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Coordinated development of the mouse extrahepatic bile duct: implications for neonatal susceptibility to biliary injury
Khandekar, Gauri; Llewellyn, Jessica; Kriegermeier, Alyssa; Waisbourd-Zinman, Orith; Johnson, Nicolette; Du, Yu; Giwa, Roquibat; Liu, Xiao; Kisseleva, Tatiana; Russo, Pierre A; Theise, Neil D; Wells, Rebecca G
BACKGROUND & AIMS/OBJECTIVE:The extrahepatic bile duct is the primary tissue initially affected by the cholangiopathy biliary atresia. Biliary atresia affects neonates exclusively and current animal models suggest that the developing bile duct is uniquely susceptible to damage. In this study, we aimed to define the anatomical and functional differences between the neonatal and adult mouse extrahepatic bile ducts. METHODS:We studied mouse passaged cholangiocytes, mouse BALB/c neonatal and adult primary cholangiocytes and isolated extrahepatic bile ducts, and a collagen reporter mouse. Methods included transmission electron microscopy, lectin staining, immunostaining, rhodamine uptake assays, bile acid toxicity assays, and in vitro modeling of the matrix. RESULTS:The cholangiocyte monolayer of the neonatal extrahepatic bile duct was immature, lacking the uniform apical glycocalyx and mature cell-cell junctions typical of adult cholangiocytes. Functional studies showed that the glycocalyx protected against bile acid injury and that neonatal cholangiocyte monolayers were more permeable than adult monolayers. In adult ducts, the submucosal space was filled with collagen I, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and proteoglycans. In contrast, the neonatal submucosa had little collagen I and elastin, although both increased rapidly after birth. In vitro modeling of the matrix suggested that the composition of the neonatal submucosa relative to the adult submucosa led to increased diffusion of bile. A Col-GFP reporter mouse showed that cells in the neonatal but not adult submucosa were actively producing collagen. CONCLUSION/CONCLUSIONS:We identified four key differences between the neonatal and adult extrahepatic bile duct. We showed that these features may have functional implications, suggesting the neonatal extrahepatic bile ducts are particularly susceptible to injury and fibrosis. LAY SUMMARY/UNASSIGNED:Biliary atresia is a disease that affects newborns and is characterized by extrahepatic bile duct injury and obstruction with resulting liver injury. We identify four key differences between the epithelial and submucosal layers of the neonatal and adult extrahepatic bile duct and show that these may render the neonatal duct particularly susceptible to injury.
PMID: 31562906
ISSN: 1600-0641
CID: 4105772
Dynamic Changes in the Portal Tract Interstitium (Space of Mall) in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and Chronic Hepatitis C [Meeting Abstract]
Chang, Qing; Ahmed, Sunjida; Zeck, Briana; Drohan, Lilly; Li, Xiaodong; Cenaj, Odise; Cao, Wenqing; Theise, Neil
ISSN: 0023-6837
CID: 4507742
Dynamic Changes in the Portal Tract Interstitium (Space of Mall) in Primary Sclerosing Cholangitis and Chronic Hepatitis C [Meeting Abstract]
Chang, Qing; Ahmed, Sunjida; Zeck, Briana; Drohan, Lilly; Li, Xiaodong; Cenaj, Odise; Cao, Wenqing; Theise, Neil
ISSN: 0893-3952
CID: 4507752
Continuity of Interstitial Spaces within Skin and Colon and with Their Underlying Fascia: Pathways for Spread of Malignancy and Infection [Meeting Abstract]
Cenaj, Odise; Allison, Douglas; Zeck, Briana; Drohan, Lilly; Chiriboga, Luis; Park, Young Nyun; Theise, Neil
ISSN: 0023-6837
CID: 5525572
Microscopes and mystics: A response to Stuart Kauffman's call to "re-enchantment"
Chapter by: Theise, Neil D
in: Awakening: Exploring spirituality, emergent creativity, and reconciliation by Redekop, Vern Neufeld [Ed]; Redekop, Gloria Neufeld [Ed]
Lanham, MD, US: Lexington Books/Rowman & Littlefield, 2020
pp. 49-64
ISBN: 978-1-4985-9309-0
CID: 4883372
Continuity of Interstitial Spaces within Skin and Colon and with Their Underlying Fascia: Pathways for Spread of Malignancy and Infection [Meeting Abstract]
Cenaj, Odise; Allison, Douglas; Zeck, Briana; Drohan, Lilly; Chiriboga, Luis; Park, Young Nyun; Theise, Neil
