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[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2018

Winter safety reminder

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714572

Innovation to publication in five simple steps

Chapter by: Ryan, Michael S; Rocha, Mary EM; Keeley, Meg G; Khidir, Amal M; Tenney-Soeiro, Rebecca; Schiller, Jocelyn; Vercio, Chad; Paul, Caroline R; Jirasevijinda, TJ; Kind, Terry
in: Better health for all patients through pediatric education by
[S.l.] : Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics, 2018
pp. 23-
CID: 4716672

The joy of using reflections in health science education

Chapter by: Idrizi, Haneme; Petershack, Jean; Paul, Caroline R; Hanson, Elizabeth R
in: Better health for all patients through pediatric education by
[S.l.] : Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics, 2018
pp. 29-
CID: 4716682

Research and scholarship collaborative

Chapter by: Paul, Caroline; Khidir, Amal; Trainor, Jennifer; Schiller, Jocelyn; Rocha, Mary; Tenney-Soeiro, Rebecca
in: Better health for all patients through pediatric education by
[S.l.] : Council on Medical Student Education in Pediatrics, 2018
pp. 13-
CID: 4716662

[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2017

6 flu myths

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714582

Teaching the pediatric ear exam and diagnosis of Acute Otitis Media: a teaching and assessment model in three groups

Paul, Caroline R; Gjerde, Craig L; McIntosh, Gwen; Weber, Lori S
BACKGROUND:The serious consequences of inaccurate diagnosis of acute otitis media have led to a call for greater education to develop proficient pediatric otoscopy skills. Despite the clinical and educational needs, peer-reviewed standardized curricula with validated assessment instruments remain limited. This study evaluated a pediatric otoscopy curriculum incorporated into the Pediatric medical student clerkship with use of outcome measures that included assessment of skills with real patients. The objective was to determine whether students who received the intervention would demonstrate significant gains in pediatric otoscopy skills when compared with students with only routine immersion learning exposure. METHODS:During their Pediatric clerkship, an intervention group (IG) of 100 medical students received routine instruction and a curriculum intervention. A non-intervention group (NIG) of 30 students received only routine instruction. Outcome measures included written tests and assessment of skills with real patients. A retention group (RG) consisted of 79 students in the IG who completed a written test at the end of medical school. Paired t-tests were used to compare differences in pre-intervention, post-intervention, and retention scores for the IG, NIG, and RG, while analysis of covariance tests were used to compare differences in scores between the IG and NIG. RESULTS:Pre-intervention scores were similar for the IG and NIG for the written test (mean/SD of 12.9/2.9 for IG and 12.9/1.8 for NIG, p = 0.78) and skills checklist (mean/SD of 11.1/4.4 for IG and 10.9/4.0 for NIG, p = 0.88). The IG had significantly higher post-intervention scores than the NIG for the written test (mean/SD of 22.6/1.7 for IG and 13.9/2.5 for NIG, p < 0.001) and skills checklist (mean/SD of 19.2/3.4 for IG and 11.0/3.8 for NIG, p < 0.001). The IG also had significantly higher gain in scores than the NIG for the written test (mean/SD +9.6/2.8 for IG and +1.0/2.3 for NIG, p < 0.001) and skills checklist (mean/SD of +8.1/4.8 for IG and +0.1/4.5 for NIG, p < 0.001). For the RG, there was a significant decrease (p < 0.001) from the post-intervention scores to retention scores (mean/SD of -7.4/2.7) but a significant increase (p < 0.001) from the pre-intervention score to retention score (mean + 2.6/3.3). CONCLUSIONS:Medical students who received a formal curriculum intervention demonstrated significant gains in pediatric otoscopy skills when compared with students with only routine immersion learning exposure. However, learning gains diminished over time, emphasizing the need for continued practice opportunities to reinforce students' skills. Our study provides a formal curriculum to meet identified educational gaps in the important topic of pediatric otoscopy and offers a model for teaching of other clinical skills using rigorous outcome measures including assessment of skills in real patients.
PMID: 28851343
ISSN: 1472-6920
CID: 4631262

Recruiting and Retaining Community-Based Preceptors: A Multicenter Qualitative Action Study of Pediatric Preceptors

Beck Dallaghan, Gary L; Alerte, Anton M; Ryan, Michael S; Patterson, Patricia B; Petershack, Jean; Christy, Cynthia; Mills, William A; Paul, Caroline R; Peltier, Chris; Stamos, Julie K; Tenney-Soeiro, Rebecca; Vercio, Chad
PURPOSE:The recruitment and retention of community preceptors to teach medical students is difficult. The authors sought to characterize the underlying motivational factors for becoming a preceptor and to identify strategies for recruiting and retaining community-based pediatric preceptors. METHOD:This multicenter qualitative action study included semistructured interviews with community-based pediatric preceptors affiliated with 12 institutions from August to December 2015. Only active preceptors were included, and participating institutions were diverse with respect to geographic location and class size. Interviews were conducted over the telephone and transcribed verbatim. Six investigators used deidentified transcripts to develop a codebook. Through a constant comparative method, codes were revised as data were analyzed and disagreements were resolved through discussion. All investigators organized the themes into dimensions. RESULTS:Fifty-one preceptors were interviewed. Forty-one themes coalesced into four dimensions: (1) least liked aspects of teaching, (2) preparation to teach, (3) inspiration to teach, and (4) ways to improve recruitment and retention. Time constraints and patient care demands were the most commonly cited deterrents to teaching. Successful preceptors balanced their clinical demands with their desire to teach using creative scheduling. External rewards (e.g., recognition, continuing medical education credit) served as incentives. Internal motivation inspired participants to share their enthusiasm for pediatrics and to develop longitudinal relationships with their learners. CONCLUSIONS:Changes in health care delivery have imposed more time constraints on community-based preceptors. However, this study identified underlying factors motivating physicians to volunteer as preceptors. Strategies to recruit new and retain current preceptors must be collaborative.
PMID: 28353497
ISSN: 1938-808x
CID: 4631252

[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2017

Parent-to-parent peer pressure

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714602

[Madison WI : Univ. of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health], 2017

Parent-to-parent peer pressure

Paul, Caroline R
CID: 4714592

Accelerating Medical Education Scholarship: From Idea to Publication

Chapter by: Abramson, Erika; Paul, Caroline; et al
in: Pediatric Academic Societies meeting by
[S.l. : s.n.], 2017
pp. ?-?
CID: 4739802