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Familial erythroleukemia: a distinct clinical and genetic type of familial leukemias [Case Report]

Novik Y; Marino P; Makower DF; Wiernik PH
A family with erythroleukemia is presented, in which father and son were diagnosed at the same age, but 20 years apart, with almost identical clinical and morphological features of the disease. No environmental factors were identified. The karyotypic abnormalities of the bone marrow blasts in the son demonstrated 2 major clones, involving chromosomes 5 and 7, as well as 8, 13, 16 and 21. Both patients demonstrated a poor response to chemotherapy. Previously described families with erythroleukemia are reviewed with available specific karyotypic aberrations
PMID: 9713970
ISSN: 1042-8194
CID: 38014

Therapeutic effect of cyclosporine A in thrombocytopenia after myeloablative chemotherapy in acute myeloid leukaemia [Case Report]

Novik Y; Oleksowicz L; Wiernik PH
Four patients with acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML), who developed isolated thrombocytopenia after anti-leukaemic chemotherapy, were treated with cyclosporine A and showed significantly enhanced platelet recovery. All four patients demonstrated decreased bone marrow megakaryocytes without dysplastic features, absence of identifiable peripheral autoimmune platelet destruction or cytogenetic evidence of secondary myelodysplasia. The duration of response to cyclosporine A ranged from 6 days to 40 months. The mechanism of cyclosporine A-induced platelet recovery may include inhibition of negative modulators and induction of thrombopoietic cytokines mediated by bone marrow regulatory cells
PMID: 9232611
ISSN: 1357-0560
CID: 38015