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Clinical and angiographic outcome in patients with completely occluded intracranial aneurysms by endovascular coiling: our experience
Xavier, Andrew R; Abdelbaky, Abdelaal; Rayes, Mahmoud; Tiwari, Ambooj; Narayanan, Sandra
OBJECTIVE: There are limited data about the rate of recanalization following complete coil occlusion. Long term clinical and angiographic outcome of completely occluded intracranial aneurysms (IAs) by the endovascular approach are presented. METHODS: Over the course of 4 years, patients with IAs which were completely occluded by coiling at our institution were reviewed. Clinical and angiographic data were analyzed. The patients were clinically assessed using the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS). Follow-up angiographic findings were categorized as: stable aneurysm with no recanalization, recanalization with a neck remnant and recanalization with a body remnant. RESULTS: 83 aneurysms were identified in 74 patients (15 men and 59 women, average age 52.4 years) with complete occlusion post intervention. Treatment by coiling only was used in 73 aneurysms while stent assisted coiling was used in 10 cases. At the last angiographic follow-up (mean 16.3 months), 20 of the 83 aneurysms demonstrated various degrees of recanalization of which five had neck remnants and 15 had body remnants. The recanalization rate was significantly higher in large aneurysms (57%) compared with small aneurysms (14%). Clinically, 65 of the 74 patients showed good recovery (GOS score 5), eight had moderate disability (GOS score 4) and one was severely disabled (GOS score 3). CONCLUSION: Complete endovascular occlusion of IA is certainly effective in preventing aneurysmal bleeding. However, recanalization rate, despite being lower when compared with subtotal occlusion, remains an issue. Longer follow-up is required.
PMID: 21990435
ISSN: 1759-8486
CID: 2109012
Comparative Temporal Analysis of Endovascular Intervention for Acute Ischemic Stroke with and without General Anesthesia [Meeting Abstract]
Tiwari, Ambooj; Majjhoo, Aniel; Rayes, Mahmoud; Kansara, Amit; Xavier, Andrew; Narayanan, Sandra
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 2109642
Carotid Endarterectomy in Normal and High Surgical Risk Patients: A Study of Regional Variation [Meeting Abstract]
Kansara, Amit; Damani, Rahul; Mohamed, Wazim; Rayes, Mahmoud; Tiwari, Ambooj; Chaturvedi, Seemant
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 2109612
Clinical and Angiographic Outcome in Patients with Completely Occluded Intracranial Aneurysms by Endovascular Treatment [Meeting Abstract]
Rayes, Mahmoud; Abdelbaky, Abdelaal; Tiwari, Ambooj; Narayanan, Sandra
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 2109602
Safety of Endovascular Intervention for Acute Ischemic Stroke without General Anesthesia [Meeting Abstract]
Tiwari, Ambooj; Majjhoo, Aniel; Rayes, Mahmoud; Kansara, Amit; Xavier, Andrew; Narayanan, Sandra
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 2109592
Long Term Clinical Outcome of Patients Undergoing Intracranial Stent in the Setting of Acute Ischemic Stroke [Meeting Abstract]
Tiwari, Ambooj; Kansara, Amit; Pandey, Paritosh; Chaturvedi, Seemant; Xavier, Andrew R
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 2109542
Safety of Stent-supported Revascularization in the Setting of Acutely Symptomatic/Unstable Intracranial Atherovascular Disease (ICAD) [Meeting Abstract]
Tiwari, Ambooj; Kansara, Amit; Rayes, Mahmoud; Pandey, Paritosh; Xavier, Andrew
ISSN: 0039-2499
CID: 2109632
Exploratory Analysis of Time Delays in Administrating Endovascular Therapy for Acute Ischemic Stroke [Meeting Abstract]
Kansara, Amit; Tiwari, Ambooj; Narayanan, Sandra; Xavier, Andrew
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 2109552
Safety and Feasibility of Intracranial Stenting for Acute Ischemic Stroke beyond 8 Hours of Symptom Onset [Meeting Abstract]
Tiwari, Ambooj; Purai, Natasha; Kansara, Amit; Xavier, Andrew R
ISSN: 0028-3878
CID: 2109562
Safety of Stent-supported Intracranial Recanalization in the setting of Acute Cerebrovascular Occlusions [Meeting Abstract]
Tiwari, Ambooj; Pandey, Paritosh; Kansara, Amit; Rayes, Mahmoud; Xavier, Andrew
ISSN: 0039-2499
CID: 2109572