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Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy

Friedman, Daniel
PURPOSE OF REVIEW/OBJECTIVE:Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is a major contributor to premature mortality in people with epilepsy. This review provides an update on recent findings on the epidemiology of SUDEP, clinical risk factors and potential mechanisms. RECENT FINDINGS/RESULTS:The overall risk rate of SUDEP is approximately 1 per 1000 patients per year in the general epilepsy population and that children and older adults have a similar incidence. Generalized convulsive seizures (GCS), perhaps through their effects on brainstem cardiopulmonary networks, can cause significant postictal respiratory and autonomic dysfunction though other mechanisms likely exist as well. Work in animal models of SUDEP has identified multiple neurotransmitter systems, which may be future targets for pharmacological intervention. There are also chronic functional and structural changes in autonomic function in patients who subsequently die from SUDEP suggesting that some SUDEP risk is dynamic. Modifiable risks for SUDEP include GCS seizure frequency, medication adherence and nighttime supervision. SUMMARY/CONCLUSIONS:Current knowledge of SUDEP risk factors has identified multiple targets for SUDEP prevention today as we await more specific therapeutic targets that are emerging from translational research studies.
PMID: 35102124
ISSN: 1473-6551
CID: 5182232

Observational study of medical marijuana as a treatment for treatment-resistant epilepsies

Devinsky, Orrin; Marmanillo, Angelica; Hamlin, Theresa; Wilken, Philip; Ryan, Daniel; Anderson, Conor; Friedman, Daniel; Todd, George
OBJECTIVES/OBJECTIVE:Medical cannabis formulations with cannabidiol (CBD) and delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are widely used to treat epilepsy. We studied the safety and efficacy of two formulations. METHODS:We prospectively observed 29 subjects (12 to 46 years old) with treatment-resistant epilepsies (11 Lennox-Gastaut syndrome; 15 with focal or multifocal epilepsy; three generalized epilepsy) were treated with medical cannabis (1THC:20CBD and/or 1THC:50CBD; maximum of 6 mg THC/day) for ≥24 weeks. The primary outcome was change in convulsive seizure frequency from the pre-treatment baseline to the stable optimal dose phase. RESULTS:There were no significant differences during treatment on stable maximal doses for convulsive seizure frequency, seizure duration, postictal duration, or use of rescue medications compared to baseline. No benefits were seen for behavioral disorders or sleep duration; there was a trend for more frequent bowel movements compared to baseline. Ten adverse events occurred in 6/29 patients, all were transient and most unrelated to study medication. No serious adverse events were related to study medication. INTERPRETATION/CONCLUSIONS:Our prospective observational study of two high-CBD/low-THC formulations found no evidence of efficacy in reducing seizures, seizure duration, postictal duration, or rescue medication use. Behavioral disorders or sleep duration was unchanged. Study medication was generally well tolerated. The doses of CBD used were lower than prior studies. Randomized trials with larger cohorts are needed, but we found no evidence of efficacy for two CBD:THC products in treating epilepsy, sleep, or behavior in our population.
PMID: 35267245
ISSN: 2328-9503
CID: 5182322

Intracranial electroencephalographic biomarker predicts effective responsive neurostimulation for epilepsy prior to treatment

Scheid, Brittany H; Bernabei, John M; Khambhati, Ankit N; Mouchtaris, Sofia; Jeschke, Jay; Bassett, Dani S; Becker, Danielle; Davis, Kathryn A; Lucas, Timothy; Doyle, Werner; Chang, Edward F; Friedman, Daniel; Rao, Vikram R; Litt, Brian
OBJECTIVE:Despite the overall success of responsive neurostimulation (RNS) therapy for drug-resistant focal epilepsy, clinical outcomes in individuals vary significantly and are hard to predict. Biomarkers that indicate the clinical efficacy of RNS-ideally before device implantation-are critically needed, but challenges include the intrinsic heterogeneity of the RNS patient population and variability in clinical management across epilepsy centers. The aim of this study is to use a multicenter dataset to evaluate a candidate biomarker from intracranial electroencephalographic (iEEG) recordings that predicts clinical outcome with subsequent RNS therapy. METHODS:We assembled a federated dataset of iEEG recordings, collected prior to RNS implantation, from a retrospective cohort of 30 patients across three major epilepsy centers. Using ictal iEEG recordings, each center independently calculated network synchronizability, a candidate biomarker indicating the susceptibility of epileptic brain networks to RNS therapy. RESULTS:Ictal measures of synchronizability in the high-γ band (95-105 Hz) significantly distinguish between good and poor RNS responders after at least 3 years of therapy under the current RNS therapy guidelines (area under the curve = .83). Additionally, ictal high-γ synchronizability is inversely associated with the degree of therapeutic response. SIGNIFICANCE/CONCLUSIONS:This study provides a proof-of-concept roadmap for collaborative biomarker evaluation in federated data, where practical considerations impede full data sharing across centers. Our results suggest that network synchronizability can help predict therapeutic response to RNS therapy. With further validation, this biomarker could facilitate patient selection and help avert a costly, invasive intervention in patients who are unlikely to benefit.
PMID: 34997577
ISSN: 1528-1167
CID: 5107542

