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Hemiarthroplasty for cuff tear arthropathy [In Process Citation]

Zuckerman JD; Scott AJ; Gallagher MA
A retrospective review was conducted on 15 cases of shoulder hemiarthroplasty performed for cuff tear arthropathy. All cases had advanced glenohumeral arthritis with complete supraspinatus and infraspinatus rupture and substantial involvement of the teres minor and subscapularis. The mean patient age was 73 years; the mean follow-up was 28.2 months. Range of motion, functional ability, pain relief, and overall patient satisfaction were assessed preoperatively and postoperatively. The average active forward elevation increased from 69 degrees to 86 degrees, and the average active external rotation increased from 15 degrees to 29 degrees. Thirteen patients had an increase in their ability to perform activities of daily living, 1 patient was unchanged, and 1 patient had a decrease in ability to perform activities of daily living. Pain relief was significantly improved in all but 1 patient. Eleven patients (13 of 15 shoulders, 87%) expressed an overall satisfaction with their surgery. Patients were assessed preoperatively and postoperatively through use of the UCLA Rating Scale; the average increase was 11 to 22 points. In addition, isokinetic strength testing was performed preoperatively and postoperatively on 6 of the 15 involved shoulders. An increase in peak torque in forward elevation, abduction, and external rotation was noted postoperatively. The findings of this study indicate that favorable clinical results can be obtained after hemiarthroplasty of the shoulder with associated massive rotator cuff deficiency
PMID: 10888158
ISSN: 1058-2746
CID: 11606

The predictive value of indium-111 leukocyte scans in the diagnosis of infected total hip, knee, or resection arthroplasties

Scher DM; Pak K; Lonner JH; Finkel JE; Zuckerman JD; Di Cesare PE
To evaluate the usefulness of the indium-111 scan in detecting actually or potentially infected total hip, knee, and resection arthroplasties, 153 scans were performed on 143 patients who underwent reoperation for a loose or painful total joint arthroplasty or a resection arthroplasty between 1990 and 1996. Scans were interpreted as infected, not infected, or equivocal by an experienced nuclear medicine radiologist. Patients were considered to be infected if they met any 2 of the following criteria: i) positive intraoperative cultures, ii) final permanent histologic section indicating acute inflammation, and iii) intraoperative findings of gross purulence within the joint. Twenty-six patients (17%) met the infection criteria at the time of reoperation. Indium scans were found to have a 77% sensitivity, 86% specificity, 54% and 95% positive and negative predictive values, and 84% accuracy for the prediction of infection. Of 6 equivocal scans, none were infected. The results of this study suggest limited indications for the use of the indium-111 scan in the evaluation of painful hip, knee, or resection arthroplasties. A negative indium scan may be helpful in suggesting the absence of infection in cases in which the diagnosis is not otherwise evident
PMID: 10794224
ISSN: 0883-5403
CID: 38889

Hip arthroplasty with a collared straight cobalt-chrome femoral stem using second-generation cementing technique: a 10-year-average follow-up study

Kale AA; Della Valle CJ; Frankel VH; Stuchin SA; Zuckerman JD; Di Cesare PE
Clinical and radiographic results of 116 patients who had undergone 132 hip arthroplasties at our institution from 1983 to 1988 with a collared cemented straight cobalt-chrome femoral stem using second-generation cementing technique were reviewed. Twenty hips in 20 patients who were part of the original cohort were lost to follow-up. Mean age at the time of surgery was 68.2 years. Mean radiographic follow-up was 9.6 years with a minimum follow-up of 5 years. Ten-year survivorship of the component was 96.5% with revision considered as an endpoint and 94.2% with either revision or radiographic loosening considered the endpoint. Three implants (2.3%) were revised for aseptic loosening at a mean of 8.1 years after implantation. One implant (0.8%) was revised for septic loosening at 10.5 years after surgery. Of the implants not revised, 1 showed evidence of circumferential bone-cement radiolucencies, and 1 had radiolucencies at the implant-cement interface. Five of the surviving femoral components (5.0%) showed focal areas of cystic osteolysis, and proximal femoral bone resorption under the collar was seen in 32 patients (31.7%). There were no cases of cement fracture or stem subsidence. The biomechanical and material properties of this stem combined with second-generation cementing technique look promising for long-term survivorship
PMID: 10708084
ISSN: 0883-5403
CID: 44564

Superior labrum anterior-posterior lesions: diagnosis with MR arthrography of the shoulder

Bencardino JT; Beltran J; Rosenberg ZS; Rokito A; Schmahmann S; Mota J; Mellado JM; Zuckerman J; Cuomo F; Rose D
PURPOSE: To determine the accuracy of magnetic resonance (MR) arthrography in the diagnosis of superior labrum anterior-posterior (SLAP) lesions of the shoulder. MATERIALS AND METHODS: From January 1995 to June 1998, MR arthrography of the shoulder was performed in 159 patients with a history of chronic shoulder pain or instability. Fifty-two patients underwent arthroscopy or open surgery 12 days to 5 months after MR arthrography. Diagnostic criteria for SLAP lesion included marked fraying of the articular aspect of the labrum, biceps anchor avulsion, inferiorly displaced bucket handle fragment, and extension of the tear into the biceps tendon fibers. Surgical findings were correlated with those from MR arthrography. RESULTS: SLAP injuries were diagnosed at surgery in 19 of the 52 patients (37%). Six of the 19 lesions (32%) were classified as type I, nine (47%) as type II, one (5%) as type III, and three (16%) as type IV. MR arthrography had a sensitivity of 89% (17 of 19 patients), a specificity of 91% (30 of 33 patients), and an accuracy of 90% (47 of 52 patients). The MR arthrographic classification showed correlation with the arthroscopic or surgical classification in 13 of 17 patients (76%) in whom SLAP lesions were diagnosed at MR arthrography. CONCLUSION: MR arthrography is a useful and accurate technique in the diagnosis of SLAP lesions of the shoulder. MR arthrography provides pertinent preoperative information with regard to the exact location of tears and grade of involvement of the biceps tendon
PMID: 10644135
ISSN: 0033-8419
CID: 27850

