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Expression of protein arginine methyl transferases in mammary ductal carcinoma [Meeting Abstract]

Wang, J; Zhang, XM; Singh, B; Melamed, J; Chen, F; Lee, P; Sun, W
ISSN: 0023-6837
CID: 62614

Expression of protein arginine methyl transferases in mammary ductal carcinoma [Meeting Abstract]

Wang, J; Zhang, XM; Singh, B; Melamed, J; Chen, F; Lee, P; Sun, W
ISSN: 0893-3952
CID: 61433

Chromosomal localization and inhibitory effect on TPK activation of a human novel gene

Zhang, J; Feng, C; Liu, Y; Jiang, M; Yang, JN; Chen, Fei; Song, YT; Wang, G; Yu, BZ
ISSN: 0001-5334
CID: 5477102

The inhibitory effect of BSP-A1/-A2 on protein kinase C and tyrosine protein kinase

Yu, Bingzhi; Zhao, Yongmei; Zhao, Wei; Chen, Fei; Liu, Ying; Zhang, Jie; Fu, Wei; Zong, Zhihong; Yu, Aiming; Guan, Yi
Bovine seminal plasma contains a group of similar proteins, namely BSP-A1, BSP-A2, BSP-A3, and BSP-30-kDa (collectively called BSP proteins), and they are secreted by the seminal vesicles. In our study, we purified the BSP-A1/-A2 through affinity chromatography and found for the first time that BSP-A1/-A2 can inhibit the activity of protein kinase C (PKC) and tyrosine protein kinase (TPK). The inhibition was dose dependent. When the PKC and TPK activities are expressed as the logarithm of percentage activity taking the activity in the absence of the BSP-A1/-A2 as 100%, there is a linear relationship between the their activities and the dose of BSP-A1/-A2.
PMID: 12736909
ISSN: 0263-6484
CID: 5477062

Effect of PKC-zeta on the regulation of genome transcription of the early development of fertilized eggs in the mouse

Fu, W; Zao, Y; Yu, A; Liu, Y; Zong, Z; Chen, Fei; Yu, B
ISSN: 1007-7626
CID: 5477152

Insulin and phorbol ester activate p70S6k through different pathway during protein synthesis

Zhao, Y; Fu, W; Song, Y; Wang, Y; Liu, Y; Chen, Fei; Zong, Z; Han, Y; Yu, B
ISSN: 1007-7626
CID: 5477142

The activity and expression of protein kinase B in the early development of mouse fertilized eggs

Chen, Fei; Yu, A; Feng, C; Fu, W; Zhao, Y; Yuan, Y; Wu, D; Yu, B
ISSN: 1007-7626
CID: 5477132

The effect of protamine on the transcription of one-cell sate fertilized eggs in the mouse

Yu, A; Chen, Fei; Wu, D; Zong, Z; Yu, B
ISSN: 1007-7626
CID: 5477172

Different expression of PKC-delta and PKC-theta in testes of mouse at various developmental stages

Feng, C; Fu, W; Zhao, Y; Chen, Fei; Zong, Z
ISSN: 1007-7626
CID: 5477162

Gene polymorphism related to the wisdom teeth in Han families

Liu, Y; Yan, X; Chen, Fei; Yu, B
ISSN: 1001-6007
CID: 5477112