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Alteration in Maternal Diet Induces Metabolic and Epigenetic Dysregulation in Young Female Offspring. [Meeting Abstract]

Heo, Hye J; Michaels, Jessica; Slomko, Howard; Delahaye, Fabien; Gheorghe, Ciprian P; Zhao, Yongmei; Greally, John M; Barzilai, Nir; Einstein, Francine H
ISSN: 1933-7205
CID: 2635402

Minireview: Epigenetics of obesity and diabetes in humans

Slomko, Howard; Heo, Hye J; Einstein, Francine H
Understanding the determinants of human health and disease is overwhelmingly complex, particularly for common, late-onset, chronic disorders, such as obesity and diabetes. Elucidating the genetic and environmental factors that influence susceptibility to disruptions in energy homeostasis and metabolic regulation remain a challenge, and progress will entail the integration of multiple assessments of temporally dynamic environmental exposures in the context of each individual's genotype. To meet this challenge, researchers are increasingly exploring the epigenome, which is the malleable interface of gene-environment interactions. Epigenetic variation, whether innate or induced, contributes to variation in gene expression, the range of potential individual responses to internal and external cues, and risk for metabolic disease. Ultimately, advancement in our understanding of chronic disease susceptibility in humans will depend on refinement of exposure assessment tools and systems biology approaches to interpretation. In this review, we present recent progress in epigenetics of human obesity and diabetes, existing challenges, and the potential for new approaches to unravel the complex biology of metabolic dysregulation.
PMID: 22253427
ISSN: 1945-7170
CID: 2624922

Sedentary behavior during pregnancy does not alter maternal fat distribution or insulin action [Meeting Abstract]

Heo, Hye; Karakash, Scarlett; Huffman, Derek; Delahaye, Fabien; Zhao, Yongmei; Barzilai, Nir; Einstein, Francine
ISSN: 0002-9378
CID: 2635302

Impact of maternal diet on peripheral vs hepatic insulin resistance in young female offspring [Meeting Abstract]

Heo, Hye; Slomko, Howard; Karakash, Scarlett; Delahaye, Fabien; Zhao, Yongmei; Huffman, Derek; Barzilai, Nir; Einstein, Francine
ISSN: 0002-9378
CID: 2635292

Hyperphagia, First Manifestation of In Utero Exposure to Maternal Western Diet, Is Delayed in Female Offspring. [Meeting Abstract]

Heo, Hye J; Baritz, Jake; Karakash, Scarlett; Zhao, Yongmei; Huffman, Derek; Barzilai, Nir; Einstein, Francine H
ISSN: 1933-7191
CID: 2635282

Cerclage height correlates with risk of preterm delivery in patients with ultrasound-indicated but not prophylactic cerclage [Meeting Abstract]

Heo, Hye; Gebb, Juliana; Rosner, Mara; Einstein, Francine; Merkatz, Irwin R; Dar, Pe'er
ISSN: 0002-9378
CID: 2634862

MicroPET Imaging in pregnancy: a novel way to visualize and quantify in vivo glucose uptake in pregnancy [Meeting Abstract]

Koba, Wade; Barzilai, Nir; Einstein, Francine; Karakash, Scarlett; Heo, Hye; Dar, Pe'er; Fine, Eugene
ISSN: 0002-9378
CID: 2635262

Metabolic alterations in visceral fat and liver contribute to persistent insulin resistance early postpartum [Meeting Abstract]

Zhao, Yongmei; Atzmon, Gil; Barzilai, Nir; Einstein, Francine; Heo, Hye; Karakash, Scarlett; Hou, Laura
ISSN: 0002-9378
CID: 2635252

Aging per se increases the susceptibility to free fatty acid-induced insulin resistance

Einstein, Francine H; Huffman, Derek M; Fishman, Sigal; Jerschow, Elina; Heo, Hye J; Atzmon, Gil; Schechter, Clyde; Barzilai, Nir; Muzumdar, Radhika H
Elevations in systemic free fatty acids (FFA) contribute to insulin resistance. To determine the effects of an acute elevation in FFA on insulin action with aging, we infused saline or intralipid (IL) during a hyperinsulinemic-euglycemic clamp in three groups of rats: young ad libitum-fed (YAL), old ad libitum-fed (OAL), and old on lifelong calorie restriction (OCR). The OCR group was included to distinguish between aging per se and age-related changes in body fat distribution. IL induced marked insulin resistance in both YAL and OCR, but the onset of insulin resistance was approximately two to three times more rapid in OCR as compared with YAL. In response to IL infusion, plasminogen-activating inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) expression was increased in subcutaneous fat from OAL animals. In visceral fat, a marked increase in PAI-1 and interleukin-6 expression was observed in OAL and OCR rats, but not YAL, in response to IL treatment. Thus, aging per se increases the inflammatory response to excess nutrients and vulnerability to FFA-induced insulin resistance with aging.
PMID: 20504893
ISSN: 1758-535x
CID: 2624892

Sonographic suspicion of macrosomia effecting mode of delivery [Meeting Abstract]

Heo, Hye J; Goffman, Dena; Lipkind, Heather; Alkalay, Avishai; Dar, Peer; Bernstein, Peter S; Dayal, Ashlesha K; Einstein, Francine H
ISSN: 0002-9378
CID: 2635242