A functional recovery score for elderly hip fracture patients: II. Validity and reliability

Zuckerman JD; Koval KJ; Aharonoff GB; Skovron ML
OBJECTIVE: To assess predictive and discriminant validity and responsiveness of the Functional Recovery Score, a disease-specific health assessment tool. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective, consecutive. METHODS: Six hundred eighty-two elderly patients who sustained a hip fracture were prospectively followed and evaluated by using the Functional Recovery Score at three, six, and twelve months after surgery RESULTS: The Functional Recovery Score (FRS) was found to be responsive to change: scores after hip fracture were significantly lower at three months than prefracture, increased significantly from three to six months, and increased slightly between six and twelve months after fracture, consistent with expectation. The FRS had predictive validity: prefracture scores were predictive of death, skilled nursing facility transfer, and rehospitalization within one year of fracture. In addition, the FRS had discriminant validity. Mean scores for the following groups were significantly different from each other at three and six months: (a) patients who were alive, living in the community, and did not require rehospitalization; (b) those who were admitted to a skilled nursing facility; and (c) those who were rehospitalized. Comparison of the FRS with a sex- and age-matched non-hip-fracture population indicated that hip fracture resulted in a 20 percent loss of function within the first year. Reliability testing of telephone interviews of patients as a means of obtaining information indicated very high reliability. CONCLUSION: The Functional Recovery Score is a reliable method of assessing functional outcome for elderly hip fracture patients
PMID: 10630799
ISSN: 0890-5339
CID: 44565

A functional recovery score for elderly hip fracture patients: I. Development

Zuckerman JD; Koval KJ; Aharonoff GB; Hiebert R; Skovron ML
OBJECTIVE: To develop a Functional Recovery Score for ambulatory elderly hip fracture patients related to independent functioning to assess restoration of function to prefracture status. STUDY DESIGN/METHODS: The phases of this effort consisted of: (a) identification of five relevant components represented by sixteen specific functional capacities; (b) assessment of the importance independent community-dwelling elderly gave to the sixteen functional capacities; (c) pilot testing of a sixteen-item preliminary questionnaire in recovering elderly hip fracture patients; and (d) modification of the questionnaire to an eleven-item score. RESULTS: The resulting eleven-item Functional Recovery Score is comprised of three main components: basic activities of daily living (BADL) assessed by four items, instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) assessed by six items, and mobility assessed by one item. Basic activities of daily living comprise 44 percent of the score; instrumental activities of daily living comprise 23 percent, and mobility comprises 33 percent. Complete independence in basic and instrumental activities of daily living and mobility results in a score of 100 percent
PMID: 10630798
ISSN: 0890-5339
CID: 44566

Complications of treatment of complete acromioclavicular joint dislocations

Guttmann D; Paksima NE; Zuckerman JD
PMID: 10829192
ISSN: 0065-6895
CID: 22627

Hip fractures : a practical guide to management

Koval, Kenneth J.; Zuckerman, Joseph D. (Joseph David)
New York : Springer, c2000
Extent: xiv, 330 p. : ill. ; 29 cm
ISBN: 0387983872
CID: 708

Dislocations of the sternoclavicular joint

Dennis MG; Kummer FJ; Zuckerman JD
The effects of the anterior and posterior sternoclavicular joint (SCJ) soft tissue structures on joint dislocation strength by sequential sectioning the ligaments and capsule of twenty-eight SCJs were evaluated. The medial clavicle of each specimen was initially loaded in the anterior and posterior directions to provide control values for joint laxity. The anterior or posterior ligaments and capsular structures of the SCJs were then selectively cut and the specimens retested for laxity and then loaded to failure simulating either anterior or posterior dislocation. Testing of intact specimens showed that the posterior ligaments were stiffer than other structures in that it was significantly more difficult to posteriorly displace the SCJ than in any other direction and that the capsule was the important anterior structure affecting joint laxity. Load-to-failure testing showed that it required 50% more force to create a failure by posterior dislocation than by anterior dislocation. The results of this study explain the clinical rarity of posterior sternoclavicular joint dislocations
PMID: 11126718
ISSN: 0018-5647
CID: 44558

The effects of diabetes on outcome after hip fracture

Dubey A; Aharonoff GB; Zuckerman JD; Koval KJ
Recent studies have suggested that patients with a history of diabetes undergoing hip fracture stabilization have higher rates of morbidity and mortality as well as poorer functional results than control groups of non-diabetics. This study was performed to evaluate the effect of diabetes on patient outcome after hip fracture. Between July 1987 and December 1996, 849 community dwelling elderly who sustained an operatively treated hip fracture were prospectively followed to determine the effect of diabetes on patient outcome. The predictor variable was the presence or absence of diabetes mellitus. Ninety-three patients (11%) had a history of diabetes. Diabetic patients were more dependent in activities of daily living and ambulation prior to hip fracture. The presence of diabetes mellitus also increased the likelihood of a patient dying during hospitalization, but had no effect on recovery of ambulatory ability or activities of daily living. Although diabetic patients have increased in-hospital mortality when compared to non-diabetic patients, patients with diabetes are just as likely to recover pre-fracture functional status as non-diabetic patients
PMID: 10983258
ISSN: 0018-5647
CID: 44560