Shared computational principles for language processing in humans and deep language models

Goldstein, Ariel; Zada, Zaid; Buchnik, Eliav; Schain, Mariano; Price, Amy; Aubrey, Bobbi; Nastase, Samuel A; Feder, Amir; Emanuel, Dotan; Cohen, Alon; Jansen, Aren; Gazula, Harshvardhan; Choe, Gina; Rao, Aditi; Kim, Catherine; Casto, Colton; Fanda, Lora; Doyle, Werner; Friedman, Daniel; Dugan, Patricia; Melloni, Lucia; Reichart, Roi; Devore, Sasha; Flinker, Adeen; Hasenfratz, Liat; Levy, Omer; Hassidim, Avinatan; Brenner, Michael; Matias, Yossi; Norman, Kenneth A; Devinsky, Orrin; Hasson, Uri
Departing from traditional linguistic models, advances in deep learning have resulted in a new type of predictive (autoregressive) deep language models (DLMs). Using a self-supervised next-word prediction task, these models generate appropriate linguistic responses in a given context. In the current study, nine participants listened to a 30-min podcast while their brain responses were recorded using electrocorticography (ECoG). We provide empirical evidence that the human brain and autoregressive DLMs share three fundamental computational principles as they process the same natural narrative: (1) both are engaged in continuous next-word prediction before word onset; (2) both match their pre-onset predictions to the incoming word to calculate post-onset surprise; (3) both rely on contextual embeddings to represent words in natural contexts. Together, our findings suggest that autoregressive DLMs provide a new and biologically feasible computational framework for studying the neural basis of language.
PMID: 35260860
ISSN: 1546-1726
CID: 5190382

Vascular risk factors as predictors of epilepsy in older age: The Framingham Heart Study

Stefanidou, Maria; Himali, Jayandra J; Devinsky, Orrin; Romero, Jose R; Ikram, Mohammad Arfan; Beiser, Alexa S; Seshadri, Sudha; Friedman, Daniel
OBJECTIVE:Stroke is the most common cause of epilepsy in older age. Subclinical cerebrovascular disease is believed to underlie some of the 30%-50% of late-onset epilepsy without a known cause (Li et al. Epilepsia. 1997;38:1216; Cleary et al. Lancet. 2004;363:1184). We studied the role of modifiable vascular risk factors in predicting subsequent epilepsy among participants ages 45 or older in the Framingham Heart Study (FHS), a longitudinal, community-based study. METHODS:Participants of the Offspring Cohort who attended FHS exam 5 (1991-1995) were included who were at least 45-years-old at that time, had available vascular risk factor data, and epilepsy follow-up (n = 2986, mean age 58, 48% male). Adjudication of epilepsy cases included review of medical charts to exclude seizure mimics and acute symptomatic seizures. The vascular risk factors studied included hypertension, diabetes mellitus, smoking, and hyperlipidemia. The role of the Framingham Stroke Risk Profile score was also investigated. Cox proportional hazards regression models were used for the analyses. RESULTS:Fifty-five incident epilepsy cases were identified during a mean of 19 years of follow-up. Hypertension was associated with a near 2-fold risk (hazard ratio [HR]: 1.93, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.10-3.37, p = .022) of developing epilepsy, even after adjustment for prevalent and interim stroke. In secondary analysis, excluding patients with normal blood pressure who were receiving anti-HTN (anti-hypertensive) treatment (n = 2613, 50 incident epilepsy cases) the association was (HR: 2.44, 95% CI: 1.36-4.35, p = .003). SIGNIFICANCE/CONCLUSIONS:Our results offer further evidence that hypertension, a potentially modifiable and highly prevalent vascular risk factor in the general population, increases 2- to 2.5-fold the risk of developing late-onset epilepsy.
PMID: 34786697
ISSN: 1528-1167
CID: 5049142

N-Tools-Browser: Web-Based Visualization of Electrocorticography Data for Epilepsy Surgery