ISSN: 0893-3952
CID: 5525582
Undifferentiated Embryonal Sarcoma of the Liver: a Great Masquerader
Sy, Alexander M; Whitsett, Maureen; Li, Xiaodong; Theise, Neil D; Dagher, Nabil N; Olsen, Sonja
PMID: 30714072
ISSN: 1941-6636
CID: 3631912
Invasive Ductular Reaction Operates Hepatobiliary Junctions upon Hepatocellular Injury in Rodents and Humans
Clerbaux, Laure-Alix; Manco, Rita; Van Hul, NoƩmi; Bouzin, Caroline; Sciarra, Amedeo; Sempoux, Christine; Theise, Neil D; Leclercq, Isabelle A
Ductular reaction (DR) is observed in virtually all liver diseases in both humans and rodents. Depending on the injury, DR is confined within the periportal area or invades the parenchyma. On severe hepatocellular injury, invasive DR has been proposed to arise for supplying the liver with new hepatocytes. However, experimental data evidenced that DR contribution to hepatocyte repopulation is at the most modest, unless replicative capacity of hepatocytes is abrogated. Herein, we proposed that invasive DR could contribute to operating hepatobiliary junctions on hepatocellular injury. We used the choline-deficient ethionine-supplemented mouse model of hepatocellular injury and human liver samples to evaluate the hepatobiliary junctional role of the invasive form of DR. We showed that choline-deficient ethionine-supplemented-induced DR expanded as biliary epithelium into the lobule and established new junctions with the canaliculi. By contrast, no new ductular-canalicular junctions were observed in mouse models of biliary obstructive injury exhibiting noninvasive DR. Similarly, in humans, an increased number of hepatobiliary junctions were observed in hepatocellular diseases (viral, drug induced, or metabolic) in which DR invaded the lobule but not in biliary diseases (obstruction or cholangitis) in which DR was contained within the portal mesenchyme. In conclusion, our data in rodents and humans support that invasive DR plays a hepatobiliary junctional role to maintain structural continuity between hepatocytes and ducts in disorders affecting hepatocytes.
PMID: 31108103
ISSN: 1525-2191
CID: 3935912
Histology of portal vascular changes associated with idiopathic non-cirrhotic portal hypertension: nomenclature and definition
Guido, Maria; Alves, Venancio Af; Balabaud, Charles; Bathal, Prithi S; Bioulac-Sage, Paulette; Colombari, Romano; Crawford, James M; Dhillon, Amar P; Ferrell, Linda D; Gill, Ryan M; Hytiroglou, Prodromos; Nakanuma, Yasuni; Paradis, Valerie; Quaglia, Alberto; Rautou, Pierre E; Theise, Neil D; Thung, Swan; Tsui, Wilson Ms; Sempoux, Christine; Snover, Dale; van Leuwen, Dirk J
Idiopathic non-cirrhotic portal hypertension (INCPH) is a rare vascular liver disease that has attained a new interest in recent years. It is characterized by clinical signs of portal hypertension in the absence of cirrhosis or severe fibrosis and any known cause of portal hypertension. Since much uncertainty exists about INCPH pathophysiology and no definite diagnostic tests are available, liver biopsy is an essential tool to achieve a definite diagnosis. Unfortunately, the histological diagnosis of INCPH is not always straightforward, since the characteristic lesions are unevenly distributed, vary greatly in their severity and are often very subtle, and not all are necessarily present in a single case. Furthermore, specifically for the characteristic portal vessel changes observed in INCPH, the terminology and definition is ambiguous, which adds complexity to the already complex clinical-pathological scenario. An international study group of liver pathologists and hepatologists pursued a consensus on nomenclature for the portal vascular lesions of INCPH. Such standardization may assist pathologists in the recognition of such lesions and will possibly facilitate further advancement in this field.
PMID: 30129657
ISSN: 1365-2559
CID: 3246352
Co-Expression of Keratin 19 and Mesenchymal Markers for Evaluation of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Stem Cell Niche Components in Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) [Meeting Abstract]
Paulsen, John; Zeck, Briana; Chiriboga, Luis; Sun, Katherine; Theise, Neil
ISSN: 0023-6837
CID: 4047732