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THE UNREAL WORLD; 'Carnage' brings out the bully factor [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Carnage [Motion Picture] -- The reality Though the film identifies Zachary as the bully, Ethan has also engaged in bullying behavior by helping to initiate and escalate -- rather than resolve -- their conflict, says Jaana Juvonen, a professor of developmental psychology and bullying expert at UCLA.
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 167363

E. coli and the Fear Factor; The latest outbreak of the disease can be deadly but that's no reason to panic. [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Nervous attempts to treat it with antibiotics are problematic for two reasons: first, because they often suppress benign bacteria in the gut, thus allowing this E. coli to overgrow and flourish; second because if the E. coli is actually killed by the antibiotic, it releases the toxin and leads to the very complications that doctors are trying to avoid.
ISSN: 0099-9660
CID: 133919

MEDICINE; THE UNREAL WORLD; Case reads like a medical index; The TV show delves into gout, genetics, thalassemia and even Munchausen by proxy. [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
According to Jenny, it is often hard for a physician to realize that a parent may be lying about a child's symptoms or treatment.
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 133920

THE UNREAL WORLD; Children tracking donor dads [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Donor sperm is frequently screened for common genetic mutations that can cause serious diseases, such as sickle cell anemia, Tay-Sachs disease and cystic fibrosis, Schlegel says.
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 133921

MEDICINE; THE UNREAL WORLD; Doctor takes risk with drug trial tampering [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
According to Grill, proper randomization of patients and making sure they don't know whether they got the drug or the placebo are crucial to preventing bias.
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 133922

UNREAL WORLD; Nurse sees true drama [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Nurse Jackie [Television Program] -- How does being trapped under a heavy pile of books lead to organ failure and death? -- The reality Addictions to opioid painkillers, such as morphine and Percocet (Jackie's main drug), do get worse over time, says Jim Adams, associate professor of pharmacology at USC
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 133923

MEDICINE; THE UNREAL WORLD; Soap opera plot doesn't quite wash [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Is it plausible for a patient with bilateral kidney cancer to receive a kidney? -- The reality Emergency decompression of the brain -- known as decompressive craniectomy -- is not uncommon after traumatic brain injury; the procedure was used to treat Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) after she was shot in the head in January, for example.
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 133924

CRISIS IN JAPAN; IN PRACTICE; Easing fear of radiation with facts [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Potassium iodide pills work because they fill the thyroid gland with a safer form of iodine, thus helping prevent the uptake of any radioactive iodine that might be encountered
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 133925

THE UNREAL WORLD; A realistic donor story [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
[...] the couple remains together as Joni goes to college and Paul resumes bachelor life. --
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 133926

MEDICINE; THE UNREAL WORLD; A fuzzy grasp of the facts about eye disease [Newspaper Article]

Siegel, Marc
Accidentally in Love [Television Program] -- Because it's not a life-threatening case, the foundation puts her on a three- to five-year waiting list. The illness presented in the movie looks a lot more like a family of inherited conditions known as retinitis pigmentosa, says Dr. Steven Schwartz, professor of ophthalmology and chief of the retina division at UCLA
ISSN: 0458-3035
CID: 133927