Burkhardt, Jay; Sharma, Aaryaman; Tan, Jack; Franke, Loraine; Leburu, Jahnavi; Jeschke, Jay; Devore, Sasha; Friedman, Daniel; Chen, Jingyun; Haehn, Daniel
Epilepsy affects more than three million people in the United States. In approximately one-third of this population, anti-seizure medications do not control seizures. Many patients pursue surgical treatment that can include a procedure involving the implantation of electrodes for intracranial monitoring of seizure activity. For these cases, accurate mapping of the implanted electrodes on a patient's brain is crucial in planning the ultimate surgical treatment. Traditionally, electrode mapping results are presented in static figures that do not allow for dynamic interactions and visualizations. In collaboration with a clinical research team at a Level 4 Epilepsy Center, we developed N-Tools-Browser, a web-based software using WebGL and the X-Toolkit (XTK), to help clinicians interactively visualize the location and functional properties of implanted intracranial electrodes in 3D. Our software allows the user to visualize the seizure focus location accurately and simultaneously display functional characteristics (e.g., results from electrical stimulation mapping). Different visualization modes enable the analysis of multiple electrode groups or individual anatomical locations. We deployed a prototype of N-Tools-Browser for our collaborators at the New York University Grossman School of Medicine Comprehensive Epilepsy Center. Then, we evaluated its usefulness with domain experts on clinical cases.
PMID: 36304315
ISSN: 2673-7647
CID: 5359642

Intraoperative microseizure detection using a high-density micro-electrocorticography electrode array

Sun, James; Barth, Katrina; Qiao, Shaoyu; Chiang, Chia-Han; Wang, Charles; Rahimpour, Shervin; Trumpis, Michael; Duraivel, Suseendrakumar; Dubey, Agrita; Wingel, Katie E; Rachinskiy, Iakov; Voinas, Alex E; Ferrentino, Breonna; Southwell, Derek G; Haglund, Michael M; Friedman, Allan H; Lad, Shivanand P; Doyle, Werner K; Solzbacher, Florian; Cogan, Gregory; Sinha, Saurabh R; Devore, Sasha; Devinsky, Orrin; Friedman, Daniel; Pesaran, Bijan; Viventi, Jonathan
One-third of epilepsy patients suffer from medication-resistant seizures. While surgery to remove epileptogenic tissue helps some patients, 30-70% of patients continue to experience seizures following resection. Surgical outcomes may be improved with more accurate localization of epileptogenic tissue. We have previously developed novel thin-film, subdural electrode arrays with hundreds of microelectrodes over a 100-1000 mm2 area to enable high-resolution mapping of neural activity. Here, we used these high-density arrays to study microscale properties of human epileptiform activity. We performed intraoperative micro-electrocorticographic recordings in nine patients with epilepsy. In addition, we recorded from four patients with movement disorders undergoing deep brain stimulator implantation as non-epileptic controls. A board-certified epileptologist identified microseizures, which resembled electrographic seizures normally observed with clinical macroelectrodes. Recordings in epileptic patients had a significantly higher microseizure rate (2.01 events/min) than recordings in non-epileptic subjects (0.01 events/min; permutation test, P = 0.0068). Using spatial averaging to simulate recordings from larger electrode contacts, we found that the number of detected microseizures decreased rapidly with increasing contact diameter and decreasing contact density. In cases in which microseizures were spatially distributed across multiple channels, the approximate onset region was identified. Our results suggest that micro-electrocorticographic electrode arrays with a high density of contacts and large coverage are essential for capturing microseizures in epilepsy patients and may be beneficial for localizing epileptogenic tissue to plan surgery or target brain stimulation.
PMID: 35663384
ISSN: 2632-1297
CID: 5283042

Raphe and ventrolateral medulla proteomics in epilepsy and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy

