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The FEMA GRAS assessment of benzyl derivatives used as flavor ingredients
Adams, T B; Cohen, S M; Doull, J; Feron, V J; Goodman, J I; Marnett, L J; Munro, I C; Portoghese, P S; Smith, R L; Waddell, W J; Wagner, B M
This publication is the eighth in a series of safety evaluations performed by the Expert Panel of the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA). In 1993, the panel initiated a comprehensive program to re-evaluate the safety of more than 1700 GRAS flavoring substances under conditions of intended use. Elements that are fundamental to the safety evaluation of flavor ingredients include exposure, structural analogy, metabolism, pharmacokinetics and toxicology. Flavor ingredients are evaluated individually and in the context of the available scientific information on the group of structurally related substances. Scientific data relevant to the safety evaluation of the use of benzyl derivatives as flavoring ingredients is evaluated. The group of benzyl derivatives was reaffirmed as GRAS (GRASr) based, in part, on their self-limiting properties as flavoring substances in food; their rapid absorption, metabolic detoxication, and excretion in humans and other animals, their low level of flavor use, the wide margins of safety between the conservative estimates of intake and the no-observed-adverse effect levels determined from subchronic and chronic studies and the lack of significant genotoxic and mutagenic potential. This evidence of safety is supported by the fact that the intake of benzyl derivatives as natural components of traditional foods is greater than their intake as intentionally added flavoring substances
PMID: 15950815
ISSN: 0278-6915
CID: 110446
The FEMA GRAS assessment of hydroxy- and alkoxy-substituted benzyl derivatives used as flavor ingredients
Adams, T B; Cohen, S M; Doull, J; Feron, V J; Goodman, J I; Marnett, L J; Munro, I C; Portoghese, P S; Smith, R L; Waddell, W J; Wagner, B M
This publication is the ninth in a series of safety evaluations performed by the Expert Panel of the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA). In 1993, the Panel initiated a comprehensive program to re-evaluate the safety of more than 1700 GRAS flavoring substances under conditions of intended use. Elements that are fundamental to the safety evaluation of flavor ingredients include exposure, structural analogy, metabolism, pharmacokinetics and toxicology. Flavor ingredients are evaluated individually and in the context of the available scientific information on the group of structurally related substances. Scientific data relevant to the safety evaluation of the use of hydroxy- and alkoxy-substituted benzyl derivatives as flavoring ingredients is evaluated. The group of hydroxy- and alkoxy-benzyl derivatives was reaffirmed as GRAS (GRASr) based, in part, on their self-limiting properties as flavoring substances in food; their rapid absorption, metabolic detoxication, and excretion in humans and other animals; their low level of flavor use; the wide margins of safety between the conservative estimates of intake and the no-observed-adverse effect levels determined from subchronic and chronic studies and the lack of significant genotoxic and mutagenic potential. This evidence of safety is supported by the fact that the intake of hydroxy- and alkoxy-substituted benzyl derivatives as natural components of traditional foods is greater than their intake as intentionally added flavoring substances
PMID: 15950816
ISSN: 0278-6915
CID: 110445
A procedure for the safety evaluation of natural flavor complexes used as ingredients in food: essential oils
Smith, R L; Cohen, S M; Doull, J; Feron, V J; Goodman, J I; Marnett, L J; Portoghese, P S; Waddell, W J; Wagner, B M; Hall, R L; Higley, N A; Lucas-Gavin, C; Adams, T B
A scientifically based guide has been developed to evaluate the safety of naturally occurring mixtures, particularly essential oils, for their intended use as flavor ingredients. The approach relies on the complete chemical characterization of the essential oil and the variability of the composition of the oil in the product intended for commerce. Being products of common plant biochemical pathways, the chemically identified constituents are organized according to a limited number of well-established chemical groups called congeneric groups. The safety of the intake of the each congeneric group from consumption of the essential oil is evaluated in the context of data on absorption, metabolism, and toxicology of members of the congeneric group. The intake of the group of unidentified constituents is evaluated in the context of the consumption of the essential oil as a food, a highly conservative toxicologic threshold, and toxicity data on the essential oil or an essential oil of similar chemotaxonomy. The flexibility of the guide is reflected in the fact that high intake of major congeneric groups of low toxicologic concern will be evaluated along with low intake of minor congeneric groups of significant toxicological concern (i.e., higher structural class). The guide also provides a comprehensive evaluation of all congeneric groups and constituents that account for the majority of the composition of the essential oil. The overall objective of the guide is to organize and prioritize the chemical constituents of an essential oil in order that no reasonably possible significant risk associated with the intake of essential oil goes unevaluated. The guide is, however, not intended to be a rigid checklist. The Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association (FEMA) Expert Panel will continue to evaluate each essential oil on a case by case basis applying their scientific judgment to insure that each natural flavor complex is exhaustively evaluated
