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Unipolar or bipolar prosthesis for the displaced intracapsular hip fracture? An unanswered question
Gilbert, M S; Capozzi, J
Modular bipolar prostheses were developed to address the problems of loosening, cartilage wear, and protrusio which were seen with single unit endoprostheses. Modular unipolar prostheses address many of these problems and are significantly less expensive than the bipolar prosthesis. Recent data suggest that use of the modular unipolar prosthesis is indicated in elderly patients with low demands.
PMID: 9728162
ISSN: 0009-921x
CID: 3895102
Total-hip arthroplasty: periprosthetic indium-111-labeled leukocyte activity and complementary technetium-99m-sulfur colloid imaging in suspected infection
Palestro, C J; Kim, C K; Swyer, A J; Capozzi, J D; Solomon, R W; Goldsmith, S J
Indium-111-labeled leukocyte images of 92 cemented total-hip arthroplasties were correlated with final diagnoses. Prostheses were divided into four zones: head (including acetabulum), trochanter, shaft, and tip. The presence (or absence) and intensity of activity in each zone was noted, and compared to the corresponding contralateral zone. Though present in all 23 infected arthroplasties, periprosthetic activity was also present in 77% of uninfected arthroplasties, and was greater than the contralateral zone 51% of the time. When analyzed by zone, head zone activity was the best criterion for infection (87% sensitivity, 94% specificity, 92% accuracy). Fifty of the arthroplasties were studied with combined labeled leukocyte/sulfur colloid imaging. Using incongruence of images as the criterion for infection, the sensitivity, specificity, and accuracy of the study were 100%, 97%, and 98%, respectively. While variable periprosthetic activity makes labeled leukocyte imaging alone unreliable for diagnosing hip arthroplasty infection, the addition of sulfur colloid imaging results in a highly accurate diagnostic procedure.
PMID: 2266391
ISSN: 0161-5505
CID: 3461142
Blood conservation in major orthopedic surgery
Turner, R H; Capozzi, J D; Kim, A; Anas, P P; Hardman, E
During an eight-year period, intraoperative autotransfusion was performed in 1922 operations. There were 476 primary hip arthroplasties, 1017 revision hip arthroplasties, 339 spinal procedures, and 90 vascular cases. There were no known complications related to autotransfusion in any of the cases. With proper technique, red cell salvage is approximately 58% effective, and intraoperative blood loss can be reduced by that amount. The first four years' experience with the preoperative autogeneic blood program is as follows. Using a combined program of predonation and primary hip arthroplasty, 72% of the revision hip arthroplasties and 81% of the spinal instrumentations required only autologous blood. A combined program of autologous donation and intraoperative autotransfusion is an excellent alternative to allogeneic blood replacement and a means of eliminating transfusion-related disease.
PMID: 2364616
ISSN: 0009-921x
CID: 3461152
Giant cell reaction of small bones [Case Report]
Capozzi, J D; Green, S; Levy, R N; Schwartz, I S
A radiographically nonspecific lytic lesion in the middle phalanx of the index finger with microscopic evidence of a benign fibrous stroma with giant cells and osteoid was investigated in an 18-year-old man. Giant cell reaction is a rare, benign lesion of the small bones of the hands and feet. Trauma as the cause of a giant cell lesion poses an interesting question.
PMID: 3791741
ISSN: 0009-921x
CID: 3461172
Acquired arteriovenous fistulas of the scalp in hemophiliacs [Case Report]
Gilbert, M S; Capozzi, J D; Forster, A M
The development of arteriovenous fistulas following multiple intravenous infusions in hemophiliacs has been previously reported. In this report, we discuss two patients in whom arteriovenous fistulas developed following the use of scalp veins as sites of infusion. Because of the rich vascularity of this area and the proximity of the arterial and venous systems we recommend that this site not be used for factor infusion.
PMID: 3085063
ISSN: 0031-4005
CID: 3461162
ISSN: 0009-921x
CID: 3461392