life through provision of expert symptom management, emotional support, and facilitation of advance care planning that honors the individual's values and goals. OBJECTIVES: This special report describes application of participatory action research (PAR) methods to develop an outpatient integrated nephrology and palliative care program. METHODS: Stakeholder concerns were thematically analyzed to inform translation of a known successful model of outpatient kidney palliative care to a practice in a large, urban medical center in the United States. RESULTS: Stakeholder needs and challenges to meeting these needs were identified. We uncovered a shared understanding of the clinical need for palliative care services in nephrology practice, but apprehension towards practice change. Action steps to modify the base model were created in response to stakeholder feedback. CONCLUSIONS: The development of a model of care that provides a new approach to clinical practice requires attention to relevant stakeholder concerns. PAR is a useful methodological approach that engages stakeholders and builds partnerships. This creation of shared ownership can facilitate innovation and practice change. We synthesized stakeholder concerns to build a conceptual model for an integrated nephrology and palliative care clinical program.
PMID: 28803081
ISSN: 1873-6513
CID: 2670902

The Epidemiology of Emergency Department Trauma Discharges in the United States

DiMaggio, Charles J; Avraham, Jacob B; Lee, David C; Frangos, Spiros G; Wall, Stephen P
OBJECTIVE: Injury related morbidity and mortality is an important emergency medicine and public health challenge in the United States (US). Here we describe the epidemiology of traumatic injury presenting to US emergency departments, define changes in types and causes of injury among the elderly and the young, characterize the role of trauma centers and teaching hospitals in providing emergency trauma care, and estimate the overall economic burden of treating such injuries. METHODS: We conducted a secondary retrospective, repeated cross-sectional study of the Nationwide Emergency Department Data Sample (NEDS), the largest all-payer emergency department survey database in the US. Main outcomes and measures were survey-adjusted counts, proportions, means, and rates with associated standard errors, and 95% confidence intervals. We plotted annual age-stratified emergency department discharge rates for traumatic injury and present tables of proportions of common injuries and external causes. We modeled the association of Level 1 or 2 trauma center care with injury fatality using a multi-variable survey-adjusted logistic regression analysis that controlled for age, gender, injury severity, comorbid diagnoses, and teaching hospital status. RESULTS: There were 181,194,431 (standard error, se = 4234) traumatic injury discharges from US emergency departments between 2006 and 2012. There was an average year-to-year decrease of 143 (95% CI -184.3, -68.5) visits per 100,000 US population during the study period. The all-age, all-cause case-fatality rate for traumatic injuries across US emergency departments during the study period was 0.17% (se = 0.001). The case-fatality rate for the most severely injured averaged 4.8% (se = 0.001), and severely injured patients were nearly four times as likely to be seen in Level 1 or 2 trauma centers (relative risk = 3.9 (95% CI 3.7, 4.1)). The unadjusted risk ratio, based on group counts, for the association of Level 1 or 2 trauma centers with mortality was RR = 4.9 (95% CI 4.5, 5.3), however, after accounting for gender, age, injury severity and comorbidities, Level 1 or 2 trauma centers were not associated with an increased risk of fatality (odds ratio = 0.96 (0.79, 1.18)). There were notable changes at the extremes of age in types and causes of emergency department discharges for traumatic injury between 2009 and 2012. Age-stratified rates of diagnoses of traumatic brain injury increased 29.5% (se = 2.6) for adults older than 85, and increased 44.9% (se = 1.3) for children younger than 18. Firearm related injuries increased 31.7% (se = 0.2) in children five years and younger. The total inflation-adjusted cost of emergency department injury care in the US between 2006 and 2012 was $99.75 billion (se = 0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Emergency departments are a sensitive barometer of the continuing impact of traumatic injury as an important cause of morbidity and mortality in the US. Level 1 or 2 trauma centers remain a bulwark against the tide of severe trauma in the US. But, the types and causes of traumatic injury in the US are changing in consequential ways, particularly at the extremes of age, with traumatic brain injuries and firearm-related trauma presenting increased challenges
PMID: 28493608
ISSN: 1553-2712
CID: 2549132

A qualitative study of medical educators' perspectives on remediation: Adopting a holistic approach to struggling residents

Krzyzaniak, Sara M; Wolf, Stephen J; Byyny, Richard; Barker, Lisa; Kaplan, Bonnie; Wall, Stephen; Guerrasio, Jeannette
INTRODUCTION: During residency, some trainees require the identification and remediation of deficiencies to achieve the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for independent practice. Given the limited published frameworks for remediation, we characterize remediation from the perspective of educators and propose a holistic framework to guide the approach to remediation. METHODS: We conducted semistructured focus groups to: explore methods for identifying struggling residents; categorize common domains of struggle; describe personal factors that contribute to difficulties; define remediation interventions and understand what constitutes successful completion. Data were analyzed through conventional content analysis. RESULTS: Nineteen physicians across multiple specialties and institutions participated in seven focus groups. Thirteen categories emerged around remediation. Some themes addressed practical components of remediation, while others reflected barriers to the process and the impact of remediation on the resident and program. The themes were used to inform development of a novel holistic framework for remediation. CONCLUSIONS: The approach to remediation requires comprehensive identification of individual factors impacting performance. The intervention should not only include a tailored learning plan but also address confounders that impact likelihood of remediation success. Our holistic framework intends to guide educators creating remediation plans to ensure all domains are addressed.
PMID: 28562135
ISSN: 1466-187x
CID: 2669612