PMID: 15680674
ISSN: 0278-6915
CID: 110449
Safety evaluation of natural flavour complexes
Smith, R L; Adams, T B; Cohen, S M; Doull, J; Feron, V J; Goodman, J I; Hall, R L; Marnett, L J; Portoghese, P S; Waddell, W J; Wagner, B M
Natural flavour complexes (NFCs) are chemical mixtures obtained by applying physical separation methods to botanical sources. Many NFCs are derived from foods. In the present paper, a 12-step procedure for the safety evaluation of NFCs, 'the naturals paradigm', is discussed. This procedure, which is not intended to be viewed as a rigid check list, begins with a description of the chemical composition of the commercial product, followed by a review of the data on the history of dietary use. Next, each constituent of an NFC is assigned to one of 33 congeneric groups of structurally related substances and to one of three classes of toxic potential, each with its own exposure threshold of toxicological concern. The group of substances of unknown structure is placed in the class of greatest toxic potential. In subsequent steps, for each congeneric group the procedure determines the per capita intake, considers metabolic pathways and explores the need and availability of toxicological data. Additional toxicological and analytical data may be required for a comprehensive safety evaluation. The procedure concludes with an evaluation of the NFC in its entirety, also considering combined exposure to congeneric groups. The first experiences with the use of this procedure are very promising. Future safety evaluations of larger numbers of NFCs will indicate the usefulness of the system, either in its present form or in a form modified on the basis of experience
PMID: 15093265
ISSN: 0378-4274
CID: 110452
buttonhead does not contribute to a combinatorial code proposed for Drosophila head development
Wimmer, E A; Cohen, S M; Jackle, H; Desplan, C
The Drosophila gap-like segmentation genes orthodenticle, empty spiracles and buttonhead (btd) are expressed and required in overlapping domains in the head region of the blastoderm stage embryo. Their expression domains correspond to two or three segment anlagen that fail to develop in each mutant. It has been proposed that these overlapping expression domains mediate head metamerization and could generate a combinatorial code to specify segment identity. To test this model, we developed a system for targeted gene expression in the early embryo, based on region specific promoters and the flp-out system. Misexpression of btd in the anterior half of the blastoderm embryo directed by the hunchback proximal promoter rescues the btd mutant head phenotype to wild-type. This indicates that, while btd activity is required for the formation of specific head segments, its ectopic expression does not disturb head development. We conclude that the spatial limits of btd expression are not instructive for metamerization of the head region and that btd activity does not contribute to a combinatorial code for specification of segment identity.
PMID: 9108367
ISSN: 0950-1991
CID: 1695202
Trans- and cis-acting requirements for blastodermal expression of the head gap gene buttonhead
Wimmer, E A; Simpson-Brose, M; Cohen, S M; Desplan, C; Jackle, H
The Drosophila gene buttonhead (btd) encodes a zinc-finger protein related to the human transcription factor Sp1. btd is expressed in the syncytial blastoderm embryo in a stripe covering the anlagen of the antennal, intercalary and mandibular head segments. btd has been characterized as a head gap gene, since these segments are deleted in btd mutant embryos. We report here that the cis-acting elements required for btd head stripe expression are contained in a 1 kb DNA fragment, located about 3 kb upstream of the promoter. The four maternal coordinate systems are necessary for correct btd head stripe expression, likely by acting through the 1 kb cis-acting control region. Expression of the btd head stripe depends on the anterior morphogen encoded by the gene bicoid (bcd). bcd-dependent activation also involves the activity of the morphogens of the posterior and dorsoventral systems, hunchback and dorsal, respectively, which act together to control the spatial limits of the expression domain. Finally, the terminal system takes part in the regulation of btd head stripe expression by enhancing activation at low levels of activity and repression at high levels of activity.
PMID: 8562425
ISSN: 0925-4773
CID: 1695282
Computed tomography versus standard radiography in the assessment of fractures of the mandible
Creasman, C N; Markowitz, B L; Kawamoto, H K Jr; Cohen, S; Kioumehr, F; Hanafee, W N; Shaw, W W
Twenty-nine fractures of the mandible were studied by standard radiographs and axial computed tomographic scans (hard copy). Independent reviewers analyzed each study in a blinded, non-paired fashion. When radiographic diagnostic sensitivities were compared on the basis of known surgical findings, the plain films were found to have a higher diagnostic sensitivity (89%) than the hard copy computed tomograms (64%). This difference occurred primarily with images of nondisplaced fractures in posterior portions of the mandible, and is likely the result of tomographic orientation and volume averaging. Though computed tomography has emerged as the standard diagnostic test in evaluating intracranial and maxillofacial trauma, this study demonstrates that computed tomographic scanning alone is inadequate in excluding nondisplaced fractures of the posterior mandible.
PMID: 1530260
ISSN: 0148-7043
CID: 380492