Leitner, Dominique F; Kanshin, Evgeny; Askenazi, Manor; Faustin, Arline; Friedman, Daniel; Devore, Sasha; Ueberheide, Beatrix; Wisniewski, Thomas; Devinsky, Orrin
Brainstem nuclei dysfunction is implicated in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. In animal models, deficient serotonergic activity is associated with seizure-induced respiratory arrest. In humans, glia are decreased in the ventrolateral medullary pre-Botzinger complex that modulate respiratory rhythm, as well as in the medial medullary raphe that modulate respiration and arousal. Finally, sudden unexpected death in epilepsy cases have decreased midbrain volume. To understand the potential role of brainstem nuclei in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, we evaluated molecular signalling pathways using localized proteomics in microdissected midbrain dorsal raphe and medial medullary raphe serotonergic nuclei, as well as the ventrolateral medulla in brain tissue from epilepsy patients who died of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy and other causes in diverse epilepsy syndromes and non-epilepsy control cases (n = 15-16 cases per group/region). Compared with the dorsal raphe of non-epilepsy controls, we identified 89 proteins in non-sudden unexpected death in epilepsy and 219 proteins in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy that were differentially expressed. These proteins were associated with inhibition of EIF2 signalling (P-value of overlap = 1.29 × 10-8, z = -2.00) in non-sudden unexpected death in epilepsy. In sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, there were 10 activated pathways (top pathway: gluconeogenesis I, P-value of overlap = 3.02 × 10-6, z = 2.24) and 1 inhibited pathway (fatty acid beta-oxidation, P-value of overlap = 2.69 × 10-4, z = -2.00). Comparing sudden unexpected death in epilepsy and non-sudden unexpected death in epilepsy, 10 proteins were differentially expressed, but there were no associated signalling pathways. In both medullary regions, few proteins showed significant differences in pairwise comparisons. We identified altered proteins in the raphe and ventrolateral medulla of epilepsy patients, including some differentially expressed in sudden unexpected death in epilepsy cases. Altered signalling pathways in the dorsal raphe of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy indicate a shift in cellular energy production and activation of G-protein signalling, inflammatory response, stress response and neuronal migration/outgrowth. Future studies should assess the brain proteome in relation to additional clinical variables (e.g. recent tonic-clonic seizures) and in more of the reciprocally connected cortical and subcortical regions to better understand the pathophysiology of epilepsy and sudden unexpected death in epilepsy.
PMID: 35928051
ISSN: 2632-1297
CID: 5288272

DNA Methylation Profiling Identifies Epigenetic Subclasses of Focal Cortical Dysplasia In Treatment-Resistant Epilepsy [Meeting Abstract]

Movahed-Ezazi, Misha; Vasudeyaraja, Varshini; Tran, Ivy; Dastagirzada, Yosef; Pelorosso, Cristiana; Conti, Valerio; Guerrini, Renzo; Buccoliero, Anna Maria; Friedman, Daniel; Devinsky, Orrin; Hidalgo, Eveline; Snuderl, Matija
ISSN: 0022-3069
CID: 5244292

Interictal EEG and ECG for SUDEP Risk Assessment: A Retrospective Multicenter Cohort Study

Chen, Zhe Sage; Hsieh, Aaron; Sun, Guanghao; Bergey, Gregory K; Berkovic, Samuel F; Perucca, Piero; D'Souza, Wendyl; Elder, Christopher J; Farooque, Pue; Johnson, Emily L; Barnard, Sarah; Nightscales, Russell; Kwan, Patrick; Moseley, Brian; O'Brien, Terence J; Sivathamboo, Shobi; Laze, Juliana; Friedman, Daniel; Devinsky, Orrin
Objective/UNASSIGNED:Sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) is the leading cause of epilepsy-related mortality. Although lots of effort has been made in identifying clinical risk factors for SUDEP in the literature, there are few validated methods to predict individual SUDEP risk. Prolonged postictal EEG suppression (PGES) is a potential SUDEP biomarker, but its occurrence is infrequent and requires epilepsy monitoring unit admission. We use machine learning methods to examine SUDEP risk using interictal EEG and ECG recordings from SUDEP cases and matched living epilepsy controls. Methods/UNASSIGNED:This multicenter, retrospective, cohort study examined interictal EEG and ECG recordings from 30 SUDEP cases and 58 age-matched living epilepsy patient controls. We trained machine learning models with interictal EEG and ECG features to predict the retrospective SUDEP risk for each patient. We assessed cross-validated classification accuracy and the area under the receiver operating characteristic (AUC) curve. Results/UNASSIGNED:The logistic regression (LR) classifier produced the overall best performance, outperforming the support vector machine (SVM), random forest (RF), and convolutional neural network (CNN). Among the 30 patients with SUDEP [14 females; mean age (SD), 31 (8.47) years] and 58 living epilepsy controls [26 females (43%); mean age (SD) 31 (8.5) years], the LR model achieved the median AUC of 0.77 [interquartile range (IQR), 0.73-0.80] in five-fold cross-validation using interictal alpha and low gamma power ratio of the EEG and heart rate variability (HRV) features extracted from the ECG. The LR model achieved the mean AUC of 0.79 in leave-one-center-out prediction. Conclusions/UNASSIGNED:Our results support that machine learning-driven models may quantify SUDEP risk for epilepsy patients, future refinements in our model may help predict individualized SUDEP risk and help clinicians correlate predictive scores with the clinical data. Low-cost and noninvasive interictal biomarkers of SUDEP risk may help clinicians to identify high-risk patients and initiate preventive strategies.
PMID: 35370908
ISSN: 1664-2295
CID: 5191502